50 Advanced Excel Exam Questions and Answers - ExcelDemy (2024)

In this article, you will find advanced Excel exam questions and answers to test your skills. Most of the questions are very basic. As a result, anyone with a basic understanding of Excel will be able to answer the questions. These questions will be helpful for job and academic examinations. Moreover, you should know the following: introduction to Excel VBA, enable the Developer tab, the basics of an Excel spreadsheet, use of the PivotTable, application of Data Validation, use of the Slicers, utilization of the PivotTable Timeline feature, use of the Excel Filter feature, use of the Excel Chart options, utilization of the Trendline feature, the Name Range, custom format cells, understanding of the Sparkline, application of cell border, application of the AGGREGATE, AVERAGE, FIND, IFERROR, SUM, SUMIFS, VLOOKUP, LOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions to solve them. You should use at least Excel 2019 to solve the problems without any issues.

Here is the overview of the top 50 advanced Excel exam questions and answers.

50 Advanced Excel Exam Questions and Answers - ExcelDemy (1)

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You can download the Excel file from the following link.

Advanced MCQs for Exam.xlsx

Problem Overview

The Excel file contains fifty advanced Excel exam questions and their corresponding answers. The questions are provided in the “Problem” sheet. Additionally, the answers are highlighted in the “Solution” sheet. We can see a snapshot of the sample dataset for this article below. This dataset represents the data for twenty employees of a particular company. You can practice the correct answers of the MCQ on the dataset. You can provide your answer (by typing or selecting from the dropdown list) in the “I” column. If it is correct, you will get a green check mark in the “J” column.

50 Advanced Excel Exam Questions and Answers - ExcelDemy (2)

Now, let’s go through the Excel multiple-choice questions. You can provide your answers either by typing or using the dropdown list in the Excel file containing the advanced exam questions and answers.

