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HEALTH Edited by

John J.B. Anderson Sanford C. Garner Philip J. Klemmer






HEALTH Edited by

John J.B. Anderson Sanford C. Garner Philip J. Klemmer

Boca Raton London New York

CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business

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Contents Preface...............................................................................................................................................ix Contributors.......................................................................................................................................xi

Part I  Introduction to Diet and Bone Chapter 1 Overview of Relationships between Diet and Bone...................................................... 3 John J.B. Anderson Chapter 2 Role of Lifestyle Factors in Bone Health.................................................................... 17 John J.B. Anderson and Philip J. Klemmer Chapter 3 Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Recruitment.................................................................. 23 Sumithra K. Urs and Clifford J. Rosen Chapter 4 Skeletal Tissues and Mineralization........................................................................... 33 Sanford C. Garner and John J.B. Anderson Chapter 5 Optimizing the Skeletal Benefits of Mechanical Loading and Exercise.................... 53 Stuart J. Warden and Robyn K. Fuchs Chapter 6 Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism.......... 71 David A. Ontjes Chapter 7 Renal Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Ions.................................................... 113 Philip J. Klemmer and John J.B. Anderson

Part II  Effects of Specific Nutrients on Bone Chapter 8 Calcium and Bone..................................................................................................... 121 John J.B. Anderson, Sanford C. Garner, and Philip J. Klemmer Chapter 9 Inorganic Phosphorus: Do Higher Dietary Levels Affect Phosphorus Homeostasis and Bone?............................................................................................. 141 Mona S. Calvo




Chapter 10 Vitamin D and Bone ................................................................................................ 157 Michael F. Holick Chapter 11 Vitamin A and Bone................................................................................................. 171 Håkan Melhus Chapter 12 Vitamin K and Bone ................................................................................................ 193 Cees Vermeer and Marjo H.J. Knapen Chapter 13 The Iron Factor in Bone Development...................................................................... 203 Denis M. Medeiros and Erika Bono Chapter 14 Micronutrients and Bone........................................................................................... 213 Elizabeth Grubert and Jeri W. Nieves Chapter 15 Dietary Protein’s Impact on Skeletal Health . .......................................................... 223 Anna K. Surdykowski, Anne M. Kenney, KarlL. Insogna, and Jane E. Kerstetter Chapter 16 Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Bone Metabolism............................................................ 233 Bruce A. Watkins, Kevin Hannon, Mark F. Seifert, and Yong Li Chapter 17 Is There a Role for Dietary Potassium in Bone Health?........................................... 259 Susan Joyce Whiting Chapter 18 Acid–Base Balance................................................................................................... 271 Susan A. Lanham-New Chapter 19 Antioxidants and Bone Health.................................................................................. 281 Martin Kohlmeier

Part III  Effects of Life Cycle Changes on Bone Chapter 20 Diet and Bone Changes in Pregnancy and Lactation................................................ 293 Frances A. Tylavsky Chapter 21 Calcium Intake Influences the Bone Response to Exercise in Growing Children..................................................................................................................... 301 Bonny L. Specker, Ramu Sudhagoni, and Natalie W. Thiex



Chapter 22 Obesity, Adipose Tissue,andBone........................................................................... 325 Sue A. Shapses, Norman K. Pollock, and Richard D. Lewis Chapter 23 Exercise and Skeletal Growth................................................................................... 369 Adam D.G. Baxter-Jones and R.A. Faulkner Chapter 24 Peak Bone Mass: Influence of Nutrition and Lifestyle Variables............................. 381 Jennifer L. Bedford and Susan I. Barr Chapter 25 Calcium, Other Nutrients, Exercise, and Bone Health in Twins............................... 395 John D. Wark Chapter 26 Nutrition and Bone in Young Adults.........................................................................403 Christel Lamberg-Allardt and Merja Kärkkäinen Chapter 27 Nutrition and Bone Health in Older Adults.............................................................. 415 Connie W. Bales, Kenlyn R. Young, and John J.B. Anderson

Part IV Race, Ethnicity, and Bone Chapter 28 Bone Growth in African Children and Adolescents................................................. 433 Ann Prentice, Kate A. Ward, Inez Schoenmakers, and Gail R. Goldberg Chapter 29 Skeletal Racial Differences....................................................................................... 451 Felicia Cosman and Jeri W. Nieves Chapter 30 Nutrition and Bone Health of the Japanese............................................................... 465 Takuo Fujita Chapter 31 Diet and Bone Health of the Chinese Population...................................................... 477 Suzanne C. Ho and Yu-ming Chen

Part V  Osteopenia and Osteoporosis Chapter 32 Prevention of Bone Loss with Exercise..................................................................... 493 Anna Nordström and Peter Nordström



Chapter 33 The Bone–Vascular Axis in Chronic Kidney Disease.............................................. 509 Philip J. Klemmer and John J.B. Anderson Chapter 34 Contribution of Clinical Risk Factors to the Assessment of Hip Fracture Risk and Treatment Decision Making............................................................................... 517 Guizhou Hu, Martin M. Root, and John J.B. Anderson

Part VI  Conclusion Chapter 35 Nutrition and Bone Health: Promotion of Bone Gain and Prevention of Bone Loss across the Life Cycle......................................................................................... 531 John J.B. Anderson, Philip J. Klemmer, and Sanford C. Garner Index............................................................................................................................................... 541

Preface This expanded and advanced treatise, Diet, Nutrients, and Bone, is a follow-up a decade and a half later of our earlier book, Calcium and Phosphorus in Health and Disease. Considerable advances in our knowledge and understanding of the roles of nutrients in skeletal development and maintenance have been made since publication of that book in 1996. The current book is an expansion of the earlier one and, in essence, an update. Several new topics, however, have been introduced, whereas greater coverage has been given to other topics. Finally, based on their own research and expertise, an impressive group of scientists has made significant contributions to this offering that is intended for graduate students and established researchers in the bone field and related areas of investigation. Public health aspects of bone health are emphasized in this book, that is, health promotion and disease prevention from a nutritional perspective. The authors thank the following for their assistance in various aspects of this book: Boyd R. Switzer, Jean C. Brown, and the reference staff of the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina. John J.B. Anderson Sanford C. Garner Philip J. Klemmer


Contributors John J.B. Anderson Department of Nutrition Gillings School of Global Public Health University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Connie W. Bales Department of Medicine Duke University School of Medicine Durham, North Carolina

Felicia Cosman Department of Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University New York and Regional Bone and Clinical Research Centers Helen Hayes Hospital West Haverstraw, New York

Susan I. Barr Department of Food, Nutrition, and Health University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

R.A. Faulkner College of Kinesiology University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Adam D.G. Baxter-Jones College of Kinesiology University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Robyn K. Fuchs Department of Physical Therapy School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Indiana University Indianapolis, Indiana

Jennifer L. Bedford Department of Food, Nutrition, and Health University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Takuo Fujita Calcium Research Institute Katsuragi Hospital Osaka, Japan

Erika Bono Department of Human Nutrition Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas

Sanford C. Garner Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc. Durham, North Carolina

Mona S. Calvo Office of Applied Research and Safety Assessment Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Laurel, Maryland

Gail R. Goldberg Nutrition and Bone Health Research Group MRC Human Nutrition Research Elsie Widdowson Laboratory Cambridge, United Kingdom and Keneba, The Gambia

Yu-ming Chen Department of Community and Family Medicine Prince of Wales Hospital The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, People’s RepublicofChina

Elizabeth Grubert Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health University at Albany Rensselaer, New York




Kevin Hannon Department of Basic Medical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

Marjo H.J. Knapen Maastricht University and BioPartner Center Maastricht Maastricht, the Netherlands

Suzanne C. Ho Department of Community and Family Medicine Prince of Wales Hospital The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China

Martin Kohlmeier Department of Nutrition University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Michael F. Holick Department of Medicine Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory Boston University Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts

Christel Lamberg-Allardt Department of Food and Environmental Sciences University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland

Guizhou Hu Department of Research and Development Biosignia, Inc. Durham, North Carolina Karl L. Insogna Department of Internal Medicine Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, Connecticut Merja Kärkkäinen Department of Food and Environmental Sciences University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland Anne M. Kenney Allied Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut Jane E. Kerstetter Allied Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut Philip J. Klemmer UNC Kidney Center University of North Carolina ChapelHill,North Carolina

Susan A. Lanham-New Nutritional Sciences Division University of Surrey Guildford, United Kingdom Richard D. Lewis Department of Foods and Nutrition University of Georgia Athens, Georgia Yong Li Molecular Biosciences Department of Nutritional Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut Denis M. Medeiros School of Biological Sciences The University of Missouri-Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri Håkan Melhus School of Biological Sciences The University of Missouri-Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri



Jeri W. Nieves Department of Epidemiology Mailman School of Public Health Columbia University, New York and Regional Bone and Clinical Research Centers Helen Hayes Hospital West Haverstraw, New York Anna Nordström Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation and Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Sports Medicine Umeå University Umeå, Sweden Peter Nordström Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Sports Medicine and Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation Umeå University Umeå, Sweden David A. Ontjes Department of Medicine University of North Carolina School of Medicine Chapel Hill, North Carolina Norman K. Pollock Department of Pediatrics Georgia Health Sciences University Augusta, Georgia Ann Prentice Nutrition and Bone Health Research Group MRC Human Nutrition Research Elsie Widdowson Laboratory Cambridge, United Kingdom and Keneba, The Gambia

Martin M. Root Department of Nutrition and Health Care Management Appalachian State University Boone, North Carolina Clifford J. Rosen Maine Medical Center Research Institute Scarborough, Maine Inez Schoenmakers Nutrition and Bone Health Research Group MRC Human Nutrition Research Elsie Widdowson Laboratory Cambridge, United Kingdom Mark F. Seifert Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology School of Medicine Indiana University Indianapolis, Indiana Sue A. Shapses Department of Nutritional Sciences Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey Bonny L. Specker E.A. Martin Program in Human Nutrition South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota Ramu Sudhagoni E.A. Martin Program in Human Nutrition South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota Anna K. Surdykowski Allied Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut Natalie W. Thiex E.A. Martin Program in Human Nutrition South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota Frances A. Tylavsky Department of Preventive Medicine University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center Memphis, Tennessee


Sumithra K. Urs Maine Medical Center Research Institute Scarborough, Maine Cees Vermeer Maastricht University and BioPartner Center Maastricht Maastricht, the Netherlands Kate A. Ward Nutrition and Bone Health Research Group MRC Human Nutrition Research Elsie Widdowson Laboratory Cambridge, United Kingdom Stuart J. Warden Department of Physical Therapy School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Indiana University Indianapolis, Indiana


John D. Wark Department of Medicine University of Melbourne and Bone & Mineral Service Royal Melbourne Hospital Parkville, Victoria, Australia Bruce A. Watkins Department of Nutritional Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut Susan Joyce Whiting College of Pharmacy and Nutrition University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Kenlyn R. Young Department of Nutrition Meredith College Raleigh, North Carolina

Part I Introduction to Diet and Bone


Overview of Relationships between Diet and Bone John J.B. Anderson

CONTENTS Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3 Nutrients Required for Bone Growth and Bone Maintenance............................................................ 4 Energy .......................................................................................................................................5 Protein .......................................................................................................................................5 Calcium......................................................................................................................................5 Phosphorus.................................................................................................................................6 Magnesium................................................................................................................................ 6 Vitamin D...................................................................................................................................6 Vitamin K...................................................................................................................................7 Vitamin A................................................................................................................................... 7 Vitamin C................................................................................................................................... 7 Antioxidant Nutrients................................................................................................................7 Fluoride......................................................................................................................................8 Phytomolecules.......................................................................................................................... 8 Summary....................................................................................................................................8 Calcium and Phosphorus Interrelationships........................................................................................8 Calcium and Vitamin D Interrelationships.......................................................................................... 9 Nutrition and Bone Health across the Life Cycle...............................................................................9 Nutrition and Skeletal Growth from Birth through Adolescence..............................................9 Nutrition and Bone Changes after Skeletal Growth (Length) Has Ceased.............................. 10 Nutrition and Skeletal Losses during Late Life....................................................................... 11 Vegetarian Diets................................................................................................................................ 11 Role of Physical Activity in Bone Development and Maintenance.................................................. 12 Summary........................................................................................................................................... 12 References......................................................................................................................................... 13

INTRODUCTION The consumption of adequate amounts of food ingredients, that is, nutrients and phytochemicals, is critical to bone and general health. The typical patterns of eating and living influence skeletal development and the maintenance of bone tissue throughout life. Because bone health depends on a few nutrients not so easily obtained in sufficient quantity from meals over short time spans, the overall dietary pattern of food consumption takes on great importance in making available sufficient amounts of the critical bone-building nutrients. Throughout the millennia, cultures have obtained these essential nutrients without knowledge of nutritional science. In recent years, technologically advanced nations have adopted eating patterns in which traditional foods have been replaced, in part, by overly processed foods. These convenient but less nutritious foods have become common in 3


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

Western societies. Disappearing, however, is knowledge about healthier eating behaviors practiced by our ancestors. Information about the relationships between nutrients, including eating patterns, and bone development and maintenance from birth to late life is reviewed in this chapter. Emphasis is placed on recent research that has enhanced our understandings of diet–bone relationships. Calcium and phosphorus, two critical nutrients needed for the mineralization of the organic matrix of bone, receive greater emphasis than do other nutrients required for bone health. Coverage of osteoporosis and vitamin D deficiency diseases are limited mainly to their nutritional determinants rather than to other risk factors. This introductory chapter briefly highlights the contributions of dietary patterns and specific nutrients that have significant effects on bone health. Short sections on the roles of individual nutrients are covered in the early part of the chapter, and then integrative aspects of the diet are emphasized later in the chapter. This book provides updates on similar topics covered in our earlier publication (Anderson and Garner, 1996).

NUTRIENTS REQUIRED FOR BONE GROWTH AND BONE MAINTENANCE Most U.S. citizens are omnivorous in their eating habits, but a small percentage (1% to 5%) of the population is vegetarian in one form or another. A large percentage of the North American population fails to meet the currently recommended guidelines for optimal nutrient intakes; some nutrients are consumed in excess; others, in insufficient or even severely deficient quantities. Of particular concern is that intakes of calcium and vitamin D are lower than recommended by current guidelines (Ervin et al., 2004). Corrections of common deficits, such as of calcium and vitamin D, are well recognized as major adjustments needed by deficient adult and elderly individuals to help them maintain their bone mass. Improvement of deficient intakes of these nutrients in children and adolescents is clearly needed to support skeletal growth and to achieve optimal peak bone mass (PBM) by the end of the growth years. Other nutrient deficits, however, may be equally important (Ilich and Kerstetter, 2000; Nieves, 2005). For example, vitamin K and magnesium are also essential for bone health, and intakes of these by Americans are generally insufficient (less than 70% of Dietary Reference Intake or [DRI]) or even deficient (50% or less). Beyond nutritional deficits, excesses in dietary intakes of total calories (energy), protein, sodium, and phosphorus may have adverse effects on the bones of both children and adults. Nutritional factors affecting the bones health, both positively and negatively, are listed in Table1.1. Each of these dietary factors and a few other nutrients and phytochemicals are briefly noted in this section as preparation for subsequent chapters. TABLE 1.1 Nutritional Factors Affecting Bone Health: Beneficial and Adverse Effects Nutrient Calcium Phosphorus Vitamin D Animal protein Vitamin K Sodium Magnesium Vitamin A

Beneficial Intakes

Adverse When Intakes Are

RDA amounts RDA amounts RDA amounts ~15% of total intake >RDA amounts 2400 mg (recom. amt.) RDA amounts RDA amounts

Too little or too mucha Too much Too little or too muchb Too much animal (not plant) Too little Too much Too little Too little or too muchb

Notes:  RDA = recommended dietary allowance. a b

Excessive intakes of calcium may contribute to arterial calcification. Excessive intakes of vitamin D and vitamin A from supplements may be toxic.


Overview of Relationships between Diet and Bone

Energy Energy intake and bone mass are positively associated in all life stages. During childhood, energy intakes must be sufficient to support skeletal formation and growth (Ilich et al., 2003). In children, excessive weight gain, that is, overweight or obesity, typically does not favor optimal skeletal growth and has been reported to lead to an increase in fractures, especially of the wrist (Goulding et al., 2000). In adults, however, weight gain from excessive energy intake exerts a positive influence on bone mass, and, conversely, extreme weight loss and/or undernutrition may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Weight loss due to anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders is usually accompanied by bone loss. In anorexic women, bone loss results from the associated estrogen deficiency, as well as suboptimal energy intake. Loss of normal body fat may lead to a reduction in ovarian estrogen production amenorrhea and bone loss (Gordon et al., 2002).

Protein Bone formation during growth in early life requires sufficient protein intake to form the organic matrix of bone. Both high- and low-protein intakes are detrimental to bone. When a low-protein intake by adults is supplemented with protein (meat) in the face of a low-calcium intake, intestinal calcium absorption may be increased and presumably bone mass may be maintained rather than decreased (Kerstetter et al., 2005; Hunt et al., 2009). On the other hand, in growing children, high dietary intakes of protein, particularly animal protein containing acidic amino acids, may increase urinary calcium losses, leading to suboptimal skeletal growth and bone mass (Zhang et al., 2010). Optimal protein intakes, including that from animal sources, support healthy bone development and maintenance later in life (Promislow et al., 2002b; Ilich et al., 2003). Sufficient protein intake may reduce hip fractures of the elderly (Misra et al., 2009) (see Chapter 15).

Calcium The most calcium-rich food sources of calcium exist as low-fat dairy products. Typical intakes of calcium in the United States are less than the recommended amounts by current guidelines starting during early adolescence. Comparisons of dietary intakes and recommended amounts of calcium for U.S. men and women are listed in Table 1.2. A plant-based diet may be capable of supplying sufficient TABLE 1.2 Comparisons of Dietary Intakes and Recommended Amounts of Calcium and Phosphorus of U.S. Men and Women Dietary Intakes Age, Years 14–18 19–50 >51






787 ~750 619

1172 ~1245 1055

1300 1000 1200

1250   700   700

Source: Ervin, R.B., Wang, C.-Y., Wright, J.D., and Kennedy-Steenson, J. Dietary intake of selected minerals for the United States population: 1999–2000 (advance data no. 341). CDC, Vital and Health Statistics, US DHHS, Hyattsville, MD; and Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. 1997. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. Notes: ~ means imputed data.       See also Chapter 8.


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

calcium if appropriate foods are selected (Weaver et al., 1999). Calcium from dairy foods may be the best sources for skeletal development (Matkovic et al., 2004; Huncharek et al., 2008). Consumption of calcium-fortified foods taken as part of the regular diet may also effectively optimize or maintain skeletal health (Heaney, 2007). Calcium supplements may increase intake in those who cannot meet their needs by ingesting conventional or calcium-fortified foods alone, but such supplementation in premenarcheal females was effective for only 12 to 18 months (Cameron et al., 2004). These gains, however, may not be maintained after the calcium supplements are stopped, and bone losses may quickly offset the earlier gains, at least in growing children (Johnston et al., 1992). Supplementation alone may not be effective in promoting a gain in bone mass if the individual is already consuming an adequate amount of calcium, that is, near or above recommended intakes; in fact, bone loss may still occur in calcium-supplemented women but at a lower rate than in a comparable group of women on a placebo (Riis et al., 1987). A unified public health strategy is needed to ensure optimal calcium intakes from foods (both natural foods and fortified foods) and, if necessary, supplements in the North American population, while avoiding the excessive amounts that approach the tolerable upper intake levels for calcium (2500 mg/day) and raise the risk of soft tissue and vascular calcification by adults (Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, 1997) (see below and Chapters 8 and 34).

Phosphorus Phosphorus, along with calcium, is present in the skeleton in large amounts as part of bone mineral. Therefore, dietary phosphate is required to support the growth and maintenance of the skeleton. However, the average Western diet rich in processed foods contains greater quantities of this essential element than in previous decades. Concern has been raised about the possible adverse effects of excessive intake rather than those of deficiency of this nutrient (Calvo and Park, 1996). Table 1.2 compares U.S. data for phosphorus intakes with recommended amounts. A few studies have shown that excessive phosphate intake from foods exerts adverse effects on the skeleton (Calvo et al., 1990; Kemi et al., 2008, 2009). In addition, because of the differing absorption efficiencies (70% for phosphorus and 30% for calcium) during adulthood, it is advisable to aim for an intake ratio of about 1:1 (see Chapters 8 and 9 for discussions of the calcium:phosphorus ratio).

Magnesium Magnesium is another mineral nutrient that has been shown in animal studies to be required for normal bone development and maintenance. Magnesium is not an integral part of bone mineral crystals composed of calcium and phosphorus, that is, hydroxyapatite. Approximately two-thirds of the total 25 g of magnesium in the average human body is bound to bone crystal surfaces. Magnesium supplementation has shown little or no effect in increasing bone mass (Rude et al., 2009). Low magnesium intakes are common among men and women of all ages in North America, primarily because of insufficient consumption of dark green vegetables (see Chapter 14).

Vitamin D Dietary vitamin D is converted into one of the essential hormones, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, that, along with parathyroid hormone (PTH), regulates calcium metabolism. The importance of vitamin D in bone metabolism is evident in the diseases of vitamin D deficiency, that is, rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults (Kreiter et al., 2000; Holick, 2007; Stoffman and Gordon, 2009). Rickets results in deformities of bones. Osteomalacia in adults typically leads to osteopenia, fractures, poor fracture healing, and muscle weakness. Many elderly have serum vitamin D concentrations that are below optimal levels because of a decreased consumption of food sources and too little exposure to sunlight, which permits skin production of vitamin D. The cutaneous production of vitamin D decreases with age, as well as a consequence of the use of sun-blocking clothing and

Overview of Relationships between Diet and Bone


creams. Sun exposure is particularly low in northern latitudes during the winter months. Skin production of vitamin D in response to UVB light exposure has, in the past, been the major source of this molecule during the months of UVB penetration of the atmosphere, that is, late spring, summer, and early autumn in the northern hemisphere, whereas at present, dietary sources have taken on more prominence. Today, a large majority of North Americans fail to consume adequate amounts of this essential fat-soluble vitamin (Tylavsky et al., 2005; Holick, 2008) (see Chapter 10).

Vitamin K Vitamin K, a micronutrient, is now considered to be protective against the loss of bone mass and osteoporosis because of its role in the maintenance of the organic matrix of bone, through modification of specific amino acids in matrix proteins. Studies in postmenopausal women have shown that vitamin K may have modest beneficial effects on bone turnover and calcium metabolism (Braam etal., 2004). The actions of vitamin K may be responsible for other beneficial effects on the skeleton and calcium metabolism (Booth et al., 2000). At least one other study, however, does not support a benefit of vitamin K on bone mineral density (BMD) or fracture prevention (Binkley et al., 2009) (see Chapter 12).

Vitamin A Consumption of vitamin A within recommended levels is considered to be beneficial to bone health, but negative effects can result from either too little or too much vitamin A. Both types of bone cells, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, contain receptors for retinoic acid, which is derived from vitamin A. High vitamin A (retinol) intake may contribute to excessive resorption of bone resulting in bone loss (Promislow et al., 2002a) and even to hip fractures (Feskanich et al., 2002). Consumption of β-carotene, other carotenoids, and lycopene from fruits and vegetables, however, has been shown to have positive effects on bone health that reduce the risk of hip fracture (Sahni et al., 2009a), perhaps through their antioxidant roles (see below) rather than their conversion to retinol (see Chapter 11).

Vitamin C Like vitamin K, vitamin C or ascorbic acid plays a major role in maintaining bone health through its effect on modification of bone proteins. Bone matrix, composed of collagen, the major organic component of bone, serves to organize the three-dimensional lamellar structure of bone and is the major determinant of bone strength. Collagen molecules are cross-linked, which increases their strength and thus supports bone strength. Optimal amounts of vitamin C intake at reasonable levels have been shown to reduce the risk of hip fracture (Sahni et al., 2009b). In vitamin C deficiency, the organic structure of bone, that is, cross-linking, may be weakened because of suboptimal crosslinking of bone collagen. Fortunately, deficiency of vitamin C in the United States is rare because of fortification of many foods with vitamin C. Also, vitamin C has an important role as an antioxidant in bone cells, as well as in other cell types of the body’s tissues (see below) (see Chapter 14).

Antioxidant Nutrients Several antioxidant nutrients naturally occurring in foods act to lower the activity of free radicals in cells and, therefore, help to prolong the lives of the cells, including bone cells. Vitamin C has already been mentioned, but vitamin E, carotenoids and lycopene, selenium, and perhaps another trace element or two have important roles in diminishing the oxidative effects of free radicals— highly reactive oxygen species (Basu et al., 2001; Maggio et al., 2003). Finally, many phytochemicals from a wide variety of plant foods, especially polyphenolic molecules, have similar roles (see Chapter 19).


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

Fluoride Fluoridation of drinking water has been very effective in reducing dental caries, but studies on the effects of this nutrient in increasing bone mineral content (BMC) and reducing bone fractures have been disappointing. Studies of fluoride have shown that protection is not obtained from the cariostatic levels found in municipal water supplies, that is, 1 ppm. Fluoride supplements at sufficiently high doses (>3 ppm) may even be deleterious to bone because of defects in the mineral phase of bone, causing it to be well mineralized but brittle, that is, hysteresis. At present, supplemental use of fluoride is not recommended for osteoporotic women or others because of the risk of adverse bone effects associated with higher exposures. The Food and Drug Administration is not likely to ever approve of fluoride use in amounts greater than 1 ppm for the intended benefit of bone mass because the quality of bone formed at higher intakes is structurally inferior, and fracture risk may actually be increased (Kleerekoper, 1996) (see Chapter 14).

Phytomolecules Phytoestrogens, including soy isoflavones, have been proposed to have osteoprotective actions because of their activation of estrogen receptors in bone cells, especially osteoblasts. These estrogen-like molecules, classified chemically as polyphenols, were reported to have positive effects on bone measurements in postmenopausal women and women with low circulating estrogens compared with those in placebo-treated women in some studies, but more recent studies have failed to support these findings. Isoflavones from soy products may have weak skeletal benefits in postmenopausal women (Arjmandi et al., 2003), but a few recent reports do not support such benefits (Alekel et al., 2010; Wong et al., 2009). In young adult women with normal estrogen status, isoflavones appear to have no effect on bone (Anderson et al., 2002).

Summary Many nutrients are required for optimal skeletal growth and maturation. The Dietary Reference Intakes of the nutrients, but not of phytomolecules, have been published by the National Academies Press (Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, 1997, 2004). Only a few specific recommendations are given in this section, because typically, the quantities are readily available (see also Table 1.2).

CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS INTERRELATIONSHIPS Dietary calcium deficiency or insufficiency among adults is common, but phosphorus deficiency is extremely rare, because practically all natural foods contain phosphorus (see section “Phosphorus” above). Suboptimal phosphorus consumption from foods remains highly unlikely if adequate energy is consumed. Low phosphorus intake, however, may exist in a small percentage (70) postmenopausal women who have hip fractures will have been at risk over the previous decade or longer before their bone loss becomes clinically apparent by the development of pathologic bone fractures as a result of osteoporosis. In some instances, a few lifestyle practices may have positive effects on the skeleton and hence the prevention of osteoporosis-related fractures. For example, regular physical activity, including upper body weight exercise, may promote a small improvement in bone mass or at least maintain bone at a steady-state of skeletal integrity. This latter point is especially important in preventing hip fractures because maintenance of a stable bone mineral density at this site yields major benefits. The topic of exercise is covered in other chapters. The elderly commonly have losses of visual acuity, hearing, muscular strength, and equilibrium, any or all of which may contribute to falls and fractures (see below). The loss of muscle mass, also known as sarcopenia, typically goes hand in hand with osteopenia, or bone mass loss that is not as 17


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

TABLE 2.1 Lifestyle or Nondietary Risk Factors for Osteoporosis Cigarette smoking (any amount, but pack a day more detrimental) Excessive alcohol consumption (exceeding two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women) Insufficient physical activity and sedentary lifestyle Drugs—over-the-counter and prescription [vitamin A, corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, phenytoin (Dilantin), proton pump inhibitors, and others] Falls for many reasons (see Table 2.3)

TABLE 2.2 World Health Organization Definitions of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia: SDs Relative to Means of 20- to 29-Year-Old Controls Classification Normal BMD Osteopenic BMD Osteoporotic BMD

Definition of T Scorea Within ± 1 SD of mean Between 1 and 2.5 SDs below mean Greater than 2.5 SDs below mean

T-Score compares the current BMD measurement of adult with 20- to 29-year-old means. BMD = bone mineral density; SD = standard deviation. a

severe as in osteoporosis. Medications may also affect these same sensory organs and contribute to falls and fractures (see below). The one fracture that should be the focus of fracture prevention is of the hip because an individual with a broken hip has significantly greater morbidity and mortality over the next 6 to 12 months. The decline in body mass to the point of thinness may be the most important of the acquired risk factors. A decline in lean body mass (LBM) because of inactivity or too little food consumption is a major determinant of bone loss and fracture. Accompanying the leanness from sarcopenia, which translates to an overall decline in muscle strength, is the associated bone loss leading to osteopenia and eventually to osteoporosis, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) (Table 2.2). The decline in muscle strain on the skeleton at sites of muscle insertion is typically coupled with decreased bone formation and excessive bone resorption (Ontjes and Anderson, 2009).

NONDIETARY RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO OSTEOPOROSIS Each major risk factor for osteopenia and osteoporosis is briefly reviewed in this section. Fractures resulting from osteoporosis in the elderly are associated with a high risk of mortality (Cauley, 2000).

Thinness and Low LBM Maintenance of LBM, which reflects muscle mass, helps conserve skeletal mass because of the coordinated functions of the musculoskeletal system. Whereas obesity is not recommended for healthy individuals, some fat mass contributes to body mass (and body mass index [BMI]) that places individuals in the healthy weight range (BMI of 18.5 to 24.9). When BMI is below 18.5, individuals are classified as underweight, and underweight means less LBM. Elders with low LBM are at increased risk of fractures, as well as of many other chronic diseases. Low-LBM elders who also smoke tobacco and consume excessive amounts of alcohol have greatly increased risk of hip fractures (see below).

Role of Lifestyle Factors in Bone Health


Cigarette Smoking Cigarette smoking adversely affects practically every organ system of the body, mainly because of oxidative stress and accelerated atherosclerosis. Cigarette smoking may also increase oxidative damage within cells that contributes to reduced cellular functions. In women, cigarette smoking decreases serum estrogen concentrations by stimulating estrogen catabolism in the liver, and it may contribute to an early menopause. Bone loss typically follows declines in serum estrogen concentrations. In older men, current smoking adversely affects fractures of the vertebrae and hips (Jutberger et al., 2010).

Excessive Alcohol Consumption Too much alcohol has direct deleterious effects on cells of the body, including bone cells. Modest alcohol consumption (two drinks a day by men or one drink a day by women), however, is not considered a risk factor, and these small amounts may actually have a slightly positive effect on bone tissue, as it does in other tissues of the body.

Insufficient Physical Activity This topic is considered in considerable detail in Chapters 5, 20, and 30. Adequate physical activity when coupled with a healthy dietary pattern contributes to optimal skeletal development early in life and to maintenance later in life. Physical activity may be the most important lifestyle variable for boosting and maintaining bone mass in adult life. The types of beneficial activities include aerobic ones, such as walking, stair climbing, and gardening, but loading exercises, such as lifting weights or other activities, may also improve muscle and bone.

Drug Usage—Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs Excessive or inappropriate use of drugs, whether over-the-counter or prescription drugs, may have detrimental effects on the skeletal system. Vitamin A overuse has long been known to have adverse skeletal effects (see Chapter 11). A classic example of a prescription medication used to treat seizures, Dilantin, exists, and without adequate vitamin D supplementation, individuals taking this drug have been reported to develop vitamin D deficiency and osteomalacia which may cause growth abnormalities in children and pathologic fractures in adults. Prednisone and other corticosteroid hormones have adverse effects on bone tissue when chronically used over periods of months to years. Osteoporosis is a well-established adverse effect of these agents. The drug class known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) also has adverse effects on calcium metabolism in chronic users. PPIs reduce acid (H+) secretion by gastric cells and the reduced amounts of acid entering the small intestine decrease the absorption of calcium in the more alkaline intestinal fluid. Increased fracture rates have been reported in older patients taking PPIs (Yang etal., 2006). Illicit recreational drugs may also have adverse effects on bone, mainly because of poor dietary intakes.

Decline of Sensory Perceptions Limited vision, hearing, or equilibrium contributes to stumbling and falls (see below), which contribute to fractures in fragile elders. Correction of these losses may not be entirely possible, but new medical techniques and therapies may help mitigate these deficits.

Falls Falling has been established as a major risk factor for skeletal fractures, particularly among the elderly (Tinetti et al., 1988). Lifestyle rather than physical risk factors has been reported to greatly


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contribute to falls in the elderly (Faulkner et al., 2009). New approaches to preventing falls include home safety measures, such as avoiding throw rugs and loose wire cords, installing hand-hold bars in bathrooms and hallways, improving overhead lighting, and utilizing hip pads. Because poor coordination and balance contribute to falls, any intervention, such as walking-assist devices, helps to reduce fall-related fractures. Falls may also be reduced by avoiding drugs which alter cognitive function, such as sleep aids and tranquilizers, and even excessive alcohol and antihypertensive drugs which may cause orthostatic syncope (falling). Individuals with cognitive decline, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease may have fewer falls with improved home lighting. Individuals with depression are much more likely to fall than those without. Low serum vitamin D status, that is, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, has been shown at least in one study to contribute to poor clinical function and balance measurements and to falls, possibly by reducing muscle strength (Shahar et al., 2009). Vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk of falls (Bischoff-Ferrari et al., 2004, 2009; Close, 2009; Pramyothin et al., 2009). Also, an adequate serum folate concentration has been found to be associated with a reduction in falls (Shahar et al., 2009).

OTHER ADVERSE RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE PATHOGENESIS OF OSTEOPOROSIS Additional biological risk factors contribute adversely to osteoporosis. Some of these factors relate to declines in organ system functions, particularly kidney function, whereas others relate to general lifestyle, such as inactivity and the consumption of excessive nutrient supplements. Several of these factors are listed in Table 2.3. In essence, these physiological declines result in the loss of bone mass over time (see Chapters 27 and 34). Individual elderly osteoporotic individuals at high risk of fracture, often referred to as the frail old, need to be placed on effective antiosteoporotic drug therapy. If not, these frail old individuals have approximately a 10% increased risk of death associated with fragility fracture, as reported in one meta-analysis (Bolland et al., 2010). Supplemental dietary calcium and/or vitamin D treatment, although possibly beneficial to bone, has not been shown to have as much of an effect in reducing falls or fractures, and hence deaths, in other meta-analyses (Bischoff-Ferrari, et al., 2005, 2009; Tang et al., 2007), including one that has been withdrawn (Shea et al., 2002).

TABLE 2.3 Adverse Biological Risk Factors Contributing to the Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis Thinness with low lean body mass (50% body mass) or to sick patients who have lost much of their lean tissue, who may also be dehydrated, or who may have shifts of water (fluid) from blood to extravascular fluid compartments. The potential pitfalls of using DXA have not so dampened the enthusiasm of investigators that they are discarding this method; to the contrary, they are trying different ways to improve the method for evaluating body fat under conditions of excessive obesity. Quantitative Computed Tomography Although quantitative computed tomography (QCT) was introduced in the mid-1970s, it is less widely used than DXA (Adams, 2009). QCT does have several advantages, including the ability to measure cortical and trabecular BMD separately, in providing a measurement related to the volume of bone rather than the cross-sectional area and in providing information on geometric and structural characteristics of the bone that contribute to its strength. QCT requires a slightly higher radiation dose compared with DXA, but it is similar to the spinal radiographs that are used to diagnose osteoporosis. The technique, however, is only used routinely for estimating vertebral bone density, especially of the lumbar region of the spine. Comparison of single measurements using QCT and DXA cannot be made, and QCT cannot be used for calculation of the WHO T-score definitions of osteopenia and osteoporosis, but multiple measurement trends can be used for comparison. Other Methods Another method for the assessment of BMD and diagnosis of osteoporosis is quantitative ultrasound, which has advantages of low cost and lack of ionizing radiation compared with DXA and QCT (Guglielmi and de Terlizzi, 2009). Positron emission tomography has been proposed as a method for detection of microdamage in bone, but results have only been reported in a rodent study (Li et al., 2005). Initial results with a microindentation method for in vivo measurement of the mechanical properties of bone tissue were reported in 2010 (Diez-Perez et al., 2010). Summary The best experimental use of these bone-densitometric machines is for prospective investigations of BMC and BMD in the same individuals using the same machines and operators to limit errors,

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such as geometry, positioning, and operator differences. DXA has become the method of choice for experimental studies because of its wide availability, high precision, and ease of use, despite some disadvantages of linear density estimates. Furthermore, the low dose of radiation of DXA machines makes them quite safe.

Bone Markers in Blood and Urine The importance of balanced bone resorption and formation in maintenance of bone health has resulted in continued efforts by researchers and clinicians to find molecules in urine or plasma that reflect bone resorption and/or formation (Delmas, 1993). These markers of bone turnover are likely to change over short periods, for example, hours or days, as opposed to the months or years required for the changes in bone mass or density (described above). Thus, these methods can be used to follow therapeutic intervention in metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis (Garnero, 2009). Candidates for these markers are molecules that reflect the enzymatic activities of osteoblasts or osteoclasts or the products resulting from the breakdown of bone tissue. Markers of Bone Formation Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is characteristic of osteoblasts, and an increase in the bone-specific isoenzyme, such as b-s ALP, reflects the rate of osteoblastic bone formation. Total blood alkaline phosphatase measurement, however, is less useful because the synthesis of isozymes of alkaline phosphatase in liver, gastrointestinal tract, and other tissues makes measurement and interpretation of changes difficult. Osteocalcin, also known as bone Gla protein, is one of the proteins that make up bone matrix along with collagen, although its function is not known (see Chapter 12). Synthesis of this protein is dependent on vitamin K. Like collagen and alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin is synthesized by the osteoblasts, and its blood levels may reflect the level of bone formation. Another molecule, procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP), is one of two propeptides (the other is C-terminal propeptide [PICP]) synthesized as part of type 1 procollagen that are cleaved by specific proteases to produce the mature type 1 collagen molecule. PICP is cleared more quickly than PINP (Lüftner et al., 2005). Newer markers for bone formation include BSP, osteopontin, periostin, and urinary midmolecule osteocalcin fragments (Garnero, 2009). Markers of Bone Resorption Hydroxyproline is a modified amino acid that is unique to collagen and is measurable in both blood and urine. When collagen is degraded during bone resorption, the hydroxyproline residues are released from the protein and are not reused. Therefore, the amount of hydroxyproline in the blood and/or urine reflects the level of osteoclastic bone resorption, assuming no alteration in turnover of other tissues containing collagen. Osteoclasts synthesize a tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) that may be measured in blood. Changes in serum concentrations of TRAP may be reflective of bone resorption by osteoclasts. Mature collagen contains cross-links between adjacent protein molecules. These pyridinoline and deoxypyridinilone intermolecular cross-links can be measured in urine and in some cases in serum, and they are indicative of resorption of collagen molecules because the cross-links are not hydrolyzed before excretion. However, collagen molecules other than bone collagen contain significant amounts of pyridinoline cross-links. The N-terminal (NTX) and C-terminal (CTX) telopeptides are generated from the collagen I molecule by cathepsin K digestion, whereas carboxy-terminal cross-linked telopeptide (CCXMMP) and carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP) are generated by matrix-metalloproteases (MTX). Additional candidates for markers of bone resorption are tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP5) and cathepsin K (Garnero, 2009). TRACP5 is a subform specific to osteoclasts, and cathepsin K is a bone-resorbing enzyme expressed selectively in osteoclasts.


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Summary Bone markers, although useful for estimating changes in turnover, have not yet been shown to be as accurate as would be desirable. Because this area of understanding is being actively investigated, better use of these markers should emerge in the future.

SUMMARY As an organ, bone can be described by its anatomic location, shape, and function. The organization of bone into cortical and trabecular microstructure is essential for the supportive and metabolic functions provided by the skeleton. At the tissue level, bone contains several different types of cells that are responsible for bone formation (osteoblasts) and bone resorption (osteoclasts) during both growth and maintenance of the skeleton. Although bone appears externally to be an unchanging structure, its microenvironment is remarkably dynamic. Not only does bone undergo microscopic remodeling processes that are constantly replacing small packets of bone throughout the skeleton, but at the chemical level, bone is constantly exchanging Ca and Pi with extracellular fluid and ultimately with the plasma. The regulation of Ca homeostasis is complex, involving interactions with kidney and gut and with hormonal factors, especially PTH and vitamin D. The control of bone turnover is even more complex as circulating hormones known to affect bone, including PTH, vitamin D, CT, and estrogen, change in their concentrations. The roles of local bone factors, for example, cytokines, growth factors, and noncollagenous matrix proteins, in the regulation of bone formation and remodeling are only now beginning to be elucidated. Once the bone matures and the individual attains peak bone mass, a phenomenon that generally occurs between 20 and 29 years of age for different parts of the skeleton, the maintenance of bone health is dependent on the balance between bone resorption and formation. When formation fails to replace the same amount of bone removed by osteoclastic resorption, bone mass decreases. In late life, the resulting low bone mass or osteopenia is eventually evidenced as osteoporosis when an increase in fracture risk occurs. Current research suggests that physical activity and adequate nutrition during periods of bone accretion and bone maintenance contribute to attaining optimal peak bone mass, as well as to minimizing the rate of loss with aging in older individuals.

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Optimizing the Skeletal Benefits of Mechanical Loading and Exercise Stuart J. Warden and Robyn K. Fuchs

CONTENTS Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 53 Mechanical Loading Features Influencing Skeletal Adaptation....................................................... 54 Skeletal Adaptation Is Influenced by Load Magnitude............................................................ 54 Skeletal Adaptation Is Enhanced with Novel Mechanical Loading........................................ 55 Skeletal Adaptation Is Influenced by How Fast Loads Are Introduced................................... 56 Skeletal Adaptation Is Greatest with Brief Yet Often Mechanical Loading............................ 56 Skeletal Adaptation in Response to Mechanical Loading Is Site Specific.............................. 56 Implications of Mechanical Loading Features Influencing Skeletal Adaptation..................... 57 Skeletal Benefits of Exercise during Growth.................................................................................... 58 Growth Presents a “Window of Opportunity”......................................................................... 58 Exercise During Growth Optimizes Peak Bone Mass............................................................. 58 Exercise-Induced Optimization of Peak Bone Mass Is Not Maintained Long-Term.............. 59 Conventional Imaging Techniques Do Not Adequately Determine Skeletal Benefits of Exercise........................................................................................................................ 59 Exercise During Growth Encourages Structural Optimization................................................ 62 Exercise-Induced Structural Optimization May Last Lifelong............................................... 62 Contribution of Nutrition to Mechanically Induced Skeletal Adaptation during Growth....... 62 Effects of Exercise on the Aging Skeleton........................................................................................64 Focus Shifts to Maintaining Bone Health and Protecting Skeleton from Excessive Load......64 Exercise May Augment Skeletal Benefits of Pharmaceutical Agents for Osteoporosis.......... 65 Summary...........................................................................................................................................66 Acknowledgments.............................................................................................................................66 References.........................................................................................................................................66

INTRODUCTION Osteoporosis is a prominent and growing problem characterized by a reduction in bone strength and consequent increase in the risk for low-trauma fractures. Key determinants of bone strength and thus fracture risk include the amount of bone material present (quantity), and the spatial distribution (structure) and intrinsic properties (quality) of this material. There is clear evidence for a genetic contribution to these bone properties, with heritability estimates ranging from 60% to 90%, depending on the skeletal property and site assessed (Peaco*ck et al., 2002). The remaining variance in bone properties is accounted for by other factors. 53


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10 mm

FIGURE 5.1  The skeletal effects of mechanical loading and exercise are eloquently observed in individuals playing sports that expose their dominant upper extremity to mechanical overload. The images depict the structural features of the midshaft humerus in the nondominant and dominant upper extremities of a sedentary control individual and throwing (baseball) athlete, as acquired using peripheral quantitative computed tomography. Note the larger bone with thicker cortex in the dominant upper extremity of the thrower when compared with the nondominant upper extremity and the upper extremities in the control individual. (Reprinted from Bone, 45, Warden, S.J., et al., 931–41, 2009, with permission from Elsevier.)

The skeleton’s primary function is mechanical wherein it provides internal support to enable the force of gravity to be countered and presents attachment sites to allow muscle forces to generate motion at specialized bone-to-bone linkages. Given this mechanical role, it follows teleologically that skeletal tissue responds and adapts to its prevailing mechanical environment. This phenomenon is loosely referred to as Wolff’s law, named after the German anatomist/surgeon Julius Wolff who suggested that the form of bone is related to mechanical stress by a mathematical law (Wolff, 1892). Although basic tenets of Wolff’s law contain inaccuracies (Pearson and Lieberman, 2004), the general concept that bone adapts to its mechanical environment is widely accepted. Genetics may impact the magnitude of this adaptation with studies utilizing animal models demonstrating genotype influences on skeletal mechanosensitivity (Robling and Turner, 2002; Robling et al., 2007); however, co-twin studies and studies investigating bone health within individuals who unilaterally overload one extremity have confirmed that mechanical loading in the form of exercise is an important genetic-independent factor influencing skeletal properties (Figure 5.1) (Huddleston et al., 1980; Iuliano-Burns et al., 2005; MacInnis et al., 2003; Warden et al., 2009). This chapter discusses mechanical loading features that influence skeletal adaptation and the response of the skeleton to the mechanical loading associated with exercise during two critical phases of the life span—growth and aging. Included is a discussion of the contribution of nutrition and pharmaceutical agents to mechanically induced skeletal adaptation during growth and aging, respectively.

MECHANICAL LOADING FEATURES INFLUENCING SKELETAL ADAPTATION Skeletal Adaptation Is Influenced by Load Magnitude Animal studies introducing controlled loading to the skeleton have provided a wealth of knowledge regarding mechanical loading features contributing to skeletal adaptation. Initially, these studies

Optimizing the Skeletal Benefits of Mechanical Loading and Exercise


Physiological window

Bone gain Homeostasis Minimum effective strain (MES)

Bone loss 50–200 µε

1500–2500 µε Strain

FIGURE 5.2  Adaptation of the skeleton to mechanical loading according to Frost’s mechanostat theory. Frost mechanostat theory predicted mechanical strains to fall between two effective strain levels—the minimum effective strain (MES), speculated to be in the vicinity of 1500 to 2500 µε (Frost, 1987) and a lower effective strain level, suggested to be approximately 50–200 µε. When mechanical strains fell within this “physiological window,” bone resorption during remodeling equaled formation, resulting in mineral homeostasis and no bone adaptation. When mechanical usage caused strain levels to fall outside the window, an imbalance between resorption and formation was predicted. Bone loss (net mineral loss) was predicted for strains below the lower effective strain level (50–200 µε), whereas bone gain (net mineral gain) was predicted for strains above the MES (1500–2500 µε). For extremely high strains, microscopic trauma (microdamage) was predicted.

identified load magnitude as a key factor determining adaptation. When discussing the magnitude of loads applied to the skeleton, the internal strain that the bone experiences is most relevant. Strain refers to the change in length per unit length of a structure and is typically expressed in terms of microstrain (µε) in bone because of its small value. Bone strains during usual activities of daily living range from 400 to 1500 µε, although activities involving high impact loads result in higher strains (Burr et al., 1996). For bone to respond and adapt to an external load, the microstrain engendered within the bone needs to surpass a certain threshold that is greater than what is typically experienced (Rubin and Lanyon, 1985; Turner et al., 1994b). The importance of strain to skeletal mechanoresponsiveness was recognized by the pioneering work of Dr. Harold M. Frost who developed a mathematical model for describing the response of bone to mechanical loading—Frost’s mechanostat theory (Frost, 1987). This theory described a negative feedback control system where bone was maintained such that everyday mechanical strains fell between two effective strain levels—the minimum effective strain (MES), speculated to be in the vicinity of 1500 to 2500 µε, and a lower effective strain level, suggested to be approximately 50–200 µε (Frost, 1987, 1990). The combination of these two strain levels created a “physiological window” wherein mechanical strains within the window resulted in mineral homeostasis, whereas strains below and above the window resulted in net mineral loss and gain, respectively (Figure5.2).

Skeletal Adaptation Is Enhanced with Novel Mechanical Loading Frost’s mechanostat theory provided a quantum advance in understanding bone adaptation to loading, yet it was not without limitations (Martin, 2000; Turner, 1999). In particular, the theory assumed that bone cells were somehow preprogrammed with a MES value which set the threshold for a skeletal response. However, it is now understood that the MES must vary both between and within bones; otherwise, relatively nonloaded bones (i.e., cranium) and sites (i.e., along the neutral axis in a bending bone) would constantly be in states of net mineral loss. Such loss of bone tissue does not occur because bone cell mechanosensitivity is plastic.


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Plasticity forms the foundation of the cellular accommodation theory. The theory agrees that mechanosensitive cells must contain some strain threshold above which a mechanical signal can elicit a cellular response yet argues that the threshold is not a set value, rather is a product of local strain history (Turner, 1999). The cellular accommodation theory assumes that when a strain threshold is surpassed, the mechanosensor cells gradually accommodate to the new state, either by cytoskeletal reorganization or by change of the extracellular microenvironment. Given that bone adaptation is error driven (Lanyon, 1992), the bone response is then proportional to the difference between the new strain and the ever-changing set point, rather than being directly related to the absolute magnitude of the new strain induced by a loading stimulus. Therefore, adaptation to mechanical loading is greatest when strains differ most from usual strains (i.e., when novel loads are introduced). Preliminary evidence to support the cellular accommodation theory has been provided experimentally with bone formation in a mechanical loading study closely resembling the theory’s predicted results, but not those predicted by Frost’s mechanostat theory (Schriefer et al., 2005).

Skeletal Adaptation Is Influenced by How Fast Loads Are Introduced Bone adaptation to a loading stimulus is not dependent on strain magnitude alone, as indicated by the observation that dynamic loading induces significantly greater adaptation than if the same strain magnitudes are held statically (Lanyon and Rubin, 1984; Robling et al., 2001b). The preferential response of bone to dynamic stimuli, combined with its greater adaptation to increased strain magnitude, suggests that a bone’s adaptive response to loading is influenced by how fast strain is introduced. This relationship has been confirmed experimentally with higher strain rates generating greater bone adaptation (Mosley and Lanyon, 1998; Turner et al., 1994a, 1995a). As strain rate is the product of strain magnitude and loading frequency, it fits that increasing either component may contribute to the magnitude of bone adaptation. Frequency refers to the number of loading cycles per second. A positive relationship between loading frequency and cortical bone adaptation exists, with increasing loading frequency beyond a threshold of 0.5 Hz generating progressively greater adaptation (Hsieh and Turner, 2001; Turner et al., 1994a, 1995a; Warden and Turner, 2004).

Skeletal Adaptation Is Greatest with Brief Yet Often Mechanical Loading Further features influencing the skeletal adaptive response to loading include the duration of loading and length of rest between loading bouts. Extending the duration of loading does not necessarily yield proportional increases in bone mass (Rubin and Laynon, 1984; Umemura et al., 1997). As loading duration increases, the bone formation response tends to fade as the mechanosensitive cells accommodate to the prevailing environment. The decline in adaptation with ongoing loading cycles fits a logarithmic relationship such that after only 20 back-to-back loading cycles, bone has lost more than 95% of its mechanosensitivity (Turner and Robling, 2003). These observations indicate that loading programs do not need to be long to induce meaningful adaptation and, in addition, that bone cells need time to resensitize between loading bouts to be responsive to future loading bouts. The amount of rest time required between loading bouts depends on the nature of the loading stimulus. For instance, including a few seconds rest between consecutive loading cycles will result in greater bone adaptation than if the same strain stimulus is introduced with no rests in back-toback cycles (Robling et al., 2001a; Srinivasan et al., 2002). Rests of a number of hours between consecutive loading bouts also result in greater bone adaptation than if the same strain stimulus is introduced in back-to-back bouts (Robling et al., 2000, 2002a, 2002b).

Skeletal Adaptation in Response to Mechanical Loading Is Site Specific As the response of bone to mechanical loading is highly stimulus specific, it follows that its adaptive response is also highly site specific. This site specficity has been confirmed in individuals


Optimizing the Skeletal Benefits of Mechanical Loading and Exercise Caudal

–3000 –2000 –1000 0 1000 2000

Compressive surface


Neutral axis Tensile surface Caudal






Bone geometry at baseline Loading-induced adaptation

FIGURE 5.3  The adaptive response of bone to mechanical loading is site specific such that only those regions within a bone that experience sufficient microstrain will adapt. (a) Schematic diagram of the rodent ulna axial compression model. The distal forelimb is fixed between upper and lower cups. When force is applied to one of the cups, the ulna is caused to bow laterally. (b) The bending of the ulna under axial compression generates medial surface compression and lateral surface tension at the midshaft. There is no strain along the axis through which the bone is bending (neutral axis). (c) Loading of rat ulnas for 16 weeks using the axial compression model causes new bone to be formed on surfaces of high strain (medial and lateral surfaces). There is minimal new bone formation near the neutral axis (caudal and cranial surfaces) where there is the least microstrain during loading. (Data from Robling, A.G., et al., J Bone Miner Res, 17, 1545–54, 2002.)

playing sports that expose their dominant upper extremity to mechanical overload, with only the loaded bones undergoing adaptation (Figure 5.1) (Haapasalo et al., 1996; Huddleston et al., 1980; Jones et al., 1977; Warden et al., 2009). The site-specific nature of bone adaptation to mechanical loading can be localized further than the individual bone level. Long bones are curved such that they bend when axially loaded. Bending results in the exposure of different regions within the bone cross-section to different levels of microstrain. Only those regions within the bone that experience sufficient strain stimulus adapt, as clearly observed in the adaptive response to loading in the rodent ulna axial compression model (Figure 5.3).

Implications of Mechanical Loading Features Influencing Skeletal Adaptation Knowledge of the loading characteristics conducive to skeletal adaptation enables the development of appropriate interventions aimed at optimizing skeletal health (Turner and Robling, 2003; Warden et al., 2004). Specifically, exercises should introduce novel, high-magnitude, rapid strains at the specific sites and in the specific directions that adaptation is desired. Unfortunately, in humans, it is unknown what magnitude of external loading is required to induce a certain strain level or what range of strain magnitudes and rates result in adaptation at specific sites. Although these questions are easily examined in animal models, they are difficult to answer in humans due to difficulties in measuring bone strain in vivo. Laboratory-based studies have attached strain gauges to bone surfaces in humans to assess strains during various activities (Milgrom, 2001); however, measurements have only been performed in a small subgroup of the population and on localized sections of a few bones. It is important to appreciate that bone strains quantified at a specific skeletal location may not correspond to strains engendered at distant sites, in alternate bones, or in the wider population. Finite element models have been developed to model bone strains in response to given loads; however, these models remain in their infancy.