  • Q1. In Excel, what shortcut key is used to add a new worksheet?
    • (a) Ctrl+F11
    • (b) Alt+F11
    • (c) Shift+F11
    • (d) Shift+Alt+F11
  • Q2. In Excel, what is the function for adding a group of cells?
    • (a) ADD
    • (b) SUM
    • (c) SUMA
    • (d) SUMS
  • Q3. Which of the following options is NOT a kind of pivot table?
    • (a) Standard pivot table
    • (b) Pivot chart
    • (c) Timeline pivot table
    • (d) Slicer pivot table
  • Q4. Which of the following is NOT an Excel filtering method?
    • (a) AutoFilter
    • (b) Advanced Filter
    • (c) Slicer
    • (d) Data validation
  • Q5. Which of the following is NOT a type of data connection in Excel?
    • (a) OLE DB connection
    • (b) ODBC connection
    • (c) HTTPS connection
    • (d) Text file connection
  • Q6. Which of the following is NOT a type of reference in Excel?
    • (a) Absolute reference
    • (b) Unique reference
    • (c) Relative reference
    • (d) External reference
  • Q7. Which of the following is NOT a type of chart in Excel?
    • (a) Line chart
    • (b) Column chart
    • (c) Pie chart
    • (d) Open Matrix chart
  • Q8. In Excel, how do you add a trendline to a chart?
    • (a) Right-click the chart and select “Add Trendline”
    • (b) Click the “Chart Tools” tab and click the “Trendline” button
    • (c) Click the “Insert” tab and click the “Trendline” button
    • (d) Click the “Data” tab and click the “Trendline” button
  • Q9. How can you use Excel to filter a table based on cell values?
    • (a) Click the “Data” tab and click the “Filter” button
    • (b) Click the “Home” tab and click the “Filter” button
    • (c) Right-click the table and select “Filter”
    • (d) Press Ctrl + Shift + L
  • Q10. Keyboard shortcut to merge and center a selection of cells in Excel –
    • (a) Ctrl+M
    • (b) Ctrl+Shift+M
    • (c) Ctrl+C
    • (d) Alt+H+M+C
  • Q11. A Function to look up a value in a table in Excel is –
    • (a) =VLOOKUP(value, table, column)
    • (b) =HLOOKUP(value, table, row)
    • (c) =LOOKUP(value, table)
    • (d) =FIND(value, table)
  • Q12. In VBA, a Subroutine is –
    • (a) A set of instructions that can be used multiple times in a program
    • (b) A loop that continues until a condition is met
    • (c) A conditional statement
    • (d) None of the above
  • Q13. How do you find the average of a range of cells in Excel?
    • (a) =AVG(range)
    • (b) =MEAN(range)
    • (c) =SUM(range)/COUNT(range)
    • (d) =AVERAGE(range)
  • Q14. How can you add a comment to a cell in Excel?
    • (a) Right-click on the cell and select “Insert Comment”
    • (b) Go to the “Review” tab and select “New Comment”
    • (c) Both A and B
    • (d) None of the above
  • Q15. The function of the IFERROR function is –
    • (a) It returns a value if a cell contains an error
    • (b) It hides errors in a cell
    • (c) It replaces errors in a cell with a specified value
    • (d) It displays a custom error message in a cell
  • Q16. The VLOOKUP function in Excel is –
    • (a) It searches for a value in the leftmost column of a table and returns a value from the same row in a specified column
    • (b) It searches for a value in a specified column of a table and returns a value from the same row in the leftmost column
    • (c) It searches for a value in a specified row of a table and returns a value from the same column in the topmost row
    • (d) It searches for a value in the topmost row of a table and returns a value from the same column in a specified row
  • Q17. What is the keyboard shortcut to insert a new row in Excel?
    • (a) Ctrl+Shift++
    • (b) Ctrl+Shift –
    • (c) Ctrl++
    • (d) Ctrl+-
  • Q18. To create a named range in a worksheet, you should –
    • (a) Select the cells and go to Insert > Name > Define
    • (b) Select the cells and go to Formulas > Name > Define
    • (c) Select the cells and go to Data > Name > Define
    • (d) Select the cells and go to Home > Name > Define
  • Q19. Which of the following is NOT a type of data validation rule?
    • (a) Whole number
    • (b) Date
    • (c) Custom
    • (d) None of the above
  • Q20. Which of the following is NOT a way to import data into Excel?
    • (a) Import data from a text file
    • (b) Import data from a database
    • (c) Import data from a web page
    • (d) Import data from a scanner
  • Q21. How do you insert a hyperlink in Excel?
    • (a) Right-click the cell and select “Insert Hyperlink”
    • (b) Click the “Insert” tab and click the “Hyperlink” button
    • (c) Press Ctrl+K
    • (d) Press Ctrl+Shift+K
  • Q22. In VBA, how do you make a new subroutine?
    • (a) Go to the Insert tab and click on the Subroutine button
    • (b) Go to the Developer tab and click on the Subroutine button
    • (c) Right-click on the VBA editor and select Insert > Subroutine
    • (d) None of the above
  • Q23. There x number of functions inside the AGGREGATE Function, here the value of x is –
    • (a) 17
    • (b) 18
    • (c) 19
    • (d) 21
  • Q24. The last column in Excel is –
    • (a) XFA
    • (b) XFB
    • (c) XFC
    • (d) XFD
  • Q25. In Excel, how do you quickly eliminate duplicates from a list of data?
    • (a) Use the Remove Duplicates button on the Data tab
    • (b) Use the Unique function
    • (c) Use the Dedupe function
    • (d) Use the Remove Duplicates function
  • Q26. What is an object in VBA?
    • (a) A set of instructions that can be used multiple times in a program
    • (b) A loop that continues until a condition is met
    • (c) A piece of data that can be manipulated in a program
    • (d) A physical or abstract entity that represents something in the real world