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Despite limitations in assessing bone loading, activities with high magnitude and rapid loading are known to result in higher strain magnitudes and rates. For example, the limited strain gauge data available do show that activities such as jumping and running result in greater bone strain magnitudes and rates than those of lower load and slower loading rate activities such as walking (Milgrom, 2001). Based on clinical and randomized control trial data, it is known that individuals involved in high and rapid load activities (i.e., jumping and running) exhibit greater lower extremity bone adaptation than that of individuals who are not (Guadalupe-Grau et al., 2009). Thus, exercises involving high magnitude and rapid loads are more conducive of skeletal adaptation. Exercises may include endurance activities, such as distance running; however, given the desensitization of the skeleton to prolonged loading and preference of the skeleton for novel short-duration loading, activities should also include jumping and landing activities and rapid changes in direction, such as occur during basketball, volleyball, soccer, and gymnastics. These activities expose the skeleton to short-duration, high-magnitude, rapid loading in multiple novel directions, and all have been associated with significant skeletal adaptation (Nichols et al., 2007).

SKELETAL BENEFITS OF EXERCISE DURING GROWTH Growth Presents a “Window of Opportunity” Growth is an opportune time to take advantage of the skeletal benefits of exercise due to the highly plastic skeletal state presented. Growth is primarily characterized by bone modeling, which involves spatially independent osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. These processes function to add or remove bone tissue on previously quiescent bone surfaces to effectively alter bone quantity and structure. Exercise during this period primarily influences the skeleton by stimulating de novo bone formation. Mechanical signals are transmitted to the bone surface via osteocyte signaling whereby they stimulate the differentiation of precursor cells into osteoblasts to transform the periosteal cellular layer from a quiescent to an osteogenic cell layer. As a result, periosteal mineral apposition increases, with formation rates rising largely due to alterations in the amount of bone surface undergoing formation. Observational and longitudinal cohort studies have demonstrated that children and adolescents who lead more physically active lifestyles typically have 10%–15% greater bone mass than that of their peers (Bailey et al., 1999; Janz et al., 2006; Tobias et al., 2007). These data are supported by prospective randomized controlled trials that have demonstrated that weight-bearing exercise in children and adolescents increases bone mass at loaded sites (lower extremities and spine) by up to 5% in 1000 mg/day) (Specker, 1996). The adequacy of dietary calcium intake has been most extensively studied in terms of the permissive role of nutrition on the skeletal effects of exercise; however, the availability of other nutrients may also play a significant role. In particular, sufficient intake of protein has been linked with the skeletal effects of exercise. The relationship between adequate protein and bone has been shown to be independent of energy intake and calcium intake. Chevalley et al. (2008) demonstrated that protein intake higher than the usual recommended dietary allowance enhanced the positive skeletal effects of exercise before the onset of pubertal maturation. The mechanism for this permissive effect of protein is not clear but may relate to insulin-like growth factor, which is crucial for both muscle and bone tissue development.


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EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON THE AGING SKELETON Focus Shifts to Maintaining Bone Health and Protecting Skeleton from Excessive Load While exercise is best understood in terms of its anabolic effects on bone modeling during growth, it also has a significant role in the mature skeleton. The primary tissue-level process taking place in the mature skeleton is bone remodeling. Remodeling involves the temporally and spatially coordinated actions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts who work in teams to remove and replace discrete, measurable “packets” of bone. During aging, a negative bone balance exists such that more bone is resorbed than is replaced by each team of cells. The result is a progressive net loss of bone mineral and the potential development of osteoporosis. Exercise during aging may limit the loss by reducing the amount of bone resorbed or increasing the amount of bone formed by each team of cells. However, the anabolic effect of exercise during remodeling appears negligible relative to its effects on bone formation during modeling. The limited gain in bone during adulthood has been demonstrated in animal studies which show that the adult skeleton has a lesser anabolic response to mechanical loading than the growing skeleton (Turner etal., 1995b). Instead, exercise during aging appears to exert its primary skeletal effects by reducing bone resorption. The suppression of bone resorption is most clearly evident when exercise levels fall below customary levels, such as during disuse where accelerated remodeling mainly on endosteal and trabecular surfaces contributes to a 0.5%–1% loss of bone mass per month (Pavy-Le Traon etal., 2007). The ability to perform highly osteogenic exercises (i.e., dynamic, high-impact loading) is limited in adults due to these types of loads being associated with a risk for osteoarthritis, bone microdamage, and stress fractures. Consequently, exercise of the adult skeleton typically involves activities with low- or moderate-impact loads, such as walking, running, aerobic exercise, resistance training, and stair climbing. The introduction of low- or moderate-impact loads to the adult skeleton has been met with variable success in modifying bone mass, with maximal increases being around 2%–3%; however, systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial evidence have confirmed that low- or moderate-impact loads are effective in reducing age-related bone loss (Bérard et al., 1997; Bonaiuti et al., 2002; Wallace and Cumming, 2000; Wolff et al., 1999). Likewise, maintaining a consistent loading regimen preserves exercise-induced bone mass changes in animals (Shimamura et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2004) and humans (Heinonen et al., 1999) and offsets the loss of bone associated with aging in humans (Martyn-St James and Carroll, 2009). Thus, exercise in the adult skeleton should be encouraged as a means of preventing bone loss and maintaining bone health. In addition to maintaining bone health, overwhelming evidence exists that continued exercise throughout life has significant, bone-mass-independent, antifracture benefits. Reports have consistently shown that persons with a current or previous history of low activity levels have a higher incidence of hip fractures than that of persons with a higher activity level. In the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures trial, which longitudinally followed 9,704 women aged 65 years or older for 4 years, there was a 30% reduction in hip fracture risk associated with frequent walking (Cummings et al., 1995). Likewise, in a separate study, walking for at least 4 hours/week among women who did no other exercise was associated with a 41% lower risk of hip fracture compared with that of women who walked for less than 1 hour/week (Feskanich et al., 2002). The reason for the beneficial antifracture effects of exercise on the older skeleton despite its somewhat limited ability to produce significant changes in bone mass may relate to the multifactorial cause of bone fractures. Although low bone mass has been established as an important predictor of fracture risk, the results of many studies indicate that clinical risk factors related to risk of fall also serve as important predictors of fractures (Cummings et al., 1995; Geusens et al., 2002). Only 5%–10% of falls result in fracture; however, 95% of hip fractures result from falls. By way of its beneficial effects on muscle strength, balance,

Optimizing the Skeletal Benefits of Mechanical Loading and Exercise


and proprioception, exercise may reduce the risk for falling and, consequently, the risk for fracture by protecting the aging skeleton from excessive loads.

Exercise May Augment Skeletal Benefits of Pharmaceutical Agents for Osteoporosis Exercise may be used as an adjunct to pharmaceutical agents for preventing and/or treating osteoporosis. This hypothesis stems from preliminary evidence suggesting that exercise combined with either antiresorptive or anabolic pharmaceutical agents produces additive or even synergistic benefits to bone health. Animal studies using ovariectomized rats investigated whether the reduced endosteal and trabecular bone resorption associated with the use of antiresorptive agents combined with the enhanced periosteal bone formation associated with exercise enhanced bone health more than the introduction of either modality alone did (Fuchs et al., 2007; Tamaki et al., 1998). Tamaki et al. (1998) found etidronate and treadmill running to have independent beneficial effects on midshaft and distal femoral bone mineral density (BMD), whereas Fuchs et al. (2007) found independent beneficial effects for alendronate and treadmill running on midshaft femur mechanical properties. These findings indicate that, at a minimum, bisphosphonates and exercise may have additive beneficial effects. However, both studies also found statistical interactions between the modalities for some measures. These latter findings indicate that combined treadmill running and bisphosphonate therapy induced greater benefits than predicted by the summation of their observed individual effects. These results suggest some form of synergy between exercise and antiresorptive pharmaceutical agents wherein one of the interventions magnifies the effect of the other. A number of clinical studies have explored the role of combined exercise and antiresorptive therapy on bone health (Fuchs and Warden, 2008). These studies provide some supportive, albeit inconclusive, evidence for synergistic or at least additive effects between the two modalities. Primarily, Braith et al. (2003, 2007) investigated the combined effects of alendronate and resistance training on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis following lung or heart transplant in two separate studies. In both studies, participants treated with combination therapy had superior improvements in BMD than those of people treated with alendronate alone. Although these data suggest an additive or even synergistic beneficial effect of combination therapy, this conclusion could not be substantiated as an exercise-alone treated group was not investigated. Chilibeck et al. (2002) and Uusi-Rasi et al. (2003) addressed this limitation by performing randomized controlled trials designed to elicit both the additive and interactive effects of exercise and antiresorptive therapies on bone health in postmenopausal women. Neither study was able to find additive or interactive effects between the treatments for any skeletal measure; however, the resistance exercise program implemented by Chilibeck etal. (2002) was unable to elicit an independent effect, indicating that it may have been inadequately osteogenic, whereas Uusi-Rasi et al. (2003) observed antiresorptive therapy to increase distal tibial bone mass and jumping exercise to increase distal tibial polar section modulus, suggesting that the two interventions had additive effects in optimizing bone health. While preliminary clinical evidence supporting the combined introduction of exercise and antiresorptive agents for optimizing bone health during aging has been reported, no such evidence currently exists for the combined introduction of exercise and anabolic pharmaceutical agents. However, a number of preclinical cell- and animal-based studies have yielded interesting observations when exploring the combined effects of mechanical loading and parathyroid hormone (PTH) therapy. As both mechanical loading and PTH primarily target bone-forming osteoblasts, their simultaneous introduction may allow one modality to enhance the response of osteoblasts to the effects of the other modality. Such synergy appears to be present with PTH sensitizing the osteogenic response of osteoblasts to mechanical loading, possibly by enhancing the mobilization of intracellular calcium (Ryder and Duncan, 2001). When PTH was introduced prior to or at the commencement of mechanical loading in animal-based studies, synergy between the two modalities occurred such that their individual osteogenic effects were magnified (Kim et al., 2003; Li et al., 2003). These synergistic effects indicate a need for clinical studies investigating the combined effects of PTH


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and exercise. In designing these studies, a priori consideration needs to be given to the timing of the interventions. PTH has a short half-life (75 minutes) and reaches maximal serum concentrations within 15–45 minutes following subcutaneous injection (Lindsay et al., 1993). Exercise should be performed during this period immediately following PTH administration to optimize any synergistic effects between the treatments. Such timing is not as critical when exploiting synergy between bisphosphonates and exercise due to the prolonged skeletal half-life of the former (Khan et al., 1997; Mitchell et al., 1999).

SUMMARY Mechanical loading of the skeleton by way of exercise is an important intervention for the reduction in bone strength and consequent increase in the risk for low-trauma fractures associated with aging. Early in life, especially around puberty, exercise should be promoted to develop a skeleton with the most ideal structural design. The hope is that this design persists long-term to have antifracture benefits later in life. Exercises early in life that may facilitate structural optimization of the skeleton include impact activities introducing high magnitude loads at rapid rates in multiple directions, such as those experienced during participation in basketball and gymnastics. As nutrition is permissive of the skeletal effects of exercise, adequate availability of essential nutrients is necessary to enable structural optimization to occur. The objective of exercise during aging shifts towards preserving bone quantity so as to enter late adulthood with maximal bone stock and protecting the skeleton during late adulthood from excessive loads. Exercises during these phases may include low- or moderate-impact loads, such as walking, running, aerobic exercise, resistance training, and stair climbing. Consideration when prescribing these exercises during aging should be given to their coupling with pharmaceutical agents for preventing and/or treating osteoporosis. By appropriately timing exercise following drug administration, bone health may be optimized above that associated with either intervention in isolation.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This contribution was made possible by support from the National Institutes of Health (R01 AR057740 and R15 AR056858 [S.J.W.]; K01 AR054408 [R.K.F.])

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Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism David A. Ontjes

“The constancy of the internal environment is the condition for free and independent life.” Claude Bernard, in “Lectures on the Phenomena of Life Common to Animals and Plants” (1878)

CONTENTS Body Calcium and Phosphorus: Homeostasis and Balance.............................................................. 72 Need for Calcium Homeostasis............................................................................................... 72 Distribution of Body Calcium and Phosphorus....................................................................... 73 Organs Important in Regulating Calcium and Phosphorus Balance........................................ 73 Gastrointestinal Tract................................................................................................... 73 Kidney�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������75 Bone���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76 Overall Requirements for Positive Calcium Balance.............................................................. 77 PTH–Vitamin D Endocrine System and Calcium Homeostasis....................................................... 77 PTH�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77 Structure and Biosynthesis of PTH.............................................................................. 78 Actions of PTH........................................................................................................................ 79 PTH Receptors and Intracellular Messengers..............................................................80 Actions of PTH on Bone.............................................................................................. 80 Actions of PTH on Kidney.......................................................................................... 81 Basis of Use of PTH as Antiosteoporosis Drug........................................................... 81 Control of PTH Secretion........................................................................................................ 81 Role of Calcium Sensing Receptor in Regulating PTH Secretion.............................. 82 Role of Calcitriol in Regulating PTH Secretion.......................................................... 82 Other Ions Affecting PTH Secretion............................................................................ 83 Drugs Affecting PTH Secretion................................................................................... 83 Calcimimetics..............................................................................................................84 Diseases Caused by Abnormal PTH Secretion or Action........................................................84 Primary Hyperparathyroidism.....................................................................................84 Hypercalcemia of Malignancy..................................................................................... 85 Congenital or Acquired Abnormalities of CaSR......................................................... 85 Hypoparathyroidism and Pseudohypoparathyroidism................................................. 86 71


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Steroid Hormones and Bone Metabolism................................................................................................. 86 General Features of Steroid Hormone Action................................................................................. 86 Estrogens......................................................................................................................................... 87 Sources of Estrogens in Women and Men.......................................................................... 87 Effects of Estrogen on Bone Metabolism and Calcium Balance........................................ 88 Effects of Estrogen Administration on Osteoporosis.......................................................... 89 Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators........................................................................................ 91 General Properties of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators........................................ 91 Biological Effects of Raloxifene........................................................................................ 91 Effects of SERMs in Treatment of Osteoporosis................................................................ 92 Androgens....................................................................................................................................... 92 Sources in Men and Women............................................................................................... 92 Effects of Testosterone on Bone Metabolism and Calcium Balance.................................. 93 Effects of Androgen on Osteoporosis in Men..................................................................... 93 Glucocorticoids............................................................................................................................... 95 Sources of Glucocorticoids and Causes of Glucocorticoid Excess.................................... 96 Effects of Glucocorticoid Excess on Bone Metabolism and Calcium Balance.................. 96 Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis................................................................................ 98 Fracture Risk Reduction in Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis.................................... 98 Thyroid Hormones and Bone Metabolism.................................................................................... 100 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 100 Actions on Skeletal Tissue.................................................................................................101 Effects of Thyroid Hormone Excess on Bone Health........................................................101 Growth Hormone and IGF-I.......................................................................................................... 102 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 102 Effects of GH and IGF-I on Bone Metabolism................................................................ 103 Therapy for Osteoporosis................................................................................................. 104 Summary and Conclusions..................................................................................................................... 105 References............................................................................................................................................... 106

BODY CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS: HOMEOSTASIS AND BALANCE This chapter discusses the role of the endocrine system in regulating calcium homeostasis and calcium and phosphate balance. Hormones are the primary agents responsible for sustaining a number of essential conditions within our internal environment. These include plasma concentrations of glucose, amino acids, sodium, potassium, and not least, calcium ions. In this chapter, calcium homeostasis refers to the processes by which a constant concentration of ionized calcium is maintained in the extracellular fluid. The distribution of calcium between bone and other body compartments is in a dynamic equilibrium and is closely regulated by several hormones, the most important of which are parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol. Calcium balance refers to the processes leading to the gain or loss of all calcium from the entire body pool. Because most of the calcium pool resides in bone, calcium balance is synonymous with the net gain or loss of mineralized bone over time. In the hierarchy of conditions essential for survival, a constant concentration of ionized calcium commonly takes precedence over maintenance of an optimal bone mass. Some of the circ*mstances in which bone mass is sacrificed to maintain calcium homeostasis are discussed later in this chapter.

Need for Calcium Homeostasis A constant concentration of ionized calcium in the extracellular fluid is essential for several vital processes including the stability and permeability of plasma membranes. Consequently, the normal concentration of ionized calcium measured in plasma is narrow, ranging from 1.12 to 1.23 mmol/L

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


(4.48 to 4.92 mg/dL). A reduction in the extracellular calcium concentration increases the permeability of cell membranes to sodium and increases the excitability of muscle and nerve tissues, causing nerve discharge and muscle contraction. The resulting clinical manifestation in humans with hypocalcemia is tetany. Extracellular calcium ions can bind to a G-protein-linked calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) in parathyroid, renal epithelial, and other cells to control cellular function directly in these tissues. In addition to its role in the normal mineralization of bone matrix, extracellular calcium also activates numerous extracellular enzymes and clotting factors. Intracellular calcium is sequestered within mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, or sarcoplasmic reticulum, where its release can be stimulated by the activation of a number of cell-surface receptors by several hormones and neurotransmitters. In cells, calcium ions act as a second messenger by interacting with a large number of key enzymes and other proteins governing muscle contraction, microtubule and microfilament assembly, and membrane permeability.

Distribution of Body Calcium and Phosphorus The body of an average adult contains approximately 1 kg of calcium, 99% of which is deposited in bone as hydroxyapatite. About 1% of the calcium in bone is rapidly exchangeable with that in the extracellular fluid. The remainder may be mobilized more slowly when conditions require. The overall distribution is shown in Table 6.1. Approximately 85% of total body phosphorus resides in bone in the form of hydroxyapatite and 15% in soft tissues. In contrast to calcium, extraskeletal phosphorus is located primarily within cells where it may serve as a component of numerous complex organic molecules, such as nucleic acids and phospholipids, or in free ionic form as HPO42− or H2PO4−. The concentration of extracellular phosphate ions is influenced by many of the same hormones that regulate extracellular calcium ions. However, extracellular phosphorus concentration is much less tightly regulated than that of calcium, with normal concentrations ranging from 0.87 to 1.45 mmol/L (2.7 to 4.5 mg/dL).

Organs Important in Regulating Calcium and Phosphorus Balance Gastrointestinal Tract Gastrointestinal Calcium Absorption The gastrointestinal (GI) tract governs entry of both calcium and phosphorus into the body and plays an important role in overall calcium balance. Calcium is absorbed in its ionized form, mainly

TABLE 6.1 Distribution of Calcium in Body Tissues In bone   Non-labile hydroxyapatite   Labile skeletal calcium pool In extracellular fluid   Plasma In cells

1000 g (99%)   999 g   1g 1 g (0.1%)  0.2 g (48% ionized; 46% protein bound; 6% complexed) 1 g (0.1%)

Source: Bringhurst, F.R., and Leder, B.Z. 2006. Regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis. In Textbook of Endocrinology, DeGroot, L.J., and Jameson, J.L, eds., 5th ed., Chapter 74. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia.


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

in the duodenum and jejunum. Insoluble salts of calcium are not well absorbed. Absorption occurs by two processes, one that is active and saturable and a second that is passive and nonsaturable. The saturable process is mediated by calcium-binding proteins existing in the duodenum and upper jejunum. One of these binding proteins, known as TRPV6, exists in the highest concentration on the apical cell surface in intestinal endothelial cells (den Dekker et al., 2003). The expression of the TRPV6 gene is stimulated by 1,25(OH)2D3 or calcitriol, acting through the vitamin D receptor. The TRPV6 protein appears to facilitate the movement of calcium ions through the apical brush border and across the endothelial cell membrane by formation of a selective calcium channel. Once calcium has entered the intestinal endothelial cell, it must be transported through the cytoplasm and moved out of the cell into the extracellular compartment against an electrochemical gradient. Transport across the cytoplasm is carried out by a cytosolic protein known as calbindin D9K. Once calcium ions reach the basolateral membrane, they dissociate from calbindin and are actively extruded out of the cell by high-affinity membrane Ca2+-ATPases to diffuse into the extracellular fluid and enter the portal circulation (Bronner et al., 1986). The expression of the calbindin gene and the activity of membrane Ca2+-ATPases are also governed by the vitamin D receptor in intestinal endothelial cells. Thus, calcitriol is the primary regulator of the active, saturable component of intestinal calcium transport (Bringhurst and Leder, 2006). This pathway accounts for most of the calcium transport occurring when calcium ion concentrations within the intestinal lumen are low. The efficiency of the active pathway can be regulated up or down, depending on the availability of dietary calcium and the prevailing need to maintain calcium homeostasis. The jejunum and ileum also provide for a passive, nonsaturable movement of calcium across the intestinal lumen through paracellular channels (Karbach, 1992). This mechanism predominates in delivering calcium from the gut to the systemic circulation under conditions where the intraluminal concentration of calcium is high, as for example in subjects taking oral calcium supplements. Vitamin D may also play a role in enhancing this process as well, although the mechanism is unclear. At the same time that absorption of calcium is occurring in the upper GI tract, there is a movement of calcium into the intestinal lumen in the form of bile and other digestive juices. These endogenous intestinal secretions normally contain 100 to 200 mg of calcium per day and are little affected by dietary or serum calcium. Net absorption represents the difference between active and passive calcium absorption and endogenous intestinal secretions. The efficiency of calcium absorption can vary greatly from 5% to 70% under different conditions in the same individual. The relationships between dietary calcium intake and absorption are illustrated in Figure 6.1. Under conditions of dietary calcium restriction and with adequate supplies of vitamin D, active absorption is maximized. At higher calcium intakes, passive absorption plays an increasing role. As the calcium supply increases, the overall efficiency of calcium absorption decreases, whereas the total amount of calcium absorbed continues to increase, but at a slower rate. At dietary calcium intakes below approximately 200 mg/day, the obligatory excretion of calcium from endogenous intestinal secretions exceeds the absorption of calcium from the upper GI tract so that the gut actually becomes a source of net calcium loss. Gastrointestinal Phosphorus Absorption The average dietary intake of phosphorus is 800–900 mg/day, usually exceeding the minimum requirement of 400 mg/day. Normally, about 70% of dietary phosphorus is absorbed in the duodenum and proximal jejunum. In the jejunum, a saturable, active, sodium-dependent process is responsive to vitamin D and a nonsaturable process is thought to represent passive paracellular transport. The active process is mediated by a sodium phosphate transporter in the luminal brush border of intestinal epithelial cells. Calcitriol stimulates the active process by increasing the expression of the transporter. Thus, both calcium and phosphorus absorption are stimulated by calcitriol. In contrast to calcium absorption, however, the basal absorption of phosphate in the absence of vitamin D is much higher, suggesting that the passive paracellular mechanism plays a more dominant role (Cross et al., 1990).

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


600 500 400 Net absorption (mg/day)

300 200 100 0 –100 –200







Dietary calcium (mg/day)

FIGURE 6.1  Model relationship of dietary calcium intake and net gastrointestinal absorption of calcium in a healthy young individual. Note that the efficiency of absorption declines as dietary calcium intake increases. At dietary calcium intakes of less than ~200 mg/day, net absorption becomes negative due to fecal loss of calcium from intestinal secretions.

Kidney Renal Calcium Excretion At normal rates of glomerular filtration, 7000 to 10,000 mg of ionized calcium is delivered to the proximal renal tubules each day, yet only 100–300 mg is ultimately excreted in the urine. Approximately 98% of the filtered calcium load is normally reabsorbed at various sites along the nephron. About 60% to 70% is absorbed in the proximal tubules, and another 20% to 25% is absorbed in the loop of Henle, mainly by passive paracellular diffusion. In contrast, the 8% to 10% absorbed in the distal tubule is hormonally controlled and involves transcellular transport mechanisms. Epithelial cells in the distal tubules possess transport proteins similar to those seen in the intestinal epithelium where calcium is also actively absorbed. These proteins include an epithelial calcium channel, TPRV5, which is closely hom*ologous to TPRV6 in the gut, a calcium-binding protein, calbindin D, basolateral calcium ATPases, and a basolateral Na+/Ca++ exchanger. Similar to the process in the gut, calcium penetrates into the tubular epithelial cell through a TPRV5 calcium channel, moves across the cytoplasm bound to a calbindin protein, and is finally extruded against a gradient by the Na+/Ca++ exchanger and calcium ATPase located in the basolateral membrane (Hoenderop et al., 2002; Loffing and Kaissling, 2003). The regulation of calcium reabsorption in the nephron is a complex process involving both hormones and divalent cations. PTH is the main regulator of calcium absorption in the distal nephron. It increases calcium absorption in the distal tubules through several mechanisms including activating the TRPV5 channel, increasing calbindin expression, and increasing the affinity for calcium of basolateral Ca2+-ATPases (Hoenderop et al., 2002). Calcitriol augments the action of PTH, apparently by further increasing the expression of TRPV5, calbindin, and plasma-membrane-associated Ca2+-ATPases (Hoenderop et al., 2001). Calcium ion itself plays a role in the control of calcium reabsorption in those portions of the nephron possessing a CaSR. The ascending limb of the loop on Henle possesses CaSRs that are activated by the binding of calcium ions present in the tubular fluid. At this site in the nephron, activation of the CaSR results in a reduction of calcium and sodium transport and a decrease in urinary concentrating ability. Thus, a rise in serum Ca2+ concentration tends to be buffered by increased renal excretion of calcium and a more dilute urine (Tfelt-Hansen and Brown, 2005). This self-regulatory process can occur independently of PTH and calcitriol. Inactivating mutations in the CaSR tend to


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

cause hypercalcemia due in part to impaired renal clearance of calcium in a syndrome known as familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) (Brown, 2007). The CaSR is also present in bone and parathyroid cells, where it plays an important regulatory role, as discussed later in this chapter. Renal Phosphate Excretion Eighty-five percent of the phosphorus present in the plasma is in the form of free ions, HPO42− and H2PO4− or complexed with sodium as NaHPO4 − and is thus ultrafiltrable at the renal glomerulus. The control of serum phosphate is accomplished mainly by alterations in the renal reabsorption of phosphate filtered at the glomerulus. At normal glomerular filtration rates, the filtered load of phosphate is 4,000 to 6,000 mg/day. With varying dietary phosphate intake, the reabsorption of phosphate from the glomerular filtrate can vary widely, from 70% to 95%. The fractional excretion of phosphate in the urine, determined by the ratio of phosphate to creatinine clearance, typically ranges from 10% to 15%. Most of the filtered phosphate is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule in an active process requiring sodium ions. At least three separate Na–P cotransporters have been identified at various locations on the nephron. The type II Na–P cotransporter accounts for most of the transport in the proximal tubule and is involved in the regulation of phosphate transport by PTH. A substantial part of the regulation of the renal handling of phosphate is dependent on the ambient concentration of PTH. Increased serum PTH rapidly leads to decreased expression of the type II Na–P cotransporter and thus to reduced phosphate reabsorption. Ablation of the gene coding for the type IIa Na–P cotransporter in mice results in a loss of 70% of proximal phosphate transport and loss of regulation by both PTH and dietary phosphorus intake (Murer et al., 2000). Renal phosphate excretion is highly responsive to variations in dietary phosphorus intake. With restricted intake, a rapid increase in the tubular reabsorption of phosphate follows, and conversely with a high intake, there is a decrease. Some of the adaptations of the kidney to variations in dietary phosphate intake occur independently of PTH. The mechanisms of this PTH-independent regulation are incompletely understood. However, one of the likely mediators is FGF-23, a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of proteins with potent phosphaturic effects. FGF-23 is produced by certain tumors occurring in hypophosphatemic patients with tumor-induced osteomalacia (Shimada et al., 2001). In other patients with the autosomal dominant form of hypophosphatemic rickets, mutations may occur in the FGF-23 gene, rendering the FGF-23 molecule more resistant to proteolytic cleavage. This resistance leads to augmented FGF-23 activity in the kidney with increased phosphate excretion and an abnormally low serum phosphate. Bone The role of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the deposition and resorption of bone mineral is discussed in detail in the preceding chapter (see Chapter 5). The hydroxyapatite composed of bone mineral contains 6mmol of phosphate for every 10 mmol of calcium (approximately 1 mg of phosphorus for 2 mg calcium). The estimated quantity of calcium released daily by osteoclastic bone resorption is 250 to 500 mg/day. Significantly higher estimates of calcium flux have been derived from calcium isotope studies measuring the movement of calcium between the extracellular fluid pool and the fluid enclosed by bone lining cells (Talmage et al., 1976). One of the well-known effects of PTH is to stimulate bone resorption through osteoclastic activity. This effect is most likely achieved indirectly through the actions of cytokines. Mature osteoclasts do not have PTH receptors. Furthermore, osteoclast-mediated release of calcium from bone into the extracellular fluid is too slow to serve the need for minute-to-minute maintenance of a constant extracellular concentration of ionized calcium. PTH in fact does act to increase extracellular calcium concentration within minutes, but the mechanisms for this rapid action are not entirely understood. PTH receptors exist on bone lining cells, osteocytes, and osteoblasts. Following fibroblast growth factor (PTH) administration, there is a rapid entry of calcium from the bone surface into bone lining cells and osteocytes followed by a net movement of calcium into the extracellular fluid (Talmage et al., 1976). Osteoclasts are directly inhibited by calcitonin, a hormone secreted by parafollicular cells located in the thyroid gland in mammals. Intravenous administration of calcitonin to rats, rabbits, and

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism

Dietary intake

GI tract


550 mg

1000 mg

500 mg

300 mg 150 mg


5000 mg

Plasma Ca

4900 mg GI excretion


Urinary excretion

850 mg

100 mg Net positive balance: 50 mg

FIGURE 6.2  Optimal calcium balance in a healthy young adult. The numbers represent the estimated flux of calcium in milligrams per day in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, and bone assuming an optimal dietary intake of calcium and normal hormonal regulation of calcium homeostasis.

humans produces a rapid decrease in serum calcium, mediated primarily by a decreased release of ionized calcium from bone. Osteoclasts do have calcitonin receptors. After exposure to calcitonin in vitro, these cells show almost immediate changes in structure accompanied by a reduction in their resorptive activity (Chambers et al., 1985). The pharmacologic effects of calcitonin are clinically useful in treating hypercalcemia in patients, but it is doubtful that calcitonin plays a physiological role in regulating calcium homeostasis in man. Thyroidectomized subjects lacking calcitonin have no recognizable impairment in regulating their serum calcium levels. Furthermore, subjects with persistently high serum levels of calcitonin, due to calcitonin-secreting thyroid tumors (medullary thyroid carcinoma), have no significant derangements in calcium homeostasis.

Overall Requirements for Positive Calcium Balance To achieve a steady increase in bone mass during childhood or to maintain a healthy bone mass during adulthood, the GI tract, the kidney, and bone tissue must all function effectively under normal hormonal regulation. In addition, a sufficient dietary intake of calcium must exist. The basic elements required for a positive calcium balance are illustrated in Figure 6.2. In an optimal state with a daily calcium intake of 1000 mg, approximately 30% or 300 mg of the ingested calcium might be absorbed. Of this amount, 150 mg would be secreted back into the intestinal lumen, leading to a loss of 850 mg/day in the stool. Thus, the net gain of body calcium from the intestinal tract would be 150mg. Approximately 5000 mg of ionized and free calcium would be filtered at the renal glomeruli, and 4900 mg would be reabsorbed back into the plasma leading to a net loss of 100 mg/day in the urine. The combined loss of calcium in the stool and the urine might therefore total 950 mg/day. The estimated flux of calcium into and out of mineralized bone might be on the order of 500 mg/ day. In an optimal situation, as illustrated in Figure 6.2, total calcium intake would exceed output by 50 mg/day, with the net gain being deposited in bone. Obviously diseases causing derangements in the function or control of the GI tract, the kidney, or bone itself can interfere with the delicate balance between calcium intake and loss. Some of these conditions are discussed in the sections below, dealing with the regulation of calcium metabolism by individual hormones.

PTH–VITAMIN D ENDOCRINE SYSTEM AND CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS PTH PTH is the primary endocrine mediator of calcium homeostasis. The actions of PTH are enhanced and in some cases mediated by calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D.



FIGURE 6.3  Amino acid sequence of human PTH. The first 13 amino acids of the N-terminus are sufficient for partial biological activity, whereas the first 34 amino acids provide full biological activity. (Data from Keutmann, H.T., et al., Biochemistry, 17, 5723–5729, 1978.)

Structure and Biosynthesis of PTH PTH is a polypeptide hormone containing 84 amino acids, as shown in Figure 6.3. Biosynthesis occurs in parathyroid epithelial cells where the PTH gene encodes a larger precursor known as prepro-PTH. The precursor has an additional 29 amino acids at the amino-terminus of PTH, which are removed by the action of proteolytic enzymes before mature PTH is secreted. The intracellular processing of pre-pro-PTH occurs in two steps. In the first step, occurring in the endoplasmic reticulum, a signal peptidase removes the “pre” or leader sequence to yield pro-PTH. In the second step, occurring in the Golgi apparatus, a second peptidase removes the “pro” sequence before PTH is packaged into secretory granules to await secretion. Normally, the precursor forms of mature PTH are not secreted. Forms of Circulating PTH PTH 1-84, commonly referred to as intact PTH, is the main secretory product of the parathyroid glands. Normally, PTH 1–84 accounts for approximately 5%–30% of all PTH peptides in the circulation. The intact hormone has a plasma half life of only 2 to 4 minutes, being rapidly broken down by peptidases in the liver and kidney to form amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal fragments. Amino-terminal fragments containing only the first 13 amino acids of the structure of intact PTH 1-84 are still able to activate the PTH receptor and display biological activity. These aminoterminal fragments are very rapidly cleared from the circulation and constitute less than 10% of circulating PTH peptides. The carboxy-terminal fragments do not bind to the usual PTH receptors and lack a hypercalcemic effect. Carboxy-terminal peptides of PTH have a plasma half life five to ten times longer than that of intact PTH and can constitute 70% to 90% of all PTH peptides in the circulation. Assay of Circulating PTH PTH in the circulation is measured by radioimmunoassays using antibodies directed against antigenic sites located in either the amino-terminus or carboxy-terminus of intact PTH. The most commonly used assays for assessing PTH secretion in human subjects employ two antibodies, one directed at the amino-terminus and a second directed at the carboxy-terminus. In these assays, the carboxy-terminal antibody is typically bound to a solid support such as a polystyrene bead and then is exposed to a serum sample containing both intact PTH and various fragments. All polypeptides containing the carboxy-terminal amino acid sequence bind to the solid support. The PTH peptides bound to the solid support are then exposed to the second amino-terminal antibody, which is prelabeled with 125Iodine or a chemiluminescent molecule allowing detection of the bound antibody.

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


Generally, such “sandwich” assays detect only the intact, biologically active PTH molecule, containing both carboxy-terminal and amino-terminal antigens (Wood, 1992). PTH-Related Peptide A paracrine factor produced by a variety of cell types and known as PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) has structural similarities to PTH. In the fetus, PTHrP plays a physiological role in directing placental calcium transfer. Normally, PTHrP does not play a significant role in controlling calcium homeostasis, but when secreted in large quantities by certain malignant tumors, it can cause hypercalcemia by stimulating calcium release from bone. PTHrP is the humoral factor most frequently associated with the hypercalcemia of malignancy (Stewart, 2005). PTHrP and PTH share a similar amino-terminal sequence capable of interacting with and stimulating a common receptor in bone tissue. The PTHrP gene is distinct from the PTH gene, and unlike PTH, its expression is not regulated by serum ionized calcium. The carboxyl-terminal sequences of PTH and PTHrP are quite dissimilar. Thus, PTHrP is not measured in most radioimmunoassays for intact PTH.

Actions of PTH PTH increases serum calcium by promoting the release of calcium from bone, by stimulating calcium reabsorption by the distal tubules of the kidney, and indirectly by promoting GI calcium absorption through the mediation of calcitriol (see Figure 6.4). Concurrent with these effects on calcium homeostasis, PTH increases phosphorus release from bone and increases urinary phosphate excretion. The net effect is usually a decrease in serum phosphorus concentration provided that renal responsiveness is normal.

Plasma Ca2+

Parathyroid glands PTH

Bone Increased resorption

Kidney Phosphate excretion

Calcium reabsorption

Release of Ca2+ and phosphate

Plasma Ca2+

Calcitriol formation Intestinal Ca2+ and PO4 absorption

Plasma Ca2+

Plasma Ca2+

FIGURE 6.4  The response of the PTH–calcitriol regulatory system to hypocalcemia. A decline in serum Ca2+ directly stimulates PTH secretion by the parathyroid glands. PTH acts on bone to cause immediate release of exchangeable Ca2+ from the bone compartment into the extracellular fluid. Later increased calcium absorption by osteoclasts releases additional calcium as well as phosphorus. PTH acts on the kidney to increase calcium flux from the glomerular filtrate back into the extracellular fluid and to increase phosphate excretion, thus increasing serum calcium and reducing serum phosphorus concentrations. At the same time, PTH action on the kidney increases the synthesis of calcitriol, which in turn stimulates more active absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. The net movement of Ca2+ into the extracellular fluid by the combination of these effects restores the serum calcium concentration to normal.


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PTH Receptors and Intracellular Messengers PTH receptors of several types exist in various tissues in the body. The classical receptor, PTH1R, mediates the actions of PTH on bone and kidney. This receptor binds both PTH and PTHrP and recognizes the common N-terminal sequence of both ligands. PTH1R is heavily expressed not only in bone and kidney, but it is also present in other tissues such as breast, skin, heart, blood vessels, and pancreas where its function is unknown. Binding of PTH to PTH1R activates multiple intracellular signaling pathways, including the adenylate cyclase–cyclic AMP system. PTH1R is a 500amino-acid protein located in the cell membrane with its ligand-binding region oriented toward the external cell surface. Like a number of other peptide hormone receptors, the intracellular domain of PTH1R binds G protein subunits that in turn transduce the hormone signal into cellular responses involving intracellular second messengers. Studies with cloned PTH1R indicate that the receptor can be coupled to more than one G protein and that other second messengers, in addition to cAMP, may be involved in the cellular response. Other mediators include the phospholipase C-protein kinase C system, which promotes increased intracellular concentrations of inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol (Juppner et al., 2006). Although it is unclear which of these systems is paramount in regulating calcium homeostasis, an experiment of nature suggests that the cyclic AMP system may be the most critical. In patients with a genetic disorder known as pseudohypoparathyroidism, a mutation in the stimulatory G protein subunit, Gsα, leads not only to a failure of PTH to generate cAMP in bone and kidney cells but also to a condition of chronic hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Patients with this mutation fail to show a rise in serum calcium or an increase in urinary cAMP and phosphate after the administration of PTH (Thakker and Juppner, 2006). Actions of PTH on Bone PTH acts on bone to release calcium in two phases. The most immediate effect is to release calcium ions from a bone reservoir that is readily available and in equilibrium with the extracellular fluid. PTH increases the availability of Ca and P in the bone fluid compartment, a response mediated primarily by bone lining cells (Talmage, 1967). Within minutes after exposure to PTH, and before osteoclasts can be involved, there is a rise in extracellular Ca2+ concentration. The mechanism of this effect is still unknown. The later effects of PTH on osteoblasts and osteoclasts vary according to the concentration of PTH and the duration of exposure. Most evidence indicates that osteoblasts, but not mature osteoclasts, express PTH receptors (Murray et al., 2005), yet the action of osteoclasts is ultimately required for bone resorption. The prevailing view today is that the initial effect of PTH on bone cells is on osteoblasts, which have been shown to have a high density of PTHR1 receptors and to respond with a rapid increase in cAMP and inositol triphosphate. When exposed to low, intermittent concentrations of PTH, osteoblastic cells show increased maturation and bone-forming activity. With higher PTH concentrations and more prolonged exposure, osteoclast activation occurs and bone resorption is accelerated. The signal promoting this effect is probably mediated by cytokines stimulated by the action of PTH on osteoblasts and acting on osteoclasts through paracrine mediators. RANK is a cell-surface receptor expressed in osteoclast precursors that controls osteoclast maturation and activation. RANK ligand, a cell-surface protein from cells of the osteoblast lineage, binds to RANK and activates it. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), another protein secreted by osteoblasts, acts as a decoy receptor for RANK ligand, binding it and preventing it from activating RANK. PTH increases the expression of RANK ligand in osteoblastic cells and reduces the expression of OPG, thus promoting the activation of osteoclasts (Ma et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2004). Administration of OPG blocks the calcemic action of exogenous PTH in vivo. The functions of these mediators in bone cell biology are discussed more thoroughly in Chapters 3 and 4. The end result of prolonged, high concentrations of PTH is an increase in osteoclast numbers and activity accompanied by a reduction in the quantity of calcium and phosphorus stored in bone as hydroxyapatite. Other PTH receptors, including receptors recognizing the C-terminal portion of intact PTH as well as circulating C-terminal fragments, have been described in bone and other tissues. Distinct

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


receptors for the C-terminus of PTH (CPTHRs) have been identified in both bone and renal tissues. The biological significance of these receptors is still unclear. However, in vivo studies suggest that CPTHRs may have a calcium-lowering effect, whereas in vitro studies on bone cells and tissues suggest that they exert antiresorptive effects (Murray et al., 2005). Actions of PTH on Kidney Tubular Handling of Calcium and Phosphorus PTH acts on PTH1R receptors in the kidney tubules to stimulate calcium reabsorption and to inhibit phosphate reabsorption. The distal tubule is the site where calcium reabsorption is actively regulated. As discussed earlier, PTH increases calcium reabsorption from the distal tubular fluid by mediating the activity of several transport proteins including the TRPV5 channel, calbindin, and Ca2+-ATPase (Hoenderop et al., 2002). Thus, when the serum concentration of Ca2+ declines, the resulting rise in serum PTH increases the reabsorption of calcium from distal tubular fluid and less calcium is excreted in the urine, correcting the hypocalcemia (Figure 6.4). The opposite sequence of events occurs when the serum concentration of Ca2+ rises. In addition, an elevated serum calcium acts directly on renal CaSRs to increase calciuresis (Hebert, 1996). PTH is also the major hormone controlling renal phosphate handling. It acts to inhibit mainly proximal but also distal tubular reabsorption of phosphate by affecting the activity of phosphate transport proteins, as discussed earlier. In the proximal tubule, the main effect of PTH is to decrease the activity of the sodium phosphate cotransporter (Murer et al., 2000). PTH Effects on Calcitriol Synthesis An additional important effect of PTH on the kidney is to stimulate the expression of 1-alpha hydroxylase in the proximal tubule, thus promoting the conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol). The factors affecting the interconversion of vitamin D metabolites are discussed in detail in Chapter 10. In the presence of normally functioning kidneys, a decline in serum calcium leads to an increase in serum PTH followed by increased serum calcitriol and an increase in the GI absorption of calcium and phosphorus (Figure 6.4). Basis of Use of PTH as Antiosteoporosis Drug Paradoxically, PTH can act either as an anabolic agent, promoting bone formation, or as a catabolic agent, promoting bone resorption, depending on its concentration and the duration of tissue exposure. When present at low concentrations for intermittent, brief intervals, the predominant effect of PTH, or its active analogs, is the stimulation of osteoblast activation and bone formation. When present in continuous high concentrations, the dominant effects of PTH are to promote RANK ligand expression by osteoblasts and to activate osteoclasts to resorb bone (Ma et al., 2001). Teriparatide (PTH 1–34), a synthetic peptide consisting of the amino-terminal 34 amino acids of PTH, has been shown in clinical trials to promote increased bone density and to reduce fracture risk in postmenopausal women and men with osteoporosis. Teriparatide, when given in low doses (20 mcg) by subcutaneous injections once a day, is therefore an effective antiosteoporosis drug (Neer et al., 2001; Cosman and Lindsay, 2008).

Control of PTH Secretion The concentration of extracellular ionized calcium regulates PTH secretion by a typical negative feedback effect on parathyroid cells. The relationship between serum ionized calcium and serum intact PTH is characterized by a sigmoidal curve, as shown in Figure 6.5. The midpoint on the steepest portion of the curve represents the concentration of ionized calcium at which PTH secretion is half maximal and represents the set point at which serum calcium tends to be maintained. In normal individuals, a decrease of as little as 0.1 mg/dL in serum ionized calcium leads to a rapid increase in PTH secretion, whereas an increase leads to rapid lowering (Brown, 1983). The most


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

CaSR-regulated PTH release

Normal senstitivity to Ca2+

Decreased sensitivity to Ca2+


Increased sensitivity to Ca2+





12 mg/dL

Serum Ca2+ concentration

FIGURE 6.5  The relationship of PTH secretion to serum calcium concentration. The center curve shows the normal relationship, where the set point of half-maximal secretion is equal to a normal serum calcium concentration of approximately 9 mg/dL. The curve on the left shows an increased sensitivity to inhibition by calcium, as might be seen in a gain-of-function mutation in the CaSR. The curve on the right shows decreased sensitivity, as might be seen in an inactivating mutation in the CaSR in patients with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia or in some parathyroid adenomas.

immediate effect of hypocalcemia on parathyroid cells, occurring within minutes, is exocytosis of preformed PTH from secretory vesicles into the extracellular fluid. This is followed within hours by an increase in PTH gene expression, and within days to weeks by proliferation of parathyroid cells (Naveh-Many et al., 1989). The latter effects involve increased PTH gene expression and parathyroid cell hyperplasia and are also activated under conditions where extracellular concentrations of calcitriol are low. Role of Calcium Sensing Receptor in Regulating PTH Secretion The CaSR is a large cell-surface protein expressed in multiple tissues, including the parathyroid glands, kidneys, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. The proposed structure of the CaSR in human parathyroid glands is shown in Figure 6.6. This receptor is the primary mediator of the negative feedback effect of ionized calcium on PTH secretion. The CaSR is highly expressed on the surface of parathyroid chief cells, where it senses small variations in calcium concentration. Binding of Ca2+ to the CaSR is thought to cause dimerization of monomeric CaSR in the cell membrane and to inhibit adenylate cyclase through action on a G protein. Reduced intracellular levels of cAMP then lead to reduced PTH secretion, although the pathways are not fully known. The CaSR also activates intracellular phospholipases, probably indirectly through a protein-kinase-C-mediated mechanism (Diaz and Brown, 2006). Role of Calcitriol in Regulating PTH Secretion The parathyroid glands possess vitamin D receptors that mediate a negative feedback of active vitamin D metabolites on PTH secretion. Calcitriol acts on parathyroid cells to downregulate the expression of the PTH gene, leading to a decrease in PTH messenger RNA and decreased PTH synthesis (Naveh-Many et al., 1989). Calcitriol also induces increased expression of the CaSR in parathyroid tissue, thereby increasing the sensitivity of parathyroid cells to inhibition by Ca2+ (Dusso et al., 2005). In chronic renal failure, prolonged deficiency of calcitriol leads to reduced CaSR


Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism SP

60 100


200 250



350 450 550



















Conserved Cysteine Acidic



900 P

N-glycosylation P




FIGURE 6.6  Schematic representation of the proposed structure of the bovine calcium-sensing receptor. The amino acid sequence from 1–600 resides in the extracellular compartment outside the parathyroid cell plasma membrane and interacts directly with calcium ions. The transmembrane sequence from 613 to 852 is hydrophobic and resides within the cell membrane, whereas the C-terminal sequence resides within the cell. SP denotes a signal peptide that is cleaved in the process of biosynthesis. HS denotes hydrophobic substance. (Reproduced with permission from Brown, E.M., G. Gamba, D. Riccardi, et al. Nature, 366, 578, 1993.)

levels, requiring markedly higher Ca2+ levels to suppress PTH secretion and parathyroid cellular hyperplasia. Other Ions Affecting PTH Secretion Hyperphosphatemia stimulates PTH secretion and parathyroid cell hyperplasia, primarily by inducing a decline in the serum concentration of Ca2+. At high serum phosphorus concentrations, calcium ions move from the extracellular compartment into tissues, resulting in lower concentrations of Ca2+ to inhibit PTH secretion. Evidence exists that chronic hyperphosphatemia, as seen in chronic renal failure, can stimulate PTH secretion and parathyroid gland hyperplasia by a direct action on parathyroid cells (Slatopolsky et al., 1996). Other cations including magnesium, aluminum, and strontium bind to the CaSR, but their affinity is much lower than that of calcium so that their effects on PTH secretion are minimal under normal conditions. Drugs Affecting PTH Secretion Lithium is widely used as a mood-stabilizing drug for the treatment of bipolar disorders. From 10% to 25% of patients on chronic lithium therapy develop mild hypercalcemia and inappropriately high serum PTH concentrations (Kallner and Petterson, 1995). Lithium induces an abnormal response of parathyroid cells to calcium in vitro where the Ca2+–PTH response curve is shifted to the right, causing a higher set point for calcium inhibition (Brown, 1981). In lithium-treated human subjects, there is also a rightward shift of the response curve, suggesting altered calcium sensing at the level of the CaSR (Haden et al., 1997).


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Cl (c) CF3



FIGURE 6.7  Chemical structure of three phenylalkylamine calcimimetic compounds. (a) NPS R-467. (b)Tecalcet hydrochloride, a first-generation calcimetic compound. (c) Cinacalcet, a second-generation calcimimetic compound. (Adapted from Nagano, N., Pharmacol Ther, 109, 339–365, 2006.)

Calcimimetics Following the identification and sequencing of the CaSR, pharmaceutical research has focused on finding compounds that might interact with the receptor and either stimulate it (calcimimetics) or inhibit it (calcilytics). Calcimimetics would be expected to “trick” the CaSR into responding as it would in the presence of increased Ca2+ and therefore reduce PTH secretion. Several calcimimetics have been described and tested, but only one such compound is currently approved in the United States for use as a drug in human subjects. Cinacalcet is a phenylalkylamine compound with the structure shown in Figure 6.7. In patients with both primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism, cinacalcet is effective in reducing serum PTH concentrations (Nagano, 2006). In one trial involving subjects with primary hyperparathyroidism, there was no improvement in bone mineral density (BMD), although both serum calcium and PTH concentrations were reduced (Peaco*ck et al., 2009). This is a promising field of pharmaceutical research where new compounds are under active investigation.

Diseases Caused by Abnormal PTH Secretion or Action Primary Hyperparathyroidism Primary hyperparathyroidism is diagnosed in patients whenever serum concentrations of both ionized calcium and PTH are abnormally elevated. Secondary hyperparathyroidism refers to conditions in which serum PTH levels are appropriately elevated in response to low serum concentrations of calcium or active vitamin D metabolites. The differences between primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism in terms of clinical laboratory findings are illustrated in Figure 6.8. Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause of hypercalcemia in the United States. This condition is most frequently caused by a benign parathyroid adenoma having a higher than normal set point for negative feedback control by Ca2+. Less frequently, the condition is caused by primary hyperplasia of all of the parathyroid glands. The mechanism of inappropriate PTH secretion involves a decreased sensitivity of individual parathyroid cells to calcium, an increase in the number of parathyroid cells, or a combination of both. The cells in most parathyroid adenomas are monoclonal, suggesting that a mutation has occurred in a key growth-controlling gene. The gene mutations implicated in causing inappropriate cell proliferation are the subject of several reviews (Hendy, 2000; Arnold et al., 2002; Brown, 2002) and will not be discussed in detail here.

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


500 400 300 200

Serum PTH (IRMA), pg/mL

180 160 Primary hyperparathyroidism Hypercalcemia of malignancy Hypoparathyroidism Normal

140 120 100 80 Normal

60 40 20 0





10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Serum total calcium, mg/dL

FIGURE 6.8  Serum PTH and calcium concentrations in various disease states. The normal range is illustrated by the sigmoid curve in the box. Serum PTH and calcium are both elevated in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and are both low in patients with hypoparathyroidism. In patients with the hypercalcemia of malignancy, calcium is elevated but immunoreactive PTH is low because PTHrP is not recognized by most clinical immunoassays for PTH. (Adapted from Haden, S.T., et al., Clin Endocrinol, 52, 329–338, 2000.)

Hypercalcemia of Malignancy As discussed above, PTHrP is produced in large quantities by some malignant tumors, particularly those of squamous cell origin. In other malignancies, hypercalcemia may be mediated by other humoral factors, particularly tumor-produced cytokines (Stewart, 2006). Still, other tumors, particularly lymphomas, express the gene for 1-alpha hydroxylase and are associated with excessive production of calcitriol. In patients having tumor-associated hypercalcemia, serum levels of intact PTH are almost always low (see Figure 6.8). Ectopic production of PTH by nonparathyroid tumors is very rare. Congenital or Acquired Abnormalities of CaSR The density of extracellular CaSRs is known to be reduced in some parathyroid adenomas and may account in part for a decreased sensitivity to calcium feedback control (Kifor et al., 1996, Cetani et al., 2000). In a few uncommon but very informative familial disorders, both activating and inactivating mutations in the CaSR account for the observed abnormalities in calcium homeostasis. Inactivating mutations are responsible for a syndrome called familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia in which the set point of the PTH response curve to serum Ca2+ is shifted to the right (see Figure6.5). Higher concentrations of Ca2+ are required to inhibit PTH secretion, resulting in hypercalcemia with inappropriately normal or elevated serum PTH. In patients with FHH, reduced activity of the CaSR in the kidney results in reduced tubular clearance of calcium, causing hypocalciuria.


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In contrast, activating mutations of the CaSR cause an increased sensitivity of parathyroid cells to inhibition by Ca2+ and hypocalcemia of varying severity (Brown, 2007). Acquired diseases associated with autoantibodies to the CaSR may affect calcium homeostasis by either activating or inactivating the receptor. Some patients with autoimmune hypoparathyroidism have anti-CaSR antibodies capable of activating the receptor, thus inhibiting PTH secretion, whereas a few patients with hypercalcemia apparently have antibodies that may inactivate the receptor, causing hyperparathyroidism (Gavalas et al., 2007; Pelletier-Morel et al., 2008; Brown, 2009). Hypoparathyroidism and Pseudohypoparathyroidism A deficiency of either PTH itself or an inability to respond to PTH causes hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia (Levine, 2006). Primary hypoparathyroidism, an absolute deficiency of PTH, may be caused by an autoimmune disease in which parathyroid cells are damaged or destroyed by autoantibodies. More commonly, the parathyroid glands are inadvertently destroyed by surgical procedures on the thyroid gland or by radiation therapy directed at malignant tumors in the neck. Patients with primary hypoparathyroidism present with hypocalcemia, often accompanied by symptoms of muscle cramps or tetany and an inappropriately low serum level of intact PTH. Patients with what is known as pseudohypoparathyroidism secrete PTH normally but have hypocalcemia due to target organ resistance to the actions of PTH. Detailed knowledge about the mechanisms of PTH resistance in patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism has provided greater insight into the mechanisms of action of PTH at the cellular level. Several variants of this syndrome have been described, but in the most common type, the defect is an inherited abnormality of the G protein (Gsα) linking the PTHR1 receptor to adenylate cyclase and cAMP formation (Levine, 2006). The G protein defect results in a failure of PTH to stimulate cAMP formation in bone and kidney cells. As one might expect, patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism have hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia with serum PTH levels that are generally high or high–normal.