  • Q27. How do you insert a function in Excel?
    • (a) Click the “Formulas” tab and click the “Function Library” button
    • (b) Press F3
    • (c) Press Shift+F3
    • (d) Press Ctrl+Shift+F3
  • Q28. Which of the following does NOT fall under the category of an Excel formula?
    • (a) Logical formula
    • (b) Text formula
    • (c) Array formula
    • (d) Graph formula
  • Q29. How do you make a pivot table from a set of data in a worksheet?
    • (a) Data > Pivot Table
    • (b) Insert > Pivot Table
    • (c) Home > Pivot Table
    • (d) Formulas > Pivot Table
  • Q30. What is a property in VBA?
    • (a) A characteristic of an object
    • (b) A method of an object
    • (c) An event of an object
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q31. Which of the following is NOT a logical operator in Excel?
    • (a) =
    • (b) <
    • (c) AND
    • (d) >
  • Q32. Which of the following chart types CANNOT be created in Excel?
    • (a) Line chart
    • (b) Bar chart
    • (c) Pie chart
    • (d) Word cloud
  • Q33. How can you create a drop-down list in Excel?
    • (a) Use the Data Validation feature
    • (b) Use the List feature
    • (c) Use the Drop-Down List feature
    • (d) Use the Combo Box feature
  • Q34. How do you insert a hyperlink in a cell?
    • (a) Right-click on the cell and select “Insert Hyperlink”
    • (b) Insert > Hyperlink
    • (c) Data > Hyperlink
    • (d) Formulas > Hyperlink
  • Q35. Which of the following is NOT a way to protect data in Excel?
    • (a) Password protection
    • (b) Data validation
    • (c) Data filters
    • (d) Conditional formatting
  • Q36. What is the best way to freeze worksheet panes?
    • (a) View > Freeze Panes
    • (b) Page Layout > Freeze Panes
    • (c) Formulas > Freeze Panes
    • (d) Data > Freeze Panes
  • Q37. What does a method in VBA mean?
    • (a) A characteristic of an object
    • (b) An action that can be performed on an object
    • (c) An event of an object
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q38. In which of the following cases would the formula =SUM(F5:F24) return an error?
    • (a) F5:F24 contains text values
    • (b) F5:F24 contains a mix of text and numeric values
    • (c) F5:F24 contains only numeric values
    • (d) F5:F24 is an empty range
  • Q39. How do you declare a variable in VBA?
    • (a) Dim variableName As dataType
    • (b) Var variableName As dataType
    • (c) Variable variableName As dataType
    • (d) Set variableName As dataType
  • Q40. What does an Excel named range mean?
    • (a) A range of cells that has a specific name
    • (b) A range of cells that has a specific formula
    • (c) A range of cells that has a specific data validation rule
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q41. What does “event” mean in VBA?
    • (a) A characteristic of an object
    • (b) An action that can be performed on an object
    • (c) A trigger that causes a certain action to occur
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q42. In Excel, how do you choose a group of cells that are adjacent to one another?
    • (a) Click the first cell in the range, then hold down the Shift key and click the last cell in the range
    • (b) Click the first cell in the range, then hold down the Alt key and click the last cell in the range
    • (c) Click the first cell in the range, then hold down the Ctrl key and click the last cell in the range
    • (d) Click the first cell in the range, then hold down the Tab key and click the last cell in the range
  • Q43. What is the keyboard shortcut to insert a new row in an Excel worksheet?
    • (a) Alt+I
    • (b) Alt+R
    • (c) Ctrl+N
    • (d) Ctrl+Shift+N
  • Q44. How can a custom number format be applied to an Excel cell?
    • (a) Select the cell, then click the Custom Format button on the toolbar
    • (b) Select the cell, then click the Format Cells button on the toolbar
    • (c) Select the cell, then click the Number Format command in the Format menu
    • (d) Select the cell, then click the Number command in the Format menu
  • Q45. In Excel, how do you get to the VBA editor?
    • (a) Press F11
    • (b) Go to the Insert tab and click on the VBA button
    • (c) Go to the Developer tab and click on the Visual Basic button
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q46. What purpose does an Excel pivot table serve?
    • (a) Creating formulas
    • (b) Sorting and filtering data
    • (c) Analyzing and summarizing large amounts of data
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q47. What purposes does VBA serve in Excel?
    • (a) Creating formulas
    • (b) Automating tasks
    • (c) Creating charts
    • (d) All of the above
  • Q48. What does Excel’s SUMIFS function do?
    • (a) It sums the values in a specified range that meet multiple criteria
    • (b) It calculates the average of the values in a specified range that meets multiple criteria
    • (c) It counts the number of cells in a specified range that meet multiple criteria
    • (d) It returns the maximum value in a specified range that meets multiple criteria
  • Q49. How should a sparkline be inserted into a cell?
    • (a) Insert > Sparkline
    • (b) Data > Sparkline
    • (c) Formulas > Sparkline
    • (d) Sparklines are not available in Excel
  • Q50. In Excel, how do you add a border to a cell?
    • (a) Pick out the desired cell, then click the Border button on the toolbar
    • (b) After choosing the cell, select Add Border from the Format menu
    • (c) Choose the cell and then, from the Format menu, select the Cell Borders command
    • (d) Pick the cell and then select the Borders option from the Format menu