STEROID HORMONES AND BONE METABOLISM A number of hormones do not play a direct role in maintaining calcium homeostasis, as does PTH, but do affect overall calcium balance in important ways. A deficiency (or in some cases an excess) of these hormones can lead to skeletal changes resulting in metabolic bone disease. Several classes of steroid hormones, including estrogens, androgens, and glucocorticoids, have important skeletal effects. In addition, thyroid hormones and certain pituitary hormones, especially growth hormone (GH), play a role in promoting bone growth and maturation. The purpose of this section will be to discuss the role of these hormones in bone metabolism and their role in the pathogenesis or treatment of osteoporosis.

General Features of Steroid Hormone Action Steroid hormones are derivatives of cholesterol synthesized by the gonads or the adrenal cortex. During the reproductive years, the principal steroid products of the ovaries are estradiol and progesterone. In men, the principal testicular steroid is testosterone. All steroid hormones are believed to have a common mechanism of action, as depicted in Figure 6.9. Typically, the steroid ligand circulates in the plasma in association with a binding protein. It dissociates from the binding protein to cross the cell membrane and bind to a specific cytoplasmic receptor within the cell. As a result, the receptor–steroid complex usually forms an active dimer that migrates to the cell nucleus and interacts with genomic DNA to regulate the expression of various steroid-responsive genes. Ultimately, the concentrations of proteins encoded by these genes are altered, leading to a cellular response. Steroid receptors belong to a family of related proteins with similar structure, each having its own preference for binding steroids of a particular class. Each receptor class has a ligandbinding region for attachment of the preferred steroid and a nuclear-binding region which interacts

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism Plasma

Receptor complex



SBG Nucleus






FIGURE 6.9  General mechanism of action for steroid hormones. The steroid ligand dissociates from its specific steroid-binding globulin (SBG) in plasma to enter the target cell by diffusion. Once inside the cell, the steroid binds to an intracellular receptor that is specific for each class of steroid hormones. The steroid–receptor complexes associate to form active dimmers and then enter the cell nucleus where they bind to the DNA of steroid-responsive genes at specific steroid response elements (SREs). Binding results in either enhancement or suppression of gene expression, resulting in alterations in the amounts of messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein formed. (From Ontjes, D.A., The role of estrogens and other steroid hormones in bone metabolism, in Calcium and Phosphorus in Health and Disease, Anderson, J.J.B., and Garner, S.C., eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. With permission.)

with specific nucleotide sequences in the DNA of steroid-responsive genes. The general structure of steroid receptors is illustrated in Figure 6.10. Note that the receptors for vitamin D and thyroid hormones are also members of the same family (Tsai and O’Malley, 1994).

Estrogens Sources of Estrogens in Women and Men The natural estrogens produced by the ovary are estradiol, estrone, and estriol (see Figure 6.11). Estradiol is the major secretory product of the ovary in women of child-bearing age and accounts for most of the estrogenic activity in the circulation. Estrone and estriol are weaker estrogens and are mainly produced by extragonadal conversion from estradiol in the liver. During pregnancy, large quantities of estrogens are produced by the placenta. Estradiol is synthesized in the body by conversion from testosterone by aromatization of the A ring of the steroid nucleus. This conversion is favored in the ovary, where the concentration of the aromatase enzyme is high, but also occurs to a minor degree in the testes. Testosterone may also be converted to estradiol in nongonadal tissues possessing an aromatase enzyme. After menopause, ovarian production of estradiol virtually ceases, but peripheral production from adrenal androgens continues, yielding mainly the weaker estrogen, estrone, as shown in Figure 6.12. In addition to the natural estrogens, there are a large number of synthetic estrogens, developed specifically by the pharmaceutical industry for use as oral contraceptives and for estrogen replacement therapy. The most commonly used synthetic estrogen is ethinyl estradiol, a compound having approximately 50 times the potency of natural estradiol when administered orally (Figure 6.11). Not all compounds having estrogenic activity are steroids—they need only to be able to bind to and activate the estrogen receptor to have estrogenic activity. An example of such a compound is diethylstilbestrol, also shown in Figure 6.11. Estrogen-like compounds may occur in nature in various foods, including soy protein, where two compounds, genistein and daidzein, have weak estrogenic activity.


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health hER hPR hGR hMR hTR

















170 102 DNA




Binding regions

FIGURE 6.10  Structure of the family of steroid hormone receptors. The domains responsible for binding to the steroid ligand to the steroid response elements of genomic DNA are indicated. The structure of the hormone binding domain confers specificity for binding of the steroid class. Human estrogen receptor (hER), human progestin receptor (hPR), human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR), human mineralocorticoid receptor (hMR), and human thyroid hormone receptor (hTR) are shown. (From Ontjes, D.A., The role of estrogens and other steroid hormones in bone metabolism, in Calcium and Phosphorus in Health and Disease, Anderson, J.J.B., and Garner, S.C., eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. With permission.) OH

Estradiol 11








2 OH



4 OH




Ethinyl estradiol


OH Diethylstilbestrol


FIGURE 6.11  Structures of natural and synthetic compounds having estrogen activity. Estradiol, estrone, and estriol are all naturally produced. Ethinyl estradiol and diethylstilbesetrol are synthetic estrogens given orally as drugs.

Effects of Estrogen on Bone Metabolism and Calcium Balance As early as the 1940s, Fuller Albright showed that postmenopausal women were in negative calcium balance and that estrogen administration could correct the negative balance (Riggs et al., 2002). Estrogens, like other steroid hormones, act through specific intracellular receptors that are capable of regulating the expression of specific genes. High-affinity estrogen receptors have been found in all tissues usually considered to be targets for estrogen action including the oviducts, endometrium, and breast. Bone cells also contain estrogen receptors. Two types of estrogen receptors have been identified; estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-alpha) and estrogen receptor-beta (ER-beta). Both types of receptors are found in osteoblasts, whereas ER-alpha is also present in osteoclasts. Studies in knockout mice indicate that animals lacking the ER-alpha receptor but not the ER-beta receptor are short and have lower femoral bone densities (Couse and Korach, 1999; Vidal et al., 2000).

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


Peripheral tissues Adipose cells








Reproductive life

Postmenopausal life

FIGURE 6.12  Sources of estrogens in women during reproductive life and after menopause. Estradiol is the main estrogen produced by the ovaries during reproductive life. Both before and following menopause, the ovaries and the adrenal glands produce the weak androgen, androstenedione, which is converted in peripheral tissues to the weak estrogen, estrone. Estrone is the main circulating estrogen in postmenopausal women.

Estrogens tonically inhibit bone resorption mainly by influencing the cytokine network described earlier. More than one cytokine appears to be involved. There is good evidence that estrogen deficiency leads to the increased production of TNF-alpha and IL-1, both of which can stimulate RANK ligand synthesis and activate osteoclasts (Manolagos, 2000; Weitzmann and Pacifici, 2006). Other studies implicate a role for TNF-beta, OPG, and IL-6. An additional effect of estrogen deficiency may be reduced bone formation by osteoblasts. Both IL-7 and TNF-alpha, whose production is known to be increased in estrogen deficiency, have been shown to decrease the activity of osteoblasts. Whatever the cellular mechanisms may be, the net effect of estrogen deficiency is an increase in overall bone resorption and a failure of new bone formation to keep up—hence, a loss of bone mineral. Typically, the earliest phase of trabecular bone loss begins in the perimenopausal period when serum estrogen levels begin to decline and accelerate at menopause. This is followed by a period of slower bone loss involving both trabecular and cortical bone (Riggs et al., 2008). The accelerated phase lasts for 4–8 years before decelerating back to a slower continuous rate of loss characteristic of aging. During the accelerated phase, bone loss in one large cohort of women averaged 5.6% for the vertebrae and 2.9% for the proximal femur over a period of 4 years (Sowers et al., 2006). At the same time that bone density is being lost, changes occur in bone microstructure that further impair its strength. In trabecular bone, there is a disproportionate loss of structural cross struts and in cortical bone increased porosity, leading to increased risk of fragility fractures. Most of the effects of estrogen deficiency are exerted directly on bone cells, but adverse extraskeletal effects may also contribute (Riggs et al., 2008). During the accelerated phase of bone loss, calcium ions move out of bone into the extracellular space, slightly increasing serum calcium concentrations. This results in a slight suppression of PTH secretion and consequently a reduced rate of calcitriol formation. Lower levels of PTH allow an increased loss of calcium in the urine, due to reduced renal tubular reabsorption of calcium, whereas lower levels of calcitriol lead to reduced absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the GI tract. The overall effects of estrogen deficiency on calcium balance are illustrated in Figure 6.13. Effects of Estrogen Administration on Osteoporosis In normal women, the loss of bone mass usually accelerates at menopause, coinciding with the onset of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vagin*l dryness. Early metabolic studies


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health


Dietary intake

Increased resorption GI tract

Plasma Ca Decreased Ca2+ absorption

Kidney Decreased PTH

GI excretion

Decreased calcitriol Urinary excretion

Net negative calcium balance

FIGURE 6.13  Results of estrogen deficiency on calcium balance. The primary effect of estrogen deficiency is accelerated bone resorption, leading to a net movement of Ca2+ from bone to serum. The slightly increased concentration of serum Ca2+ inhibits PTH secretion resulting in a decreased synthesis of calcitriol by the kidney. The reduction in calcitriol leads to reduced gastrointestinal absorption of calcium from the diet. The overall effect is a net negative calcium balance.

in postmenopausal women showed that a negative calcium balance could be prevented by estrogen administration (Albright, 1947). Later, when techniques for measuring bone density became available, it became apparent from a number of clinical trials that estrogens could indeed prevent the loss of bone mass and in some cases even increase it. None of these trials were large enough to give conclusive results about the effects of estrogen on fracture risk. Estrogen replacement therapy became a widespread clinical practice, not only for the relief of menopausal symptoms, but because of the widely held opinion that postmenopausal estrogens could prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. This practice changed with the publication of the findings of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) clinical trial. The WHI trial compared the effects of long-term therapy with estrogen plus progestin versus placebo in over 16,000 postmenopausal women. The WHI treatment regimen included 0.625 mg of conjugated equine estrogens and 2.5 mg of medroxyprogesterone given daily. As expected, hip fractures were significantly reduced in the treated subjects (relative risk 0.66; confidence interval 0.45–0.98). However, the risk of several adverse outcomes was increased in the estrogen–progestin-treated group, including myocardial infarction, breast cancer, stroke, and pulmonary embolism. All cause mortality was not significantly affected. The investigators in this study concluded that the net benefits of hormone replacement therapy did not justify its use in most postmenopausal women (Roussouw et al., 2002). As a result of this study, no estrogen product is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, only for prevention. Many investigators have published short-term studies of bone density outcomes using treatment regimens differing from those used in the WHI trial. Doses of conjugated estrogens as low as 0.3 mg/day are effective in preserving bone density (Lindsay et al., 2005). There is also evidence that estrogens and calcium are interactive. The addition of a calcium supplement can make a dose of 0.3 mg of conjugated estrogens as effective as a higher dose of 0.625 mg/day (Ettinger et al., 1987). Whether alternative doses of estrogen or the use of different progestins might decrease long-term fracture risk without having the same adverse effects as the WHI trial is unknown.

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


TABLE 6.2 Activity Spectrum of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators Compound Clinical Use

Antiestrogen Effects

Proestrogen Effects

Clomiphene Fertility drug Tamoxifen Breast cancer drug

Hypothalamus/pituitary Hypothalamus/pituitary Breast


Hypothalamus/pituitary Breast cancer

Uterus, breast Uterus Bone Serum lipids Bone Serum lipids

Antiosteoporosis drug

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators General Properties of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators A wide variety of compounds are capable of interacting with estrogen receptors. Complete estrogen agonists, such as estradiol itself, activate estrogen receptors in all tissues of the body that are normally estrogen responsive. These tissues include not only bone but also the endometrium, breast, and the hypothalamus where a negative feedback of estrogens normally inhibits gonadotropin secretion by the pituitary gland. To have an agonist or proestrogen effect in a specific tissue, a ligand must first bind to the estrogen receptor in that tissue. It must then cause a conformational change in the receptor, leading to receptor dimerization and interaction with DNA at estrogen response elements in specific genes. Only when all of these conditions are fulfilled does the estrogen-like ligand succeed in modifying the expression of the targeted genes. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are compounds that can bind to estrogen receptors in multiple target tissues but can only act as agonists in a limited subset of tissues by activating the receptors. In other tissues, SERMs can act as estrogen antagonists by binding to estrogen receptors, but failing to activate them can block the effects of natural active estrogens. The main effects of several SERMs in current clinical use are summarized in Table 6.2. Clomiphene has been used for many years as a drug to promote fertility in women. Its main therapeutic action is on estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. These receptors mediate the normal negative feedback effect of estrogens on pituitary secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). By inhibiting these receptors, the usual negative feedback is blocked and gonadotropin secretion is increased, thereby stimulating ovulation. Tamoxifen is a drug used primarily as an adjuvant in the treatment of breast cancer. It functions as an estrogen antagonist in breast tissue, inhibiting the estrogen-dependent stimulation of tumor growth in breast cancers having estrogen receptors. Biological Effects of Raloxifene Raloxifene is a SERM used primarily for the treatment of osteoporosis. Its mechanism of action is well understood from X-ray crystallographic studies comparing the conformation of the estrogen receptor after binding either estradiol or raloxifene (Brzozowski et al., 1997; Prince et al., 2008). The binding of raloxifene to the estrogen receptor causes displacement of a C-terminal helix in the receptor, leading to interference with the binding of coactivator proteins that are necessary for estrogen effects in certain tissues (breast) but not in others (bone). Thus, the estrogen receptor is effectively blocked in breast tissue but is activated in bone. Studies in rats and monkeys suggest that raloxifene has effects similar to estradiol in inhibiting bone loss after oophorectomy. Both raloxifene and estrogen inhibit increases in osteoclast number and bone turnover as well as the reduction in bone strength seen after oophorectomy (Turner et al., 1994). Raloxifene has no significant effects on the endometrium but acts as an estrogen antagonist in breast tissue and as an estrogen agonist in the liver, where it reduces synthesis of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increases the synthesis of certain clotting factors.


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

Effects of SERMs in Treatment of Osteoporosis Both tamoxifen and raloxifene have similar effects of bone, but only raloxifene has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of osteoporosis. In the largest clinical fracture trial with raloxifene (the MORE Trial), 7705 postmenopausal women with low bone densities received either raloxifene, 60 or 120 mg/day, or a placebo and were followed for 36 months (Ettinger et al., 1999). Women receiving raloxifene had significantly fewer new vertebral fractures than those of control women, regardless of the dose or presence of prior vertebral fractures. Among the women receiving 60- and 120-mg raloxifene, the 3-year risk of vertebral fracture was 6.6% and 5.4%, respectively, compared with a risk of 10.1% in the placebo group. There was no difference among the groups in the incidence of hip or nonvertebral fractures. In the MORE trial and another large clinical trial primarily examining the effects of raloxifene on coronary artery disease (Barrett-Connor et al., 2006), no reduction in coronary events was seen. In both trials, the incidence of invasive breast cancer was reduced in the raloxifene-treated women, whereas the incidence of venous thromboembolic disease was increased. A number of other compounds with estrogen-like activity on bone are known and are being actively investigated as potential drugs for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, breast cancer, and possibly coronary disease.

Androgens Sources in Men and Women Androgenic steroids are produced in the gonads and adrenal glands of both men and women. Testosterone, the most potent androgen, is the major steroid secreted by the testes. Much smaller quantities of testosterone are produced by the ovaries, and by the adrenal glands in both sexes. The adrenal glands secrete large quantities of weak androgens, mainly androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone. These weak androgens can be converted by peripheral tissues into small quantities of testosterone. Thus, in adult men, over 90% of circulating androgen activity is produced directly by the testes in the form of testosterone. In adult women, circulating androgen activity is much lower and is derived equally from ovarian and adrenal sources. The pathways for peripheral interconversion of androgenic steroids are illustrated in Figure 6.14. Most of the testosterone produced in the Peripheral tissues Adipose and other tissues


Adrenal Testosterone

Androstenedione DHEA


Testosterone 6 mg/day

Estradiol estrone 0.1 mg/day

Androstenedione 3 mg/day

FIGURE 6.14  Sources of circulating androgens and estrogens in the adult male. The most potent androgen, testosterone, is produced directly in large amounts by the testes. Weaker androgens, including androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone, are produced by the adrenal glands. Both testosterone and androstenedione may be aromatized in peripheral tissues to small quantities of estradiol and other estrogens.

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


ovaries is aromatized to estradiol before it is secreted. Testosterone is also aromatized in peripheral tissues to estradiol in both sexes. Aromatase enzyme activity is widely present in a number of tissues, including adipose cells, hepatocytes, and even bone cells. In the normal male, approximately 15% of circulating estrogen is produced by the testes, whereas the other 85% is produced by peripheral metabolism (Gennari et al., 2004). The clinical importance of aromatase activity for bone health in men is demonstrated by the effect of congenital aromatase deficiency on bone development and bone mass. In males with aromatase deficiency, there is a delay in skeletal development during puberty, lack of epiphysial closure, and osteopenia or osteoporosis. These skeletal defects are similar to those seen in males with a congenital deficiency of ER-alpha and imply that at least part of the effects of testosterone on bone may be mediated by the conversion of testosterone to estrogen (Smith et al., 1994; Gennari et al., 2004). Effects of Testosterone on Bone Metabolism and Calcium Balance The administration of testosterone to orchiectomized animals can stimulate bone formation and inhibit bone resorption. Although a part of this effect may be due to the peripheral conversion of testosterone to estrogen, there is good evidence that testosterone itself has direct effects on bone. An androgen receptor (AR) has been identified in a number of cell types and cloned (Chang et al., 1988; Lubahn et al., 1988). The AR is a typical member of the steroid hormone receptor family, with an overall structure and mode of action resembling that of the estrogen receptor. A high-affinity AR is present in osteoblastic cells of both men and women. These receptors bind other natural and synthetic androgens as well as testosterone, but they do not bind estrogens, progesterone, or glucocorticoids. ARs are also expressed in osteocytes, bone stromal cells, and osteoclasts (Wiren, 2008). The level of AR expression in osteoblasts increases as osteoblasts mature, suggesting that a key action of androgens occurs in mature, mineralizing osteoblasts. The effects of androgens on osteoblasts, as observed in tissue culture experiments, are complex and biphasic. Early exposure promotes osteoblast proliferation and maturation, but continued exposure can promote decreased cell viability and apoptosis. In isolated osteoclasts, androgens reduce bone resorption and reduce the stimulatory effects of PTH. It is likely that part of the inhibitory effect of androgens on bone resorption is mediated by the RANK ligand–OPG system through actions on osteoblasts. Increased expression of OPG mRNA occurs after the exposure of osteoblasts to testosterone in tissue culture (Chen et al., 2004). Other cytokines originating in osteoblasts may also be involved. Androgens, as well as estrogens, inhibit the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6) by osteoblast cells. IL-6 is another cytokine associated with the activation of osteoclast activity (Wiren, 2008). The release of tonic inhibitory effects of androgens on osteoclastic activity may explain the rapid increase in bone resorption rates seen after orchiectomy in experimental animals. Effects of Androgen on Osteoporosis in Men Testosterone deficiency can occur as a result of congenital defects, as an acquired disease, or as a natural result of aging. In aging men, changes gradually occur in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, leading to decreased serum concentrations of total and free testosterone. Levels of free biologically active testosterone decline more than those of total testosterone do as a result of increasing levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) occurring with age. In the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, the fraction of men who were hypogonadal increased with each decade, as shown in Figure 6.15 (Harman et al., 2001). In men aged 80 years and older, the prevalence of hypogonadism was approximately 50% as measured by total testosterone and nearly 90% as measured by the free testosterone index (total testosterone/SHBG). Despite these significant declines, it is unclear whether testosterone deficiency is the dominant factor responsible for the increasing occurrence of osteoporosis in elderly men. Some cross-sectional studies have failed to show an association


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health 90 80 70

Free T index


Total T

% of 50 subjects 40 30 20 10 0








Age decade

FIGURE 6.15  Increasing prevalence of hypogonadism in aging men. Bar height indicates the percent of men in each 10-year interval with total testosterone 3% per year, cross-hatched bars) in relation to serum total testosterone and estradiol in men aged 65 years and older. The prevalence of low bone density and rapid bone loss both increase as estradiol concentration declines. Low bone density is also associated with the lowest testosterone concentrations of less than 200 ng/dL. (Data from Fink, H.A., et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 91, 3908–3915, 2006.)

between low bone density and serum testosterone levels in older men after adjusting for other factors such as age, body mass index, and estrogen levels. In one large longitudinal study of 2447 men over the age of 65 years, the prevalence of osteoporosis of the hip increased as total or bioavailable estradiol levels declined (Fink et al., 2006). In the same study, there was also an increased incidence of osteoporosis in men whose total testosterone levels were less than 200 ng/dL, but no increasing risk of osteoporosis as testosterone declined above this threshold (see Figure 6.16). One interpretation of these data would be that estrogens are more directly involved than are testosterone in the maintenance of bone health in elderly men. Very low testosterone levels below 200 ng/dL could still have an adverse effect by lowering estradiol formation through a reduced peripheral conversion of testosterone to estrogen. In young men with testosterone deficiency, testosterone replacement clearly increases BMD whether the testosterone deficiency is due to a congenital defect or acquired disease. In one study of 72 men with hypogonadism, testosterone replacement for up to 16 years led to a sustained


Bone mineral density, mg/cm3

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism 240 200 160 120 100 80 60 Range of high fracture risk

40 20

Before therapy









Duration of testosterone therapy, years

FIGURE 6.17  Changes in spinal bone density in hypogonadal men receiving testosterone. Increases in bone mineral density, as measured by quantitative computed tomography, are shown in 23 men receiving long-term testosterone therapy. The data show measurements made before initiation of testosterone therapy and follow-up measurements made after 2 years of testosterone therapy. The greatest increase in bone density occurred in the first year of therapy. (Data from Behre, H.M., et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 82, 2386–2390, 1997.)

improvement in BMD in the lumber spine, as measured by quantitative computed tomography (see Figure6.17). The mean bone density increased from 95 to 120 mg/cm3 in the first year of treatment (Behre et al., 1997). None of the observational studies in younger men have been placebo-controlled trials with a sufficient number of subjects to demonstrate a reduction in fracture risk. Clinical trials testing the effects of testosterone on BMD in older men have yielded mixed results. In one study of 108 men over the age of 65 years, using transdermal testosterone hip and spine bone density improved no more in the treated subjects than in the placebo group (Snyder et al., 1999). The mean serum testosterone in this trial was 367 ng/dL (still within the normal range). In another trial using intramuscular testosterone in a group of 70 men whose mean testosterone was 7.5 mg

1 0



FIGURE 6.19  Effects of low-dose prednisolone on bone. The relative risk of both spine and hip fractures increases progressively, with daily prednisolone doses beginning with as little as 2.5–7.5 mg/day. This dose of prednisolone is equivalent to 12.5–37.5 mg/day of hydrocortisone. (Data from van Staa, T.P., et al., Arthritis Rheum, 48, 3224–3229, 2003.)

Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is the most common form of drug-induced osteoporosis. Depending on the glucocorticoid dose, there is typically a loss of 1.5%–3% of bone mass during the first 6 months of therapy (Adler et al., 2008). Trabecular bone is initially most affected, followed by a loss of cortical bone. After 2 years of continuous therapy, the rate of bone loss slows to 1.5%–3% per year but continues at a higher rate than normal for the age and sex of the patient. Fractures increase within the first 6 months of therapy and may even precede measurable changes in bone density. Several studies have observed that fractures begin to occur at a higher BMD threshold in patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis than that in patients with typical postmenopausal osteoporosis (van Staa et al., 2003; Kanis et al., 2004). This suggests that alterations in bone “quality” or microarchitecture may precede changes in overall bone mass. A safe dose of glucocorticoid low enough to avoid the increased risk of osteoporosis has never been clearly established. In an observational study of 240,000 glucocorticoid-treated patients in the United Kingdom, there was a trend toward increased hip and spine fractures even at “physiological” doses of prednisolone of 2.5 to 7.5 mg/day, as shown in Figure 6.19. Cumulative glucocorticoid dose over time appears to be the most important predictor of bone loss (van Staa et al., 2007). Limited information on alternate day therapy suggests that this regimen is not necessarily protective of bone (Gluck et al., 1981). Fracture Risk Reduction in Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis Glucocorticoids were first used over 60 years ago to treat inflammatory diseases. Although other anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugs are now available, these drugs also have significant associated side effects. In the future, it is likely that glucocorticoids will continue to be widely used because of their low cost and therapeutic effectiveness. Several approaches should be effective in reducing fracture risk in patients requiring long-term glucocorticoid therapy. First, the dose of glucocorticoid should be reduced as quickly as possible to the lowest amount required to maintain control of the underlying disease. Topical or regional steroid administration is often a feasible alternative when the disease process is locally confined, for example, to the bronchial tree, a localized area of skin, or a single joint. Topical administration of glucocorticoid derivatives that are designed to act locally and to be poorly absorbed into the general circulation can yield therapeutic benefits and minimize systemic side effects. Lifestyle modifications including exercise and nutrition are effective in reducing the risk of fractures in patients who are expected to take systemic glucocorticoids for a period of 6 months or more. Smoking cessation, increased weight-bearing exercise, and reduction in alcohol intake are examples of modifiable risk factors that can reduce fracture risk, even in patients continuing on glucocorticoid therapy.

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


Dietary Supplementation All guidelines for the prevention of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis recommend calcium intakes of at least 1200 mg/day. To achieve this, calcium supplements are usually required because the diets of most glucocorticoid users are insufficient in calcium. In addition, vitamin D supplements should be administered to maintain serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of at least 30 ng/mL. For most adults over the age of 50 years, the required amount will be at least 1000 IU/day of vitamin D3. Some patients with less efficiency in absorbing the vitamin will require more. This means that vitamin D therapy should be guided by actual serum measurements in individual patients and not by a predetermined dose. A number of clinical trials have used more active vitamin D derivatives such as alfacalcidiol and calcitriol to prevent bone loss in patients on long-term glucocorticoids. Meta-analyses of these trials have concluded that virtually all vitamin D analogs are more effective in reducing fracture risk than no vitamin D therapy at all (de Nijs et al., 2004; Richy etal., 2005). Regardless of the type of vitamin D preparation used, hip fracture rates remained high, especially in patients over 50 years old or with previous fragility fractures, suggesting that dietary supplementation, although useful, was not sufficient for alleviating all risks. Antiosteoporosis Drugs The availability of effective antiosteoporosis drugs, particularly the bisphosphonates, has greatly changed the management of patients on chronic glucocorticoid therapy. Several bisphosphonates, including alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronate, have been shown to protect against bone loss in patients on glucocorticoids and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this indication (Adler et al., 2008). Fracture risk reduction in trials with alendronate and risedronate ranged from 38% to 90%. Teriparatide (synthetic PTH 1-34) is also an effective agent in reducing fracture risk. In a 3-year clinical trial comparing the effects of teriparatide versus those of alendronate in 428 subjects with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, both treatments significantly increased BMD, but teriparatide had a greater effect (Saag et al., 2009). Fewer subjects in the teriparatide group had new vertebral fractures than did subjects in the alendronate group (1.7% vs. 7.7%, P = .007). There was no difference in the incidence of new nonvertebral fractures. Sex steroid replacement may be appropriate for some patients. Estrogen replacement reverses or stabilizes bone loss in postmenopausal women on long-term glucocorticoids (Lukert and Raisz, 1990), although there is no information documenting a beneficial effect on fracture risk. As discussed earlier in the section on estrogen therapy, there are potential adverse effects from long-term estrogen replacement therapy that argue against the use of estrogens as first-line therapy when other effective agents are available. Testosterone replacement in men with glucocorticoid-induced hypogonadism is also effective in reducing bone loss. In one study of 15 asthmatic men on longterm glucocorticoid therapy, there was a 5% improvement of bone density in the lumbar spine after treatment for 12 months with intramuscular injections of testosterone (Reid et al., 1996). Guidelines for Dietary and Drug Management Based on the available evidence of fracture risk and the effects of various interventions, several organizations have issued guidelines for the prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. The American College of Rheumatology recommends that all patients receiving the equivalent of ≥5 mg/day of prednisone for 3 months or having a BMD T-score below −1.0 receive the following:

1. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation (1000 to 1500 mg/day and 800 IU/day, respectively). 2. Bisphosphonate therapy using an approved drug at the standard dose. Caution should be used in administering bisphosphonates to premenopausal women who might become pregnant. If bisphosphonates are not tolerated, the use of teriparatide or calcitonin should be considered. 3. Replacement of testosterone in men if deficient. 4. Annual measurement of BMD for follow-up.


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

Thyroid Hormones and Bone Metabolism Introduction The thyroid gland produces two closely related hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones act on nuclear receptors belonging to the same family as the steroid hormone receptors and control the expression of thyroid-hormone-responsive genes in multiple body tissues, including bone. Both T4 and T3 are derived from thyroglobulin, an iodinated glycoprotein that is synthesized by thyroid follicular cells within the gland. The uptake of iodine by thyroid cells, the synthesis of thyroglobulin, and the cleavage and release of T4 and T3 are all controlled by thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland. The thyroid gland secretes virtually 100% of circulating T4 but only 20% of circulating T3. The remaining 80% of T3 is derived from T4 by conversion in peripheral tissues, particularly the liver, where an enzyme (5′-deiodinase) removes an iodine atom from the outer ring of T4 to yield T3. An alternative enzyme (3′-deiodinase) removes an alternative iodine atom, yielding an inactive isomeric product known as reverse T3. The sources of circulating T4, T3, and reverse T3 are illustrated in Figure 6.20. Over 99% of T4 and T3 in the circulation are bound to thyroid-binding globulin and other binding proteins produced by the liver. A classical negative feedback relationship exists between circulating levels of T4 and T3 and pituitary secretion of TSH, which operates to maintain constant concentrations of both thyroid hormones within the circulation. When serum concentrations of free T3 and T4 rise, due to either endogenous thyroid secretion or to administration of exogenous thyroid hormones, pituitary TSH secretion is inhibited, resulting in decreased thyroid secretion. Small increases in thyroid hormone supply can be buffered by decreased stimulation by TSH up to a point. With further increases in supply, serum concentrations of T3 and T4 eventually rise. Thus, patients with mild hyperthyroidism typically have a suppressed serum TSH but maintain T3 and T4 concentrations within the normal range. Such patients have few symptoms and are described as having “subclinical hyperthyroidism.” Patients with more severe hyperthyroidism typically have not only suppressed serum TSH but also elevated serum levels of T3 and T4.


Direct secretion from thyroid

Production per day

Serum levels

30 mcg

Hepatic conversion




80 mcg

Direct secretion from thyroid

Hepatic conversion

30 mcg




120 ng/dL

8 mcg/dL

30 ng/dL

FIGURE 6.20  Sources of thyroid hormones in the circulation. The thyroid gland is the sole source of T4 (levothyroxine). The thyroid secretes smaller quantities of T3 (3,5,3′-triiodothyronine) and reverse T3 (3,3′,5′triiodothyronine). The majority of circulating T3 and reverse T3 are produced in the liver from T4 by either a 5′-deiodinase (for T3) or a 5-deiodinase (reverse T3). T3 has a higher affinity for the thyroid hormone receptor than T4. Reverse T3 is biologically inactive.

Hormone Actions in the Regulation of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism


Thyroid hormones act on virtually every tissue in the body. There are two thyroid hormone receptor isoforms, TRα and TRβ. Both receptors are expressed in most tissues, but their levels of expression vary depending on the organ. TRα is most abundantly expressed in the brain, kidney, gonads, muscle, heart, and bone, whereas TRβ is more highly expressed in pituitary and liver. T3 is bound with 10–15 times greater affinity to both receptors than is T4, explaining its greater potency. Once thyroid hormone binds to its intracellular receptor, the receptors bind together as dimers and interact with thyroid hormone response elements in the promoter regions of target genes leading to either increased or decreased gene expression. Actions on Skeletal Tissue Thyroid hormones play a role in skeletal growth and maturation and are necessary for normal chondrocyte development (Baran, 2008). The mechanisms of action are complex and still incompletely understood. T4 and T3 regulate heparin sulfate proteoglycan expression in the growth plate during endochondral bone formation and play a role in bone maturation. After bone growth is completed, thyroid hormones increase the activity of both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. T3 can act on osteoblast cells in vitro, increasing their overall activity in part through mediation of growth factors including insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) (Pepene et al., 2001). Circulating IGF-I levels are decreased in patients with hypothyroidism, who typically show decreased rates of bone formation. T3 also increases osteoclast activity. The effect may be mediated in part by the RANK–RANK ligand system through effects on osteoblasts but could also represent a more direct action. T3 increases the expression of c-fos mRNA in osteoclast precursors, suggesting a mechanism independent of RANK ligand–RANK interaction (Kanatani et al., 2004). Effects of Thyroid Hormone Excess on Bone Health Overt untreated hyperthyroidism is associated with accelerated bone remodeling, reduced bone density, and an increased fracture rate. Although bone formation rates are increased, bone resorption is increased even further so that there is a net efflux of calcium and phosphorus from bone. PTH secretion is inhibited, and urinary calcium excretion is increased. If urinary clearance of the added calcium load is insufficient to maintain calcium homeostasis, hypercalcemia can develop. Histomorphometric studies of the bone remodeling cycle in hyperthyroid subjects have shown a pronounced shortening of the 200-day length of the normal cycle by as much as 50%. Because osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities are out of balance, significant bone loss occurs with every completed cycle (Eriksen, 1986). In hypothyroid patients, the length of the cycle can double. The degree of bone loss in several studies of patient cohorts with long-term hyperthyroidism is in the range of 10%–20%. Some studies have shown partial recovery of bone density after thyroid hormone levels are reduced by appropriate treatment (Nielsen et al., 1979; Rosen and Adler, 1992; Diamond et al., 1994; Karga et al., 2004). The risk of fractures is also increased in hyperthyroidism. In one prospective cohort study of 686 white women over the age of 65 years, those with hyperthyroidism were identified by the presence of a low TSH of less than 0.1 mU/L (normal 0.4–4.5 mU/L). (In this subgroup of women, excess circulating thyroid hormones had suppressed serum TSH levels by the negative feedback relationship discussed above.) The relative risks of hip and vertebral fractures were increased in the hyperthyroid subjects by factors of 3.6 and 4.5, respectively, after a mean follow-up of 3.7 years (Bauer et al., 2001). It is still unclear how severe and prolonged hyperthyroidism must be in order for adverse skeletal effects to occur. Many patients being treated with thyroid hormone for hypothyroidism actually become mildly hyperthyroid, due to excessive thyroid hormone administration. Typically, these patients have a moderately suppressed serum TSH and a serum T4 still within the normal range. Most of them have no symptoms of hyperthyroidism and are considered to have subclinical hyperthyroidism (see above). Several studies have shown that postmenopausal women with subclinical


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hyperthyroidism have accelerated bone loss (Ross et al., 1987; Lehmke et al., 1992; Franklyn et al., 1994), but adverse effects have been less apparent in premenopausal women and men. One metaanalysis suggested a significant reduction in bone mass only in postmenopausal women (Faber and Galloe, 1994), whereas a second meta-analysis showed adverse effects in premenopausal women as well (Uzzan et al., 1996). Fracture rates have been increased in some studies of patients with iatrogenic subclinical hyperthyroidism (Bauer et al., 2001; Flynn et al., 2010) but not in all (Leese et al., 1992). The risk is probably related not only to the severity and duration of TSH suppression but also to the age of the patients studied. Subclinical hyperthyroidism poses a greater risk for elderly women than it does for premenopausal women or men. Clearly, thyroid hormone replacement therapy per se does not increase the risk of fracture if not given in excess. In summary, hyperthyroidism has a deleterious effect on bone health proportionate to its severity and duration. Most patients with a suppressed serum TSH and elevated serum T3 and T4 (overt hyperthyroidism) should be treated promptly to reduce their thyroid hormone levels to normal. In patients with only a suppressed TSH who have no symptoms of hyperthyroidism (subclinical hyperthyroidism), immediate therapy may not be required unless the patient has other risk factors for osteoporosis. Postmenopausal women with subclinical hyperthyroidism should be treated because of the prevailing clinical evidence that they are more likely to suffer bone loss and fractures if their mild hyperthyroidism is left untreated.

Growth Hormone and IGF-I Introduction GH is most critical to bone health during childhood and adolescence when it plays a primary role in promoting linear bone growth. GH acts together with other hormones, including sex steroids and thyroid hormone, to promote formation and development of the growth plate and new bone formation. The rate of growth is most rapid during fetal life, and again at puberty, when a growth spurt typically occurs. GH secretion normally peaks during adolescence and then declines steadily during adult life. By middle age, GH secretion rates are typically only 15% of the rates during puberty (Melmed and Jameson, 2006). GH is a 191-amino-acid polypeptide whose secretion is controlled by two hypothalamic factors, growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin. GHRH and somatostatin are both secreted by specific hypothalamic neurons and transported to the anterior pituitary gland via portal blood vessels where they interact with specific receptors on GH-producing cells. GHRH, the dominant hypothalamic factor controlling GH secretion, has a stimulatory effect, whereas somatostatin has an inhibitory effect. The production and release of GHRH and somatostatin in the hypothalamus are controlled by a complex variety of CNS stimuli, including sleep, exercise, and hypoglycemia. Plasma concentrations of GH vary throughout the day, depending on the balance between the effects of GHRH and somatostatin at any given time. Peak levels are typically seen at night within an hour after the onset of deep sleep. The main factors involved in the regulation of GH secretion are illustrated in Figure 6.21. GH circulates in the plasma bound to a GH-binding protein with a structure similar to that of the extracellular domain of the GH receptor. To interact with its receptor, GH first dissociates from the binding protein and then binds to the extracellular domain of the receptor in target tissues. Receptor binding induces dimerization of GH–receptor complexes followed by signaling through the JAK/ STAT intracellular pathway. The activated STAT proteins translocate to the cell nucleus where they modulate the expression of GH-responsive genes. The metabolic effects of GH action in addition to linear growth in children include nitrogen retention with enhanced lean body mass and lipolysis with decreased fat mass in both children and adults (Melmed and Jameson, 2006). Most of the growth-promoting effects of GH on peripheral tissues are exerted via IGF-I. IGF-I is a polypeptide with some structural similarities to insulin, but with distinct receptors. It is

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CNS effects/diurnal rhythm/glucose GHRH









Somatostatin + IGF-I & GH _



Liver IGF-I synthesis

FIGURE 6.21  The complex control of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I secretion. GH is secreted by the anterior pituitary under the influence of two hypothalamic hormones. GHRH is stimulatory, and somatostatin is inhibitory for GH release. GH acts on target tissues including liver and bone to stimulate the synthesis and release of IGF-I. IGF-I may act locally to promote mitogenesis in its tissue of origin, as in bone, or may be secreted into the circulation, as from the liver. Circulating IGF-I exerts a negative feedback directly on the pituitary gland to downregulate GH secretion. Together, IGF-I and GH also act on the hypothalamus to stimulate somatostatin secretion, thereby reducing GH secretion by the pituitary. GHRH and somatostatin secretion is regulated by a number of other physiological variables mediated by the central nervous system, including sleep, stress, and the prevailing blood glucose concentration.

a potent mitogenic agent produced by multiple tissues under the influence of GH. Most of the IGF-I in plasma originates from the liver and acts as a circulating growth factor. IGF-I can also be produced directly by bone and connective tissue cells and act locally on neighboring cells to promote growth. Under normal conditions, there is a close correlation between circulating levels of IGF-I and GH. Patients with a deficiency of GH will typically have low plasma levels of both GH and IGF-I. IGF-I participates together with GHRH and somatostatin in the feedback regulation of GH secretion (see Figure 6.21). When IGF-I levels rise, GH secretion normally tends to fall. In a rare condition known as Laron dwarfism involving a loss-of-function mutation in the GH receptor, IGF-I is not produced. Patients with this condition have short stature in spite of normal or high GH levels because their peripheral tissues fail to respond to GH. IGF-I is a single-chain polypeptide with 70 amino acids. It is structurally distinct from IGF-II, a related peptide that also has mitogenic activity, but is not GH dependent. IGF-I in the circulation is mostly bound to serum IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). These binding proteins serve as a storage reservoir, prolonging the half life of circulating IGF and affecting its distribution among various tissues. The most important binding protein is IGFBP-3, whose synthesis is also stimulated by GH (Rosen and Niu, 2008). The IFG-I receptor is structurally hom*ologous to the insulin receptor and the IGF-II receptor but has a higher affinity for IGF-I than for insulin or IGF-II. This receptor has intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity which is critical for second messenger generation after IGF-I binding occurs. Intracellular signaling involves the JAK/STAT and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways (Rosen and Niu, 2008). When activated, the IGF-I receptor has antiapoptotic effects in several cell types, including osteoblasts and osteocytes (Le Roith et al., 1997). Effects of GH and IGF-I on Bone Metabolism The overall effects of GH on bone are anabolic in adults as well as in children. However, the effects of GH on bone remodeling are complex because there are both circulating and local sources of IGF-I


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that may interact with bone cells. In vitro both GH and IGF-I have mitogenic effects on osteoblastic cell lines. GH induces the local synthesis of IGF-I by bone cells. The mitogenic effects of GH on osteoblasts can be blocked by the addition of specific monoclonal antibodies to IGF-I (Mohan and Baylink, 1991). IGF-I is mitogenic when added to cultures of rodent preosteoblasts, rapidly increasing the expression of the protooncogene c-fos (Merriman et al., 1990). IGF-I can increase collagen synthesis, alkaline phosphatase activity, and osteocalcin production in osteoblasts and can act as an antiapoptotic factor for differentiated osteoblasts (Rosen and Niu, 2008). Although a major effect of IGF-I is exerted on osteoblasts, it also plays a role in the coupling of osteoblast activity with osteoclast recruitment and activation, either directly through the IGF-I receptor or through the RANK–RANK ligand pathway (Mochizuki et al., 1992; Rubin et al., 2002). Both in vitro and in vivo, the absence of IGF-I impairs osteoclast recruitment and activation (Wang et al., 2006). The effects of GH deficiency on skeletal development and growth in children are clear cut. Linear bone growth is impaired and skeletal maturation is usually retarded. Children with GH deficiency have low bone mass, as measured by techniques such as single-photon absorptiometry (Wuster etal., 1992). In adults, the skeletal effects of GH deficiency are more difficult to define than those in children. This is due in part to the fact that serum GH and IGF-I levels normally decline with aging. In adults, severe GH deficiency usually occurs in association with panhypopituitarism and is accompanied by deficiencies of gonadal and adrenal steroids as well as thyroid hormone. In such patients, the frequent underreplacement of estrogen and testosterone, as well as the possibility of overreplacement with glucocorticoids and thyroid hormone, make it more difficult to identify skeletal effects due solely to GH deficiency. With these reservations in mind, there is much evidence suggesting that adult GH deficiency is associated with low bone turnover osteoporosis and increased fracture risk (Guistina et al., 2008; Rosen and Niu, 2008). Several cross-sectional studies of adults with GH deficiency have found lumbar spine BMD reduced in comparison with those of age- and sexmatched controls (Johansson et al., 1992; Holmes et al., 1994; Colao et al., 1999) and fracture rates increased (Wuster et al., 2001). Bone biopsies from adult males with GH deficiency show decreased osteoid and mineralizing surfaces, suggesting that impaired bone formation plays a dominant role (Bravenboer et al., 1996). Evidence that declining GH secretion causes bone loss in healthy older adults is more conflicted. Some investigators studying older adults without evidence of pituitary disease have found a significant relationship between bone mass and serum levels IGF-I. In the Framingham Heart Study, there was a strong correlation between the lowest quintile for serum IGF-I and BMD of the spine and hip (Langlois et al., 1998). In males, correlations between low BMD and low concentrations of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 have been reported by several investigators (Ljunghall et al., 1992; Kurland et al., 1997). In one study of young men with idiopathic osteoporosis and low serum IGF-I, dynamic tests of GH secretion were normal, suggesting that factors other than GH deficiency may have been responsible for the low IGF-I levels (Kurland et al., 1998). Others have concluded that even in adults with well-documented GH deficiency, a deleterious effect on BMD is apparent only in younger individuals. Beyond the age of 60 years, no differences were noted between the bone density scores of patients with a history of GH deficiency and control subjects (Murray et al., 2004). In summary, strong evidence supports that GH deficiency plays a role in the pathogenesis of osteopenia in younger subjects with clear-cut pituitary deficiency. However, in other subjects without a history of pituitary disease, where correlations between low BMD and low IGF-I may exist, it is still unclear whether GH deficiency plays a critical role. Therapy for Osteoporosis GH replacement therapy using recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) is now an accepted standard of care for children with GH deficiency. The results in terms of skeletal growth and improvement in BMD have been quite successful. In one observational study, 26 GH-deficient

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children were given rhGH for 12 months. During that period, the bone density scores (Z-scores) were normalized in nearly 50% of subjects (Saggese et al., 1993). In children with short stature due to causes other than GH deficiency, GH treatment has not improved BMD despite increases in lean body mass (Rosen and Niu, 2008). In GH-deficient adults, GH replacement therapy causes an increase in serum IGF-I and in lean body mass within 2 weeks. Markers of bone metabolism, including serum osteocalcin and urinary hydroxyproline, routinely increase. The effects of GH replacement on bone density have varied depending on the age and sex of the patients and the dose of GH administered. In one of the few randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials using “physiological” doses of GH to normalize serum IGF-I, spine BMD increased by nearly 4% in men but did not improve significantly in women. Neither men nor women showed significant improvement in hip BMD (Snyder et al., 2007). Thus far, no clinical trials of sufficient size to examine fractures as a clinical outcome have been reported. Only a few small trials of GH therapy have been reported in osteoporotic patients without preexisting GH deficiency. The results of these trials, some of which included combinations of GH with antiresorptive agents, have been inconclusive. Likewise, there have been only limited short-term trials testing the effects of recombinant IGF-I administration to adults with osteopenia. In one group of women with anorexia nervosa and low bone mass, IGF-I therapy for 9 months increased spine BMD by 1.1%, whereas a combination of IGF-I and estrogen yielded a 1.8% increase. Subjects receiving placebo experienced bone loss over the same period (Grinspoon et al., 2002). Currently, therapy with GH and IGF-I holds promise for the treatment of osteoporosis, particularly in subjects with well-defined GH deficiency. These agents are not currently approved for the treatment of osteoporosis because of their high cost, potential long-term side effects, and lack of demonstrated efficacy in fracture reduction. Active therapeutic research with anabolic agents is ongoing and may yield more favorable results in the future, particularly in combination with antiresorptive drugs.

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The maintenance of a constant concentration of calcium ions in the extracellular fluid is of critical importance in most multicellular organisms. In man, calcium homeostasis is regulated primarily by the endocrine system through the actions of PTH and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol). PTH secretion is regulated by a negative feedback of calcium ions acting through a CaSR in the plasma membrane of parathyroid cells and by a negative feedback of calcitriol acting to inhibit the synthesis of PTH mRNA. In the presence of reduced dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D, serum concentrations of PTH are typically elevated and renal conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol is stimulated. Conversely, an excess of dietary calcium or vitamin D downregulates both PTH secretion and calcitriol synthesis. The most important organs mediating calcium homeostasis are the GI tract, the kidney, and bone itself, which contains 99% of the calcium in the human body. GI absorption of dietary calcium is largely dependent on the presence of calcitriol. Under conditions where the dietary intake of calcium is limited, increased renal synthesis of calcitriol promotes more efficient absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the GI tract. Calcium deprivation also leads to hormonally mediated adjustments in the renal handling of calcium and phosphorus. Increased secretion of PTH stimulates increased renal tubular reabsorption of calcium from the glomerular filtrate, conserving calcium and helping to maintain calcium homeostasis. Bone cells, primarily osteocytes and bone lining cells, mediate a rapid flux of calcium ions between bone and the extracellular fluid under the influence of PTH. Osteoclasts mediate a slower process of calcium resorption from hydroxyapatite. Bone lining cells, osteocytes, and osteoblasts (but not osteoclasts) have PTH receptors. PTH has a complex, biphasic effect on bone mineral content and calcium balance. One of the earliest effects of PTH is a direct stimulation of osteoblasts resulting in increased bone formation. A more delayed effect, seen with sustained high concentrations of


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PTH, consists of an activation of osteoclasts resulting in increased bone resorption. The longer-term effect of PTH on bone resorption is not due to the direct action of PTH on osteoclasts but is mediated by cytokines including the RANK–RANK ligand system. The differing responses of bone cells to short-term and long-term PTH exposure explain why patients with primary hyperparathyroidism due to PTH-secreting parathyroid tumors tend to lose bone mass, whereas patients given intermittent injections of active PTH analogs gain bone mass. Several other hormones, although not primarily involved in maintaining calcium homeostasis, have significant effects on calcium balance and bone health. Estrogens play an important role in maintaining bone mass in both women and men largely by inhibiting bone resorption. In menopausal women, and also in elderly men, serum levels of estrogen decline, leading to increased bone loss and an increased risk of osteoporosis. The administration of estrogen or SERMs to postmenopausal women can increase BMD and reduce fracture risk. Testosterone and other androgens promote bone formation by acting directly on ARs located on osteoblasts. Testosterone is also aromatized to estradiol in peripheral tissues and can thus have indirect estrogen-like effects on bone. The administration of testosterone to young men with testosterone deficiency clearly promotes increased bone mass, but the skeletal benefits in elderly men are less certain. Glucocorticoids, including a number of synthetic derivatives used to suppress inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases, have deleterious effects on bone health. When administered at higher doses for several months, glucocorticoid derivatives lead to a loss of bone mass, largely through their direct inhibitory effects on osteoblast activity. They also reduce net calcium absorption from the GI tract. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is the most common form of drug-induced osteoporosis. Not only bone mineral content, but also bone microarchitecture is adversely affected, leading to increased fracture risk at a higher threshold of BMD. Dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D, as well as the use of bisphosphonates and other antiosteoporosis drugs, are effective in reducing fracture risk in patients who must be continued on glucocorticoid therapy. Thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, play a physiological role in skeletal growth and maturation. In adult life, thyroid hormones increase the activity of both osteoblasts and osteoclasts, probably acting both directly and through cytokine mediators. At excessive thyroid hormone concentrations, bone resorption is typically increased disproportionately to bone formation, leading to reduced bone mass. The bone remodeling cycle is shortened. The risk of fracture is most significant in postmenopausal women, who already have a tendency to lose bone more rapidly. For this reason, it is particularly important to correct hyperthyroidism and to avoid overtreatment of hypothyroidism in postmenopausal women. GH and IGF-I have significant anabolic effects on the skeleton. The growth-promoting effects on GH are mediated by IGF-I, a polypeptide produced in peripheral tissues under the influence of GH. GH plays a critical role in promoting linear bone growth and overall bone mass in childhood. During adult life, GH secretion and serum concentrations of IGF-I decline progressively with increasing age. Adults with severe GH deficiency due to pituitary disease typically have a low bone mass with evidence of impaired bone formation. It is less clear whether naturally declining GH secretion in older adults plays a critical role in the development of senile osteoporosis. Several small clinical trials of GH therapy in osteoporotic patients have been reported, but as yet none have demonstrated fracture reduction. Further evidence of efficacy will be required before GH, IGF-I, and related anabolic peptides can be approved as therapeutic agents for the treatment of osteoporosis.

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Renal Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Ions Philip J. Klemmer and John J.B. Anderson

CONTENTS Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 113 Calcium........................................................................................................................................... 113 Phosphate........................................................................................................................................ 117 Summary......................................................................................................................................... 117 References....................................................................................................................................... 118

INTRODUCTION An understanding of normal mineral metabolism is essential to understand the classical hormonal endocrine feedback system, which maintains optimal concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the extracellular fluids while simultaneously serving to regulate external calcium and phosphate balances to facilitate skeletal health. These classical control systems interrelate with each other by means of negative feedback to maintain optimal extracellular concentrations of calcium and inorganic phosphate. Bone not only provides an abundant endogenous source of these minerals to supply extracellular fluids, but it also functions to buffer excess supplies of these minerals entering extracellular fluids from external dietary sources. These same regulatory systems also help maintain skeletal integrity during adult life as well as facilitate skeletal growth during childhood and adolescence. Appropriate mineral balance is maintained across wide ranges of dietary calcium and phosphorus intakes. The kidney plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of divalent ion homeostasis by virtue of a finely tuned excretory capacity as well as its ability to synthesize the active 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [1,25(OH)2vitamin D], which actively regulates calcium absorption in the small intestine. During fasting periods, the kidneys typically reabsorb about 99% of calcium ions (Ca++) and approximately 95% of the filtered phosphate ions (HPO4=). The bulk of reabsorption of these ions takes place in the proximal convoluted tubule, where calcium reabsorption is coupled with sodium reabsorption. Following meals, however, these resorptive efficiencies are reduced a few percentage points, and urinary excretions of the two ions are increased to maintain physiological concentrations of these two ions in extracellular fluids. Over a 24-hour period, the external balances of the two elements are maintained while at the same time optimal ionic concentrations of calcium and phosphate are maintained in extracellular fluids. This chapter reviews the renal regulation of calcium and phosphorus in relation to dietary intakes of these two minerals in health. Renal calcium and phosphate homeostasis are reviewed in this chapter.

CALCIUM The normal 70-kg adult possesses approximately 1.2 kg of calcium, of which 99% is located within bone and only 1.3 g (0.1%) is located in extracellular fluids. The human kidney is in a unique position 113


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

to regulate calcium homeostasis. Although by weight the two kidneys represent less than 2% of the total body weight, this organ receives more than 20% of the cardiac output each minute and produces over 180 L of glomerular filtrate each day. The selective reabsorption of greater than 99% of this glomerular filtrate leaves behind approximately 1.4 L of urine each day, which contains not only metabolic waste products but also sufficient calcium and phosphate ions to maintain appropriate balance. The retained divalent ions facilitate growth in childhood and adolescence and steady-state skeletal maintenance in adults. The kidney also helps to regulate optimal concentrations of ionic calcium and phosphorus in extracellular fluids needed for normal neuromuscular and organ function. Calcium intake from food and supplemental sources varies with race, age, and gender in the United States, but it ranges between 700 and 1000 mg/day for adults. Figure 7.1a and 7.1b depicts calcium and phosphate balance in the normal adult. Using the daily 1,000 mg of calcium intake estimate, it can be seen that the sum of urinary excretion (200 mg) and fecal loss (800 mg) approximates dietary calcium intake (1000 mg/day). Thus, in adult life, until approximately the age of 50 years, zero calcium balance, that is, no net calcium retention, is maintained. The principal site of regulation of calcium balance is the small intestine. The absorption fraction of calcium is approximately 20% to 30% in adults ingesting 1000 mg of calcium in their daily diets. Under conditions (a) Calcium metabolism Food 1000 mg/d

Influx 6000 mg/d

Outflux 6000 mg/d

Digestive juice calcium Intestine 1200 mg

200 mg Total absorbed intestinal calcium

Calcium pool (8.8–10.4)

400 mg

Feces 800 mg

Food 1400 mg/d

Urine 200 mg (b) Phosphate balance Bone Influx 1000 mg/d

Outflux 1000 mg/d

Digestive juice phosphate Intestine 1600 mg

200 mg Total absorbed intestinal phosphate

Phosphate pool (3.5–5.0)

1000 mg

Feces 400 mg

Urine 1000 mg

FIGURE 7.1  (A) Daily calcium balance; (B) daily phosphorus balance. (Adapted from Nordin, B.E.C., ed. 1976. Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium Metabolism. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh; modified calcium fluxes based on Talmage, R.V. 1996. Foreword. In Calcium and Phosphorus in Health and Disease, Anderson, J.J.B., and Garner, S.C., eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.)