The following animated image shows how to input the answer in the “Problem” sheet. Here, we have typed the answer but you can use the dropdown list to do so.

50 Advanced Excel Exam Questions and Answers - ExcelDemy (3)


Thank you for reading this article. By completing this article, we hope that you have gained knowledge about the advanced Excel exam questions and answers. You can find more articles similar to this on the ExcelDemy website. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below. However, remember that our website implements comment moderation. Therefore, your comment may not be instantly visible. So, have a little bit of patience, and we will solve your query as soon as possible. Keep excelling!

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50 Advanced Excel Exam Questions and Answers - ExcelDemy (2024)


How do I prepare for an advanced Excel test? ›

Practice using Excel to perform various tasks commonly assessed in the test, such as creating formulas, analyzing data, and generating charts. Take advantage of online tutorials, practice exercises, and sample tests to strengthen your skills.

How hard is advanced Excel? ›

Learning Excel can be difficult, especially if you want to learn advanced data analysis techniques. Fortunately there are a number of ways to make it easier for you to learn Excel, including learning strategies and focusing on the areas that relate to your work.

How fast can I learn advanced Excel? ›

Combining practice and time will also help you become familiar with Excel's more advanced functions, which can take a bit longer to master. Because of the vast range of tools and functions in Excel, some people estimate it takes approximately 18-20 hours to become proficient with this app's advanced features.

Can I learn advanced Excel on my own? ›

I am an advanced Excel learner which is actually not required in my field but still I am learning because of MY INTEREST. If you are really interested in learning excel, then you can EXCEL in excel, even without a tutor, just by your own efforts.

What level is advanced Excel? ›

Advanced Excel users have the expertise to create complex spreadsheet models, interactive dashboards, and customisable templates that can be used by users with basic and intermediate skills.

What is the most advanced thing in Excel? ›

Excel Skill 3: Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are perhaps one of the best-known and more powerful advanced Excel skills, as they can automatically give you quick summaries of the data in a massive Excel spreadsheet by grouping matching data.

What is the difference between Excel and advanced Excel? ›

Excel and advanced excel is a part of MS office. Excel is a software used to store and many data by using different tools. Advanced excel is a feature of MS excel which helps the user to manage large calculation and complex data. It includes formulas and more tools to make the work efficient and accurate.

How to answer Excel questions? ›

Excel technical interview questions

Prepare your answer by making a list of the Excel functions you're most familiar with, as well as common uses of Excel for the job you seek. For example, the conditional formatting feature works well for project management, while the IF function works well for data analysis.

What is the average salary for advanced Excel? ›

What is the salary of a Advance Excel in India? Average salary for a Advance Excel in India is 2.2 Lakhs per year (₹18.3k per month).

What is the hardest part of Excel? ›

In summary, the most difficult tasks in Excel often involve complex data analysis, automation, dynamic reporting, data cleaning, advanced formulas, collaboration, and integration with other software. Mastery of these tasks requires a deep understanding of Excel, attention to detail, and often, knowledge of programming.

Is Excel harder than Python? ›

Compared to Python, which is a programming language that requires some coding knowledge and experience, Excel is easier to learn and use for data analysis. Wide usage and compatibility: Excel is one of the most widely used tools for data analysis, and it's compatible with most other software and platforms.

What is the fastest way to learn Excel? ›

You can brush up on your Excel knowledge through an online course or boot camp that teaches both fundamental and advanced skills. For someone new to Excel, a boot camp offers learners a flexible educational experience to learn Excel as part of their coursework in as short as a few months.

Is Advance Excel certification worth it? ›

Yes, Microsoft Excel Certification is beneficial across various fields beyond finance and data analysis, including marketing, project management, education, and healthcare, where Excel's data organization, analysis, and visualization capabilities can be leveraged to enhance efficiency and decision-making.

Can I learn Excel in 3 days? ›

You can simply not master MS Excel in 3 days. Excel is too vast a thing a to master in that short a time. Even if you leave out macros completely, it still takes years to master. I have been paying attention to my Excel skills for the past 5 years and have been using it at my job for the last 2 years.

How do I study for Excel expert exam? ›

Here are some tips you can use to pass the Excel certification test:
  1. Pay close attention to details in the question.
  2. Read the Certiport Exam Tutorial, which details the exam environment and what you can expect to see on the test.
  3. Read each question carefully.
  4. Take practice simulation tests, like those offered by iPREP.

How to clear Excel assessment test? ›

Familiarize yourself with all aspects of Microsoft Excel. Take time to refresh your skills before taking the test. You can do this by creating a project in Excel or by taking practice tests. You want to go into your test with confidence.

What do employers look for in an Excel test? ›

Set up and format spreadsheets to sort, organize, and classify data. Know how to use commonly used formulas and functions. Enter data accurately to prepare reports such as financial statements and sales forecasts. Understand how to use advanced features such as macros and pivot tables.

What questions are asked on an Excel test? ›

More Excel test questions
  • What are the report formats on Excel?
  • What keyboard shortcut can you use to increase the number of decimal places?
  • How can you edit the formula in a cell?
  • What is a . ...
  • How can you split a column into more columns?
  • What is a nested if function?
  • How can you resize a row or column?
Mar 10, 2023


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