Renal Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Ions

of low dietary calcium intake, the intestinal absorption fraction of calcium increases to maintain appropriate calcium balance. Intestinal calcium absorption is primarily regulated by the serum concentration of the active form of vitamin D, that is, 1,25(OH)2vitamin D (calcitriol), which becomes critically important during periods of low dietary calcium intakes. The adaptive increase in enteric calcium absorption which occurs during periods of low (70 years

DRI (mg/day)   NA   NA   700 1000 1300 1000 1000 (M); 1200(F) 1200

UL (mg/day) 1000 1500 2500 2500 3000 2500 2000 2000

Notes: NA = not available. Values for pregnant and lactating women are not included.     Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) and tolerable upper intake levels (ULs) are the same for males and females. Source: Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, 2011. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.


Calcium and Bone Input (1000 mg Ca)



Intestinal absorption


Intestinal secretion


Urinary excretion

Net balance

Shedding of skin cells


200 mg

(150 mg +

100 mg


15 mg)


–65 mg


300 mg

(150 mg +

135 mg


15 mg)


0 mg


400 mg

(150 mg +

170 mg


15 mg)


+65 mg

FIGURE 8.2  Three scenarios of calcium balance. Schematic diagrams illustrating three states of calcium balance that occur across the life cycle. In later life (A), 1000 mg of calcium a day may lead to a net negative balance; in early adult life (B), 1000 mg of calcium may be adequate and result in zero balance; and during growth (C), 100 mg of calcium per day may place children and adolescents in positive calcium balance.

calcium requirements cannot easily be determined, even by modern research methods, estimates of the amounts of calcium needed have been established using metabolic balance studies (Matkovic and Heaney, 1992; Hunt and Johnson, 2007) and skeletal calcium accrual analyses based on measurements of total body BMC (Vatanparast et al., 2010). Usual calcium intakes below the threshold or window and those above the threshold or window are considered unhealthy; a schematic diagram (Figure 8.2) illustrates these three conditions of calcium intake.

Recommended Calcium intakes in the United States and Canada The recommended calcium intakes across the life cycle, part of the DRIs, are set forth for the various stages stage of the life cycle. The calcium DRIs and tolerable upper limit intake levels (ULs) are set at estimated daily amounts across the life cycle (Food and Nutrition Board, IOM, 1997) (see Table 8.3). The DRIs for those boys and girls 8 to 19 years of age may be more than enough for optimal skeletal development. Few females in this age range consume 1,300 mg on a regular daily basis, yet most girls achieve reasonable skeletal development and height with lower intakes than their DRI (Bonjour et al., 1997) (see below). Precise requirements for calcium are not known for either males or females, and these recommendations (DRIs) may be set on the high side, especially for females, to optimize PBM development both during adolescent growth and the subsequent skeletal consolidation period of early adulthood, that is, from approximately 19 to 30 years of age (Hunt and Johnson, 2007). Therefore, the calcium DRIs across the life cycle appear to provide a considerable margin of safety, especially for women who typically develop less skeletal mass than do men. Figure 8.3 gives a scenario in which 1000 mg/day may be sufficient for optimal skeletal development from 8 to 19 years of age. To illustrate the discrepancy between calcium intake data from a U.S. Department of Agriculture survey and DRIs for calcium, the intakes are plotted against age in Figure 8.4. The median calcium intakes of females from 11 years and beyond are much lower than the age-specific DRIs. Males do better, but they still consume less than the DRIs. The typical low intakes of calcium, especially intakes lower than approximately 50% of the DRI, by peripubertal females suggest that PBM accrual may not be optimal in these girls. Similar low calcium intakes are common in similarly


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health ↑ Excess 1200

Window of optimal calcium intake

Ca, mg/dL 1000


↓ Deficiency

FIGURE 8.3  Optimal range of calcium intake. Scenario in which 1000 mg a day may be sufficient for optimal skeletal development from 8 to 19 years of age, but the current recommendations are 1300 mg/day for boys and girls. Many children and adolescents consume less than 800 mg/day, which implies that these individuals are consuming diets deficient in calcium. 1600

Adequate intakes (AIs)

Calcium, mg per day


1300 mg/d

1200 1000

1200 mg/d 1000 mg/d


800 mg/d

600 400

500 mg/d

200 0



7–10 11–14 15–18 19–24 25–50 51–64


Age, years

FIGURE 8.4  Discrepancies between calcium intakes (USDA survey) and AIs for calcium across the life cycle. Calcium intakes are plotted against age. AIs or Adequate Intakes were the IOM recommendations for calcium from 1997 to 2011. (Adapted from Anderson, J.J.B., et al. 2005. Nutrition and Health, Carolina Academic Press.)

aged females of China and other Asian nations, although Japanese girls have been improving their calcium intakes in recent decades (see Chapter 30).

Calcium and PBM Accrual Peripubertal calcium intakes have a powerful impact on PBM development, which is typically achieved by approximately the age of 20 years or somewhat later in the third decade, that is, at 30 years or so, when bone consolidation is completed. The World Health Organization recognizes the achievement of PBM and further skeletal mass accrual by the age of 30 years, since the 20- to 29-year-old means of BMC and BMD are used as the healthy adult standards for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements (Kanis et al., 1994). DXA scans at later ages are typically compared with those of young healthy adult mean values for BMD. Thus, as part of a healthy diet,


Calcium and Bone

calcium intakes during the first two decades of life set the stage for optimal skeletal development, and this optimal PBM accrual is presumed to serve until late in life when declines in bone mass occur (Figure 8.5) (see also Chapter 24). The concept that a greater PBM may help delay the late-life onset of osteopenia and osteoporosis, and its adverse consequences, has been argued for many years, although direct proof has not been established. Dietary factors, such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, protein, and others, have long been considered as significant determinants of PBM (Heaney et al., 2000; Nieves, 2005; Vatanparast and Whiting, 2006). Results of many research studies have supported the calciumrelated skeletal gains in BMC during the peripubertal decade from roughly 8 to 18 years, starting earlier in girls than boys but ending later in boys, depending on pubertal development (Bonjour et al., 1991, 1997; Johnston et al., 1992; Lloyd et al., 1992, 1993; Abrams and Stuff, 1994; Matkovic et al., 1994, 2004; Young et al., 1995; Weaver et al., 1995, 2007 ; Teegarden et al., 1995; Cadogan et al., 1997; Jackman et al., 1997; Martin et al., 2007; Bailey et al., 2000; Abrams, 2005). Also, two studies have found that low calcium intakes during this important period of skeletal growth may contribute [to] fractures in children and adolescents (Goulding et al., 1998; Wyshak and Frisch, 1994). Studies of dizygotic and monozygotic twin subjects, which benefit from a reduction in genetic variance, have been instrumental in demonstrating the skeletal gains in mass and cross-sectional area or bone size of long bones of the twin receiving the calcium supplement in both the prepubertal and postpubertal periods (Johnston et al., 1992; Young et al., 1995) and in strength parameters (see Chapter 25). Twins, especially monozygotic pairs, have remarkably similar PBM development. This similar development illustrates a strong genetic contribution to PBM, perhaps as high as 80%, but dietary factors and other environmental factors still contribute to this accrual of bone mass (Slemenda et al., 1992). Gains of bone mass resulting from the addition of calcium supplements, especially during the growth years of early life, may be lost after supplementation ceases. Two reports, one of singleton 12-year-old girls and one of 10- to 12-year-old twins of both genders, have shown that the BMD that was gained by the calcium-supplemented children over 2 to 4 years was subsequently (b)


20 Age


Positive (+)


Average (0)

Negative (–)


Bone mass

Bone mass



Fracture risk range








FIGURE 8.5  Early gain and later loss of bone mass across the life cycle. The early gain of bone mass in men and women is shown in the left-hand side of the figure up to about the age of 30 years when peak bone mass is achieved. The peak is higher for men than that for women. The later loss of bone mass is illustrated by the right-hand side of the figure from the age of 50 years and over. After the menopause, at approximately the age of 50 years, in females, and somewhat later in males, the loss of bone mass begins, and it continues at a slow rate of loss after the first postmenopausal decade in women and at about the age of 65 years in men for the rest of an individual’s life. Slowing of the bone loss by behavioral factors such as diet and activity retards or delays the onset of osteoporosis. (Adapted from Anderson, J.J.B., et al. 2005. Nutrition and Health, Carolina Academic Press.)


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

lost after cessation of supplements as the treated individuals achieved approximately the same BMD values as their nonsupplemented comparators over the next few years (Lloyd et al., 1994; Slemenda et al., 1997). The conclusion of these short-term dietary studies is that little or no residual benefit continue after calcium supplements stop. Longer periods of calcium intakes that are at least as high as the DRI for growing children have not been examined to assess bone gains that are retained well into adulthood, the presumed benefit of high calcium intakes. In contrast, gains in bone mass related to physical activity during skeletal development are considered to continue into adulthood (see Chapter 23). Calcium supplementation along with an exercise program has also resulted in improved PBM as measured by BMC (Barr and McKay, 1996; French et al., 2000; Welch and Weaver, 2005; Specker and Vukovich, 2007). BMC is typically chosen because BMD is not as useful a measure in growing children as BMC. A major benefit of regular physical activity is the improvement of bone quality, especially of trabecular or cancellous bone tissue, and dietary calcium availability permissively facilitates this bone consolidation. Gains of bone size in response to DRIs of calcium occur in most ethnic groups (Weaver et al., 2007). Compared with whites and Asians, African Americans have higher PBM and a lower prevalence of osteoporosis, although gender differences are still evident as fracture rates are greater in black females than those in black males (see Chapter 29). A reason for this high bone mass (and muscle mass) among blacks relates in large part to unknown genetic factors. Because so many blacks are lactose intolerant and refrain from dairy products, they have difficulty obtaining the recommended amounts of calcium for skeletal development during childhood and adolescence. Yet, on average, they exhibit no apparent deleterious effects with respect to the development of PBM. The mechanism or mechanisms that allow blacks to adapt to low calcium intakes and develop superior BMD remain unknown, but a slower action of PTH has been suggested as a reason for increased bone mass. Reasonable calcium intakes, that is, DRI amounts (Food and Nutrition Board, IOM, 1997), however, are still recommended for black adolescents to optimize PBM. A greater “bone” bank may help black women protect against or delay the development of osteoporosis, as their life expectancy is increasing in the United States (Arias, 2010).

Adult Calcium Needs Adult women and men need adequate amounts of calcium each day to maintain their skeletal mass (BMC) and density (BMD). The calcium recommendations are 1000 mg/day from 19 to 50 years and 1200 beyond the age of 50 years for both genders. Young adult women and men typically continue to gain bone mass via the process of consolidation until approximately 30 years (Halioua and Anderson, 1989). Women, however, begin losing some bone mass during their last decade prior to menopause, that is, during their 40s, as their ovarian estrogen production declines. Men do not lose much bone mass, if any, until a decade or more later when their androgen production decreases. Women who continue reasonably good physical activity during their 30s and 40s may maintain their bone mass for several years longer than others who are less active (Tylavsky et al., 1989). Beyond 50 years of age, bone loss in women abruptly increases in women as a consequence of the menopausal cessation of ovarian estrogen production. For women, the amount of bone loss from 50 to 80 years has been estimated to be as much as 30% to 50% of their total bone mass (Table 8.4). Women and men beyond 50 years old need to consume sufficient calcium to replace bone loss of calcium, but this zero balance may not occur when bone resorption exceeds bone formation even with additional calcium as supplement (Riis et al., 1987). So, calcium intakes in excess of ~1000 mg/day may not be so well utilized by the skeleton, and neutral (zero) skeletal balance may be impossible to achieve in late life. The DRI of 1200 mg/day for older adults may be reasonably safe, but the excess calcium that is not taken up by the skeleton, may contribute to calcium loading, that is, excessive soft tissue calcification and renal stones (Anderson and Sjoberg, 2001). Some concern exists about excessive intakes of calcium, for example, greater than 1200 to 1500 mg/day, because of arterial


Calcium and Bone

TABLE 8.4 Estimated Relative Gains and Losses of Bone Mass in Females across the Life Cycle By Age

Gain (%)

10 years 15 years 30 years 40 years 50 years 60 years 80 years 100 years Total

Loss (%)

50–60 30–40 10    5–10   10–20   15–20 100


Total bone mass

% 100





Placebo 0






FIGURE 8.6  Relative loss of bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women. Elderly women receiving a calcium supplement (1000 mg) daily over 2 years in comparison to those receiving estrogen therapy and placebo. (Adapted from Riis, B., et al., New Engl J Med, 316, 173–177, 1987.)

calcification and cardiovascular disease (Bolland et al., 2008) and renal stones (Jackson et al., 2006) (see the section “Potential Calcium Toxicity: Arterial Calcification and Renal Stones”). Lactose intolerance from lactase deficiency in a large percentage of the U.S. population, that is, almost 15% of white adults and a higher percentage of African American adults, may also contribute to inadequate calcium and vitamin D intakes and, hence, lower bone density (see the section “Lactose Intolerance and Inadequate Calcium Intake”).

Elderly Calcium Needs Low calcium intakes among the elderly usually result from reductions in milk and cheese consumption. So, meeting the DRI of 1200 mg/day remains almost impossible without the consumption of calcium supplements; 500 mg of calcium supplements per day may be sufficient for most women to achieve the recommended 1000 to 1200 mg/day. Even with consumption above 1500 mg/day from food and supplements, elderly Danish women studied over 3 years still lost BMD (Figure 8.6) (Riis etal., 1987). In older adults, as well as at earlier adult ages, calcium supplements depress PTH secretion and bone resorption; the decrease in bone resorption tends to suppress bone turnover (McKane et al., 1996), making it less dynamic and less able to repair microfractures (Heaney, 2007) (see the section “Potential Calcium Toxicity: Arterial Calcification and Renal Stones”).


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

CALCIUM METABOLISM This section highlights major aspects of calcium metabolism across the life cycle. Three significant physiological changes occur in the elderly, especially in females, that influence calcium metabolism: intestinal calcium absorption declines, renal calcium reabsorption decreases, and PTH increases. Together, these changes suggest negative calcium balance.

Intestinal Absorption of Calcium Absorption of calcium ions occurs in the absorbing epithelial cells (enterocytes) via the two-step process common to water-soluble nutrients. Calcium cations, that is, Ca2+, are relatively poorly absorbed compared with inorganic phosphate anions, that is, HPO4=, also written as Pi. For adults, the net calcium absorption efficiency is approximately 20% to 30%, whereas for phosphate, it is typically about 50% to 70%. Calcium absorption is completed within 2 to 3 hours following a meal, a much slower entry than for phosphate ions (Anderson, 1991). When considering that almost all foods contain phosphorus and only a relatively few contain much calcium, the quantitative absorption of phosphate ions practically always significantly exceeds that of calcium ions from a meal. The absorption of calcium ions may be depressed a percentage point or two, if phosphate is excessive in the diet, because of precipitation of calcium ions by phosphate ions within the gut lumen (see also Chapter 6). One of the two important interactions that exist for calcium is the enhancement of intestinal calcium absorption, involving the transcellular route, by the hormonal form of vitamin D (see Chapter 10). The vitamin D hormone, derived from prior intake of the vitamin from the diet or from skin biosynthesis, increases the efficiency of calcium ion absorption by stimulating the synthesis of calbindins by the gut absorbing cells. The calbindins carry the calcium ions, four calcium ions per calbindin, across the absorbing cells of the small intestine to the extracellular fluids and blood. At the site of new bone formation in the skeleton, the hormonal form of vitamin D increases the uptake by osteoblasts of calcium ions that are used in making new bone mineral, that is, calcium hydroxyapatite. If both calcium and vitamin D in the diet are low, for example, in a young child who is no longer breast feeding, declines in intestinal calcium absorption and bone mineralization almost certainly occur. Severe deficiencies of each may lead to rickets. At low intakes of calcium, intestinal absorption percentages of calcium ions typically increase to greater than 30% because of the feedback regulation of the vitamin D hormonal mechanism that improves calcium absorption efficiency. However, when calcium intakes are adequate or high, the vitamin-D-mediated gut absorptive mechanism operates at a much greatly reduced efficiency. Furthermore, it is probable that this mechanism may become totally inactivated to prevent excessive calcium absorption and potential adverse effects of calcium. Thus, the vitamin D adaptation mechanism for calcium absorption depends on a low calcium load (amount) from the diet and increased absorptive efficiency of calcium ions from the diet, as mediated by the vitamin D hormone (see Chapter 10). At high intakes of calcium, the serum calcium concentration, both total calcium and ionic calcium, increases slightly after a meal. The increase in ionic calcium depresses PTH secretion and, hence, its action on osteoblasts that signal osteoclasts to resorb bone (Martini and Wood, 2002; McKane et al., 1996). A decrease in PTH also reduces proximal tubular calcium reabsorption and thereby increases urinary calcium excretion. Figure 8.7 illustrates the sequence of physiological events following a low intake of calcium from foods or supplements. To maintain a reasonably constant supply of calcium in blood for tissue functions, a highly regulated serum calcium ion concentration is activated to increase the flow of calcium ions to blood. Although not illustrated here, a calcium-rich meal or supplement reverses this homeostatic regulation by suppressing PTH secretion in this sequence during the first few hours after a calcium-rich meal. The sequence of steps is listed below:

1. Initial positive signal (+) for PTH secretion results from an decrease in serum Ca+2. 2. Parathyroid glands secrete PTH in response to the decrease in the serum Ca+2 concentration.


Calcium and Bone

PTH Parathyroid glands




To Gut


1,25-(OH) Vitamin D2 Ca Pi Transfer from Bone 1

(+) Blood calcium


Restoration of normal blood 5 calcium Normal blood Ca Pi calcium Reabsorption

Ca Excretion Pi Excretion

FIGURE 8.7  Regulation of blood calcium (Ca) concentration following intake of a meal low in calcium. The stimulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion and action on bone and the kidney during fasting. (Adapted from Anderson, J.J.B., et al. 2005. Nutrition and Health, Carolina Academic Press.)

3. PTH acts on bone to increase transfer of both Ca and Pi ions to blood. 4. It also acts on the kidneys to increase Ca reabsorption (or decrease Ca excretion). Also, PTH stimulates an increase in renal 1,25(OH)2vitamin D production, which may increase intestinal (gut) Ca absorption over the next 24 hours if calcium intakes are typically low. 5. The net effect of these actions is to return the serum total Ca to normal set level (~10 mg/ dL), and the calcium ionic concentration (Ca+2) rises accordingly. 6. A normal serum calcium concentration has little or no influence on PTH secretion by this feedback mechanism until a decline in the Ca ionic concentration triggers PTH secretion. The serum total Ca concentration is highly regulated by this homeostatic mechanism; only small deviations occur under normal conditions.

The absorption of calcium ions is significantly depressed by oxalic acid (oxalate anions) and phytates when they are consumed in the same meal. These binding molecules (anions) carry negative charges that combine with positively charged calcium ions (cations) to reduce the number of calcium ions that are bioavailable and ready for absorption within the gut lumen. Oxalates are high in only a few foods, such as spinach, rhubarb, and beet greens. Factors in spinach other than oxalate may also contribute to the low efficiency of calcium absorption (Heaney et al., 1988). Phytate anions in grains have a similar, but less severe, effect of depressing the absorption of calcium ions. Hence, compared with animal sources, calcium ions from calcium-rich plant sources may be less well absorbed, that is, less bioavailable, depending on the anions or other factors in the plant foods. Postmenopausal women are generally considered to have a decline in intestinal calcium absorption, which adversely affects calcium balance. This decline may worsen as women enter the decade of their 50s, that is, the post menopause. Because of this reduction in calcium absorption efficiency, the recommendation for dietary calcium was increased for women and men in this stage of the life cycle.

Parathyroid Hormone and the Regulation of Serum Calcium Concentration Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a significant hormone involved in calcium regulation because of its action of removing (pumping) calcium ions from bone to blood during intermeal or fasting periods to maintain blood calcium at its set level, that is, 10 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L) (Talmage and Talmage, 2006, 2007; Talmage and Mobley, 2008) (see also Chapter 6). Thus, through its major actions on


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

bone and the kidneys, PTH is the major regulator of the blood concentration of calcium, which supplies sufficient amounts of calcium ions for the functional needs of cells. When PTH acts on bone, it stimulates osteoclasts to remove bone mostly from the trabecular surfaces of the vertebrae and the ends of the long bones, and it increases calcium effluxes from the bone extracellular compartment. When PTH acts on the renal tubules, it increases calcium reabsorption and it also blocks phosphate reabsorption, thereby increasing urinary phosphorus losses.

Urinary Excretion of Calcium Several factors contribute to an increase in urinary calcium losses in postmenopausal women after the menopause and older men. Urinary calcium excretion is significantly influenced by several nutrients in the usual diet. The average North American consumes about 15% of food energy from protein, a large portion of which is derived from animal sources, such as meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs. When the individual amino acids are metabolized, they generate acid equivalents, especially sulfuric and phosphoric acids, which must be buffered by serum bicarbonate, cellular proteins, and bone before being excreted by the kidneys. A modest hypercalciuria (excessive calcium in the urine) may be a normal part of aging, if renal function remains healthy, because of increasing resorption of bone, that is, declining bone mass. In economically advanced societies, however, where a high-meat diet is consumed or where more physical activity is not an everyday phenomenon, the “relative” acid-induced hypercalciuria may be even more significant. For consumers of low amounts of calcium, protein-induced hypercalciuria remains a potentially significant mechanism explaining calcium loss in adults. A high sodium diet also increases urinary calcium losses because renal calcium excretion is tightly linked to urinary sodium excretion. These minerals are reabsorbed by renal tubules, in part, by a common mechanism that favors sodium reabsorption over calcium (Lemann et al., 1979). As glomerular filtration rate begins to decline in the later years of the life cycle, lower quantities of the calcium ions are excreted, that is, lower amounts appear in the urine over 24 hours. This decline in urinary calcium reflects lower resulting from a reduction in the formation of the active vitamin D hormonal molecule in urinary calcium by the aging kidney. Under conditions of very high calcium intake, that is, greater than 1400 mg/day, intestinal calcium absorption by older adults may lead to greater retention of calcium, but little in the skeleton. Older adults may risk vascular consequences of a positive calcium balance, that is, arterial calcification (Demer, 1995).

Calcium Balance Calcium balance is determined to the extent by which calcium intake from foods and supplements offsets calcium output in urine, feces, and sweat. In calcium balance, the major input is diet, if adequate, and the major outputs are urine and feces. Hormonal control of calcium homeostasis is exerted at the gut, bone, and kidneys, primarily through the actions of PTH. In addition, the major action of the hormonal form of vitamin D is on the absorbing cells of the small intestine when usual calcium intakes are less than adequate. When calcium intakes are not adequate, bone serves as the major source of calcium ions in blood. During the growth years, this balance is generally positive. In the years from roughly 20 to 40, calcium balance generally remains neutral or zero. In later life, certainly after the age of 50years, calcium balance is usually negative. During late life, measurements of urinary calcium over a 24-hour period may be needed to assess calcium balance. An increase in urinary calcium in individuals with normal renal function suggests a negative shift in calcium balance and a probable loss of bone mass (see Chapter 7). In older individuals, calcium balance may seem neutral, but this assessment may be misleading because of ectopic calcification, that is, new bone formation at inappropriate sites, especially in arteries and heart valves (see Chapter 33). In the elderly with normal renal function, the calcification in inappropriate locations contributes to better calcium balance, as a result of reduced or


Calcium and Bone

normal urinary calcium losses. If renal function becomes compromised, urinary calcium losses may decline and calcification may substantially increase. Then, calcium balance becomes even better since much less calcium is excreted by the kidneys (see the section “Potential Calcium Toxicity: Arterial Calcification and Renal Stones”).

EFFECTS OF DIETARY CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS RATIOS ON CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS Too much dietary phosphorus may adversely affect bone health by increasing bone resorption (see the section “Parathyroid Hormone and the Regulation of Serum Calcium Concentration”). Bone resorption is the process by which small packets of the bone are degraded, both organic matrix and hard mineral. This process allows calcium and phosphate ions and bone matrix components (biomarkers) to be released into the extracellular fluid and blood. Bone resorption is increased during periods of low calcium and high phosphate intakes, and if it continues for long periods, this diet may adversely affect bone maintenance and reduce BMD (Calvo et al., 1990; Calvo and Park, 1996; Kemi et al., 2009). Therefore, a reasonable intake of calcium in relation to phosphorus is necessary for good bone health. An optimal dietary ratio of calcium to phosphorus for adults ranges between 1:1 and 1:2; a value of 1:1.5 is considered good. Adults who consume too little milk or other dairy products have ratios that are lower than 1:2 and may even approach 1:4. Figure 8.8 illustrates Ca:P ratios for breast milk; usual dietary intakes during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; and bone mineral in comparison with the AIs. Constant dietary ratios of 1:2 and less are considered to be potentially detrimental to skeletal health. Recommended daily amounts of calcium and phosphorus are given above (see the section “Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium”). Increasing the intake of calcium as part of a high phosphate diet does not appear to correct entirely the adverse alterations in calcium metabolism although the Ca:P ratio is improved, as the phosphorus intake still remains too high (Kemi et al., 2010). Over a long period of time, such habitual diets may cause alterations in calcium metabolism that contribute to excessive loss of bone mass and possibly osteoporosis (Calvo et al., 1990; Kemi et al., 2009). It should be noted that these studies were conducted in healthy young women, and they have not been replicated in postmenopausal women. 2.5:1

Ca:P ratio

2:1 1.5:1 1:1 Typical dietary ratio


Human breast milk


Blood (adult)

FIGURE 8.8  Ca:P ratios for breast milk; usual dietary intakes during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; and bone mineral in comparison to the range of ratios of recommended intake amounts (DRIs) of calcium and phosphorus (RDAs).


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

LACTOSE INTOLERANCE AND INADEQUATE CALCIUM INTAKE Because many people throughout the world stop synthesizing the enzyme lactase early in life, they become at risk for lactose intolerance, insufficient calcium intake, and poor bone development. If vitamin-D-fortified milk is not consumed, then both calcium and vitamin D, as well as other important nutrients, will not be ingested in adequate amounts to support bone growth. Rickets, either mild or severe, is a likely consequence. Lactose intolerance almost certainly leads to the avoidance of consuming adequate amounts of calcium by affected individuals. Many African Americans, Asians, and whites who develop lactose intolerance at some time early in life typically avoid milk and often other dairy products. Those who are lactose intolerant may benefit from using lactase-treated milk or from taking calcium supplements beginning as early in life as possible to try to optimize the development of the skeleton, that is, PBM, and then continue supplement use to maintain their bone mass during the adult decades. Without additional calcium sources in the diet, lactose intolerance may have adverse effects on skeletal mass and density in individuals who inherit the gene controlling the synthesis of the intestinal lactase enzyme. Most ethnic groups throughout the world develop hypolactasia (low state of lactase enzyme) after the first few years of life, which typically leads to a lower efficiency of calcium absorption and to intestinal cramping and other GI symptoms upon milk consumption. Late in life, these lactose intolerants are at increased risk for osteoporotic fractures (Segal et al., 2003). Despite hypolactasia and low or very low calcium intakes because of low dairy consumption, African American children typically develop bones that are dense and strong. In general, then, African American children have sufficient vitamin D and calcium in their diets during childhood— well after weaning—to absorb the available dietary calcium efficiently and to put it in their skeletons. This pattern differs for white children of Northern European backgrounds and for Asian children who typically consume greater amounts of calcium throughout most of the first two decades. White children obtain most of their calcium from dairy products, whereas Asian children get most from plant sources (see also Chapter 29).

DEFICIENT CALCIUM INTAKES AND THE NEED FOR CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS In general, calcium deficiency results from too little ingestion of calcium-rich foods, a fairly common finding in the United States. Such low consumption patterns may contribute to late-life osteopenia and possibly osteoporotic bone fractures, whereas high calcium intakes and regular physical activity will likely help prevent or delay those fractures in later life. Preventive programs for elderly women include recommendations for the consumption of calcium and vitamin D at DRI or greater levels from foods and, typically, supplements. Supplements of these two nutrients have been demonstrated to improve bone measurements in elderly women (Chapuy et al., 1992; Dawson-Hughes etal., 1997), but not in elderly men (Dawson-Hughes et al., 1997). Also, recommendations are made for regular weight-bearing exercises, especially walking at a good pace for 30 minutes four or more days a week, and strength exercises involving upper body muscle groups that help maintain the bone mass and quality of the proximal femur (see later in this chapter). In modest quantities, calcium supplements may help maintain bone health, that is, bone mass and density, and the reduction of fractures by increasing the Ca:P ratio as well as the amount of calcium in the diet (see Chapter 27). The accumulation of calcium in the body, however, does not necessarily mean that all the additional calcium is put in the skeleton (see below). In older individuals with low calcium intakes, calcium supplements in modest amounts typically improve bone measurements, but an uncertain amount of additional supplemental calcium is now also considered to increase arterial calcification (Persy and D’Haese, 2009; Reid et al., 2010). Therefore, among the elderly, calcium supplements in large amounts (>500 mg/day) may actually exert adverse effects on health and serve as an unintended risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This effect of extra dietary calcium as a supplement may have a trade-off between the improvement of overall calcium balance of the elderly

Calcium and Bone


and the simultaneous adverse effect of increasing calcium updake in coronary and other arteries of the body. A decline in renal function also may contribute to this unhealthy state of arterial calcification. Supplementation with calcium may also improve the effectiveness of bone-conserving drugs during the menopausal transition and in later postmenopausal life, but the usual amount of supplemental calcium recommended per day, 1000 mg, may be higher than necessary without considering typical daily intakes of the individuals. Adults and elders who obtain 800 to 1000 mg of calcium per day from foods may be doing as well as possible with respect to skeletal maintenance. Yet, most consume less than 800 mg/day, especially the elderly, and they may need a daily supplement of calcium (500 mg or so), along with vitamin D (400 IU/day or more), in an attempt to try to minimize their loss of bone mass and density. The DRIs for calcium remain the best recommendations for the U.S. population, but practically all individuals have difficulty consuming these recommended amounts from foods alone, especially the elderly whose DRI is 1,200 mg/day. Calcium intakes at or above DRIs have relatively little effect on bone compared to antiresorptive drugs (Ontjes and Anderson, 2009). The concern about excessive calcium loading relates to the higher supplemental amounts that, once absorbed, may not go into bone but rather into arterial walls or other soft tissues. The UL for calcium is 2500 mg/day (Food and Nutrition Board, IOM, 1997), but this high amount may be too much of a risk for health. This issue of excessive supplemental calcium intakes by older adults needs to be more closely monitored in the elderly who have declining renal function.

POTENTIAL CALCIUM TOXICITY: ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION AND RENAL STONES Toxic effects of calcium may occur with excessive intakes, particularly in cases of overconsumption of calcium supplements. This condition has also recently been referred to as calcium loading (Anderson, 2009). Calcium intakes in excess of needs may contribute to excessive mineralization of soft tissues, that is, calcification of arterial walls in large arteries, such as the aorta; small arteries, such as the coronaries; and the heart valves (Demer, 1995). Calcium salts in arterial walls, as part of rigid bone, limit greatly the elasticity of arteries; the aorta is especially affected. Other than constipation and renal stones, which have been observed in many female calcium supplement users, arterial calcification may be a forthcoming epidemic in older adults, in part because of excessive calcium supplement usage and in part because of reduced renal function. Calcification of coronary arteries, renal arteries, and heart valves may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Bolland et al., 2008) (see also Chapter 33). Despite the fairly liberal UL value of 2,500 mg of calcium a day, adults at risk for these abnormalities may require dietary calcium restriction in an attempt to lessen their condition. Older adults are often appropriately advised to consume calcium supplements, in amounts of 500 or 1,000 mg/day, to assure that the absorbed calcium will help maintain BMD throughout the skeleton and especially at common sites of fractures. This recommendation, however, may cause adverse effects on calcium balance if renal function has started to decline in older adults. A glomerular filtration rate below 60 is considered the cut point for the beginning of serious renal disease, and it probably also is the point when arterial calcification becomes prominent. In the presence of positive calcium balance, the additional calcium absorbed tends not to be retained by the skeleton, but rather it is retained in soft tissues and the vasculature, that is, new bone at inappropriate sites. Although research has not yet fully established a progression of calcification with age when dietary calcium may be increased (Hsia et al., 2007), evidence suggests that some of the extra calcium from diet and bone resorption is retained in arterial walls (McClelland et al., 2006; Reid et al., 2010). Data from prospective randomized controlled trials are needed to rule in or out this hypothesis. The tentative conclusion now for older adults is that they must have their renal function checked to obtain their estimated glomerular filtration rate before starting to take calcium supplements—and


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

perhaps before taking vitamin D supplements as well—or even after such supplementation has already been initiated. Calcium from dietary sources may be more preferable than supplemental calcium, but high intakes from foods alone may also contribute to arterial calcification. Calcium loading of the body has long been recognized in the coronaries of the heart, the aorta, the carotid arteries, and heart valves, but the increased risk of death from cardiovascular diseases when this condition exists has only recently become a major concern.

SUMMARY As an essential nutrient, calcium needs to be consumed in sufficient amounts to meet the body’s requirements on a daily basis. Intake amounts need to be within the optimal window that confers health. Although precise estimates of calcium requirements at any stage of the life cycle have not been determined, reasonable estimates of what healthy intakes should actually be have been published by the Institute of Medicine (Food and Nutrition Board, IOM, 1997 and 2011). The calcium recommended DRIs across the life cycle appear to provide a considerable safety factor, especially for women. These DRIs, however, are the same for males and females throughout the life cycle, despite differences in skeletal mass between the genders. Also, they are the same for all ethnic groups, despite differences in bone metabolism. Interactions between calcium and inorganic phosphate and between calcium and vitamin D may potentially have large impacts on the skeleton during growth and young adulthood, and possibly even during bone maintenance in later adulthood. Lactose intolerance also may have adverse effects on calcium and bone metabolism. Finally, calcium supplementation which is generally beneficial in terms of achieving DRIs of calcium may also exert adverse effects on arterial tissue by promoting calcification when total calcium intakes are excessive. During the period of skeletal growth, physical activity, when regularly performed, has a major positive impact on the accrual of skeletal mass as long as dietary intakes of most nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin D, remain sufficient. Young adult women between 20 and 30 years old may gain an additional 5% to 10% of their skeletal mass over this decade. Optimal nutrient intakes, then, should maximize an individual’s PBM by approximately the third decade of life. The growth years may be viewed as a window of opportunity, though short, to obtain dietary calcium in the skeleton and achieve PBM. When epiphyses close, excess calcium from supplements may not improve BMC and BMD appreciably, but it may increase the likelihood of arterial calcification. Approximately 60% of the calcium consumed by adults in the United States is from milk and dairy products. Deficiencies and more modest insufficiencies of calcium are common in the United States because of insufficient consumption of calcium-rich foods. Women typically have lower calcium intakes than those of men, and many begin taking calcium supplements around the time of the menopause to help delay the adverse effects of low bone mass and density. Such intakes do tend to increase bone mass modestly, especially when consumed with sufficient vitamin D. Excessive calcium intakes, however, may contribute to inappropriate calcification in arterial walls and heart valves, which may be a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In conclusion, achieving an adequate calcium intake as part of a healthy diet is often difficult, especially during the growth periods of the lifecycle. Meeting the recommended window of calcium intake, that is, enough but not too much, may be more of a challenge now that calcium supplementation is so widespread, at least in the United States. Future research should generate better understandings of excessive intakes and arterial calcification.

REFERENCES Abrams, S.A. 2005. Calcium supplementation during childhood: Long-term effects on bone mineralization. Nutr Rev 63: 251–255. Abrams, S.A., and Stuff, J.E. 1994. Calcium metabolism in girls: Current dietary intakes lead to low rates of calcium absorption and retention during puberty. Am J Clin Nutr 60: 739–743.

Calcium and Bone


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9 Do Higher Dietary Levels

Inorganic Phosphorus Affect Phosphorus Homeostasis and Bone?* Mona S. Calvo

CONTENTS Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 141 Inorganic Phosphorus and Bone..................................................................................................... 142 Inorganic Phosphorus Balance............................................................................................... 142 Bone��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������143 Dietary Phosphorus......................................................................................................................... 143 Differences in Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus in Food................................................... 143 Phosphorus Additives in Food............................................................................................... 143 Dietary Guidelines for Phosphorus Intake............................................................................. 147 Total Dietary Phosphorus Intake............................................................................................ 147 Current Understanding of the Regulation of Phosphorus Homeostasis.......................................... 149 Regulation by Novel Intestinal Phosphate Sensor................................................................. 149 Classical Endocrine Regulation............................................................................................. 149 Phosphatonin Regulation....................................................................................................... 150 Physiologic Effects of High Inorganic Phosphorus Diet................................................................ 151 Effects on Bone Health.......................................................................................................... 151 Effects on Cardiovascular Health.......................................................................................... 153 Summary......................................................................................................................................... 153 References....................................................................................................................................... 154

INTRODUCTION The adult body contains approximately 600 g of phosphorus as both inorganic and organic phosphorus (Endres and Rude, 2006). Approximately 510 g or 85% of total body phosphorus is contained in the adult skeleton as organic and inorganic phosphates, and soft tissues contain 15% as both inorganic and organic phosphate, whereas the extracellular fluid contains 0.1% largely as inorganic phosphorus. Cellular phosphates function in many energy-intensive physiologic functions such as muscle contraction, nerve conduction, electrolyte transport, and energy production, in addition to *

Required Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions presented in this chapter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Mention of trade names, product labels, or food manufacturers does not constitute endorsem*nt or recommendations or use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.



Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

providing the main structural support of the body as a component of bone mineral. Intracellular phosphates are critical to the regulation of intermediary metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, gene transcription, and cell growth (Endres and Rude, 2006). These tissue functions are very sensitive to fluxes of inorganic phosphate into soft tissues when blood levels increase due to dietary loading or failing kidney function. To maintain homeostasis of phosphorus, exquisitely sensitive physiologic mechanisms have evolved to tightly regulate the level of inorganic phosphorus in the extracellular fluid (Calvo and Carpenter, 2003). This chapter focuses on our current understanding of the role of bone and other endocrine organs in the regulation of phosphorus homeostasis. It addresses the question of how the changing inorganic phosphorus content of our food supply influences phosphorus homeostasis and impacts bone health and risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS AND BONE Inorganic Phosphorus Balance Extracellular fluid phosphorus is regulated within a very narrow concentration range by hormonal processes that control intestinal absorption and renal excretion (Schiavi and Kumar, 2004). Figure9.1 shows how balance is maintained between intake and excretion in a normal 70-kg adult consuming approximately 20 mg phosphorus/kg of body weight/day. Phosphorus is absorbed with much greater efficiency than are calcium and other minerals (Lemann, 1993). As much as 80% of ingested phosphorus from highly processed food is absorbed and enters the extracellular fluid pool from which it can be moved in and out of bone as needed (Schiavi and Kumar, 2004). Approximately 70% of the dietary phosphorus is absorbed, but almost 100% of this phosphorus is excreted per day by the kidneys. This excretion enables maintenance of phosphorus homeostasis, which is a balance between the amount absorbed and the amount excreted. Plasma phosphorus levels normally occur within a

Phosphate intake 1400 mg/d 210 mg/d Bone exchange

Intestinal absorption 1120 mg/d 210 mg/d Intestinal juices

490 mg/d Fecal loss

ECF PO4– Normal plasma range 2.5–4.5 mg/dL 0.81–1.45 nmol/L

910 mg/d Urine loss

FIGURE 9.1  Maintenance of phosphorus balance in a 70-kg adult consuming 1400 mg of phosphorus daily. Figure was drawn by the author based on schematic presented by Schiavi and Kumar (2004).

Inorganic Phosphorus


very narrow range, 2.5 to 4.5 mg/dL, and maintenance of this set point or narrow range of plasma phosphorus differs from the maintenance of whole body homeostasis. Plasma phosphorus is freely filtered at the glomerulus, and regulation of the amount excreted in the urine occurs at the level of the proximal tubule where it is controlled by a number of factors that either increase or decrease phosphorus reabsorption. Dietary phosphate loading and depletion are key factors regulating renal phosphate reabsorption. This is achieved by controlling the number of sodium–phosphate cotransporters (NaPiIIa) located on the surface of the renal proximal tubule brush border membrane (Takeda et al., 2004). Phosphorus depletion results in recruitment of existing NaPiIIa cotransporters from intracellular pools, whereas phosphorus loading results in endocytosis of the cotransporters (Takeda et al., 2004). Sabbagh et al. (2009) have recently demonstrated that an intestinal cotransporter (Npt2b) plays a major role in phosphate absorption and overall phosphorus homeostasis. Intestinal phosphate absorption occurs by both passive and active transport, with the active transport controlled by the intestinal cotransporter.

Bone The skeleton, which comprises most of the inorganic phosphate of the body, serves as a ready reserve of phosphate ions for biological functions, especially cellular uses such as ATP, DNA, RNA, and many other molecules critical for metabolism. Osteocytes, cells embedded in bone, are a source of endocrine factors, such as fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), secreted into the circulation that function in the regulation of phosphorus balance. Bone thus functions in structural support and mineral storage and serves as an endocrine organ.

DIETARY PHOSPHORUS Differences in Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus in Food Phosphorus in the food supply is either organic, bound to a carbon compound, or inorganic, a phosphate acid or salt not bound to a carbon-containing compound. Examples of organic and inorganic phosphorus commonly found in food are shown in Figure 9.2. Organic forms, such as phytate, the plant storage form of phosphorus in whole grains, and phosphoproteins, such as casein or whey from milk, show a slower rate of phosphorus absorption than that of inorganic phosphate salts (Calvo and Carpenter, 2003; Karp et al., 2007; Uribarri, 2009). Organic phosphorus is generally less bioavailable and must be digested or degraded by enzymatic action such as phytase, which is not produced by the mammalian gastrointestinal tract (Calvo and Carpenter, 2003). Inorganic phosphate salts readily dissociate in the acidic environment of the stomach requiring no enzymatic digestion and therefore are more rapidly and efficiently absorbed and have greater metabolic affects. Evidence of this physiologic difference in the rate of absorption and metabolic affect was recently reported by Karp et al. (2007). They monitored parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels after consumption of high dietary phosphorus from different food sources: meat, whole grain (phytate source), cheese (calcium–phosphoprotein), and a dietary supplement (combination of disodium and trisodium phosphate salt). Inorganic phosphate salts are shown to have metabolic consequences (rise in PTH) in this study, whereas organic phosphorus from foods such as cheese, meat, and whole grains either depressed PTH (cheese affect) or did not differ from the control session where only 500-mg phosphorus was consumed.

Phosphorus Additives in Food The phosphorus content of the U.S. diet is increasing as a result of the growing consumption of processed foods containing phosphate additives (Calvo and Park, 1996; Uribarri and Calvo, 2003).


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health Inorganic phosphate salts

Organic phosphorus example: phytate OH





P O–



O– O– O P O– O P

O– O– O





• Slower rate of absorption


















O O HO O OH OH OH P P Orthophosphoric Pyrophosphoric O OH acid acid O Trimetaphosphoric O O O acid O O HO P O P O P OH O P P OH OH OH O OO O Tripolyphosphoric acid P P O O O O O O O O P


OH OH OH OH Tetrapolyphosphoric acid

• Generally less bioavailable

• Rapidly absorbed

• Bioavailable when digested or degraded by enzymatic action

• Highly bioavailable

Phosphoric anhydride (P4O10)

• Rapidly dissociates in gut acidity • No enzymatic degradation

FIGURE 9.2  Structural and physiological differences between organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphate salts.

Almost two decades ago, we reported that the use of phosphorus containing food additives had increased by 17% over the previous report which estimated that phosphorus salts contributed to more than 30% of the adult phosphorus intake (Calvo, 1994). Phosphorus containing additives are inorganic forms of phosphorus widely used in the processing of a broad variety of food categories, ranging from baked goods to restructured meats and cola beverages as shown in Table 9.1 (International Food Additive Council, 2008). Greater use of these very desirable functions of phosphate additives is encouraged by our fast-paced culture’s ever-growing consumption of fast food and need for fast-cooking convenience foods (Calvo and Park, 1996; Sarathy et al., 2008). Convenience foods are more highly processed, and the added phosphate salts enable them to cook faster or to be “instant,” requiring no or little cooking. An example of such a convenience food product is shown in Table 9.2 which presents the ingredient labels from an “instant” lemon pudding mix, as well as the ingredient label from the “cooked” product made by the same manufacturer. These labels also illustrate that more than one phosphate additive can be found in a product due to their many valued functional properties. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has considered approved inorganic phosphates to be Generally Recognized as Safe since 1979, and a more recent toxicological review concluded that all four classes of inorganic phosphates exhibit low oral toxicity (Weiner et al., 2001). The toxicology reviewers stated that “humans [with normal renal function] are unlikely to experience adverse effects when the daily phosphorus consumption remains below 70 mg/kg/day.” This estimate is equivalent to 4.9 g of phosphorus per day by a 70-kg adult! Current reality is that we have no mechanism to accurately monitor the contributions of these phosphorus additives to total phosphorus intake. Phosphorus intakes from fast foods, convenience foods, or processed food in general are not captured by nutrient composition databases largely because the content changes with the constantly evolving processing techniques and phosphorus content is not required to be listed on the FDA’s Nutrition Facts panel (Sullivan et al., 2007; Uribarri, 2009).

Imitation cheese Cheese slices Starter cultures

Hard, soft, and imitation ice cream Imitation dairy products Nondairy creamer Cheese Cottage cheese Dips and sauces

Baked goods Baking powder Cakes, mixes Cake donuts Refrigerated dough Beverages Colas Chocolate milk Dry mixes Buttermilk Orange juice Strawberry-flavored milk Cereals and pasta Cooked cereals Extruded, dry cereals Pasta products Dairy products Instant puddings and cheesecakes

Finished Product

TABLE 9.1 Phosphate Use in Foods

Decrease cooking time; calcium and phosphorus fortification Aid in the flow through extruder, calcium and phosphorus fortification Decrease cooking time Salts to keep the thickened texture Prevent churning or gritty texture development of fat Buffer for smooth mixing into coffee Direct set by acidification Emulsifying action

Disodium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate Disodium phosphate, trisodium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate Disodium phosphate

Monocalcium phosphate, disodium phosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate Tetrasodium pyrophosphate

Dipotassium phosphate

Phosphoric acid Disodium phosphate, trisodium phosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate Disodium phosphate Disodium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate Disodium phosphate. Dipotassium phosphate


Acidulates Suspend cocoa Prevent caking; clouding agent Maintain protein dispersion Calcium and phosphorus fortification Bind iron to maintain pink color

Phosphoric acid Tetrasodium pyrophosphate Tricalcium phosphate Tetrasodium pyrophosphate, disodium phosphate Tricalcium phosphate Tetrasodium phosphate

Emulsifying action Emulsifying action Inhibit phage growth

Acid-base reaction with sodium bicarbonate to produce CO2 Moderate action leavening; double-action leavening Fast-action leavening Heat-activated leavening

Phosphate Function

Sodium acid pyrophosphate 28, monocalcium phosphate Sodium acid pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate, salp Sodium acid pyrophosphate 40, sodium acid pyrophosphate 43 Sodium acid pyrophosphate 22

Phosphate Ingredient

Inorganic Phosphorus 145

Phosphate Ingredient

Phosphate Function

Moisture binding Mechanical peeling of shrimp Bind copper from blood to prevent discoloration Cryoprotectant to protein Moisture binding Remove salmonella and campylobacter Color stability Improve whipping and foam stability Maintain firmness when canned Create a bubbled surface Bind iron to inhibit iron induced blackening

Sodium tripolyphosphate Sodium acid pyrophosphate Sodium tripolyphosphate/tetrasodium pyrophosphate blends

Sodium tripolyphosphate, and blends with sodium hexametaphosphate Trisodium phosphate

Monosodium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate Sodium hexametaphosphate

Monocalcium phosphate Monocalcium phosphate Sodium acid pyrophosphate

Moisture binding Emulsion development; reduced sodium; cure color development

Develop characteristic surface

Maintain hom*ogeneity

Sodium tripolyphosphate, and blends with hexametaphosphate Sodium tripolyphosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, tetrapotassium phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate Sodium tripolyphosphate

Disodium phosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate Monocalcium phosphate

Source: Data modified from International Food Additive Council. 2008. Phosphates Use in Foods. (last accessed January 2, 2010).

Carcass washes Egg products Whole eggs Egg whites Fruit and vegetable products Tomatoes, berries Baked potato chips French fries, hash browns, potato flakes

Roast beef Seafood Shrimp Canned crab Surimi Poultry Poultry products

Baked chips Meat products Ham, corned beef Sausage franks, bologna

Chips dips

Finished Product

TABLE 9.1 (Continued) Phosphate Use in Foods

146 Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

Inorganic Phosphorus


TABLE 9.2 Example of Convenience Food Product Use of Phosphate Additives Instant pudding and pie filling Ingredients: sugar, modified cornstarch, contains less than 2% of natural flavor, disodium phosphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate for thickening, monoglycerides and diglycerides (prevent foaming), yellow 5, yellow 6, BHA (preservative) Cook and serve pudding and pie filling Ingredients: cornstarch, sugar, dextrose, modified tapioca starch, fumaric acid (for tartness), contains less than 2% of natural flavor, salt, hydrogenated soybean oil, yellow 5, yellow 6, BHA (preservative) Ingredient Label Source:  JELL-O brand Lemon Puddings, Product of Kraft Foods Global, In C., Northfield, IL.

Using the available commercial software for estimating nutrient intake, we compared the accuracy of these indirect methods of estimating phosphorus intake with that of the direct chemical analyses of the phosphorus content of a variety of diets. We found extreme underestimation of phosphorus intake (greater than 20%) when software relying on nutrient content databases was used (Oenning et al., 1988). Phosphorus intake has received little attention in the years since we explored the accuracy of estimating its intake using these databases. However, recent findings now challenge the safety of high inorganic phosphorus intake for bone, cardiovascular, and kidney health, all of which underscore the need for updating the phosphorus content of foods in our national nutrient databases and the need to require phosphorus content in the Nutrition Facts panel (Alonso et al., 2010; Dhingra et al., 2007; Foley et al., 2009; Giachelli, 2009; Isakova et al., 2009; Kemi et al., 2009; Uribarri and Calvo, 2003).

Dietary Guidelines for Phosphorus Intake Table 9.3 shows the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for phosphorus intakes from foods and dietary supplements (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 1997). These guidelines were last reviewed and changed in 1997 when both a Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) and an Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) were established for phosphorus intakes by specific age groups. Relative to the earlier 1989 RDA for phosphorus, changes were made for all age groups, except 9- to 18-year-olds, who require more of this nutrient during rapid bone accretion. Phosphorus intakes were lowered by 100 mg from 800 to 700 mg/day in adults. The EAR which is used to evaluate nutrient intake status of a population was lowered to 580 for adults (IOM, 1997). The Tolerable Upper Intake Level [UL], also set in 1997, is 4 g of phosphorus per day. As discussed above, this level has come into question, with the recent evidence linking high serum phosphorus to adverse health outcomes. The RDA and EAR differ from the labeling guidelines set by the FDA for phosphorus content labeling on food products. The FDA labeling guidelines are the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) or also termed Daily Value (DV); however, phosphorus content is not required on the Nutrition Facts panel of food labels. Listing phosphorus content is optional for food manufacturers and involves only one value, unlike the RDA. The RDI/DV for phosphorus is 1000 mg, which is usually expressed as a percent of the DV. When manufacturers opt to list phosphorus content of their product as a percent of the DV, it often leads to confusion and underestimation of the true phosphorus content. This information is critical in individuals who must closely monitor their phosphorus intake due to chronic renal failure (Kalantar-Zadeh et al., 2010; Uribarri, 2009).

Total Dietary Phosphorus Intake Figure 9.3 shows the median usual intake of phosphorus for various age groups of men and women taken from the most recent available data from the National Health and Nutrition Education Survey (NHANES) conducted in 2005 to 2006 (Moshegh et al., 2009). These nationally representative


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

TABLE 9.3 U.S. Dietary Recommended Intake (DRI) Guidelines for Phosphorus (P) Intake from Foods and Dietary Supplements 1997 DRI, Recommended Dietary Allowance, and Estimated Average Requirement Years



1–3   460   380 4–8   500   405 9–18 1250 1055 19–50   700   580 51–70   700   580 70+   700   580 Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for phosphorus 1997 DRI UL = 4.0 g Pi Source: Institute of Medicine. 1997. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

PO4 (mg/d) consumed by 50% of the US population compared to the estimated average requirement (EAR) 1800 1600 1400 1200 EAR

1000 800




400 200 0

1 to 3

19 to 4 to 8 9 to 13 14 to 18 30 Age in years

31 to 50

51 to 70


FIGURE 9.3  Median total phosphorus intake (mg/day) of men and women in various age groups compared with the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for each age group. Figure drawn by the author from data published for the NHANES 2005–2006 survey. (Moshegh, A., Goldman, J., Ahuja, J., et al. 2009. What we eat in America. NHANES 2005–2006. In Usual Nutrient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service.)

Inorganic Phosphorus


intake estimates are compared with the EAR for each age group. Traditionally, the EAR is used to evaluate intake adequacy of a nutrient at the 50th percentile (median) level of intake. For all ages and genders, except for adolescent girls, the estimated intake of phosphorus greatly exceeds the EAR. Despite the fact that total phosphorus intakes are generally in excess, these values most likely underestimate phosphorus intake in individuals with specific preferences for fast foods or other highly processed foods because the nutrient content databases used for these estimates do not reflect changes in phosphate additive use. Inaccuracy in these estimates presents a critical confounder in studies exploring the relationship between phosphorus intake and disease endpoints.

CURRENT UNDERSTANDING OF THE REGULATION OF PHOSPHORUS HOMEOSTASIS Our past understanding of phosphorus homeostasis was based on the concept that the body could tolerate wide variations in phosphate intake and plasma levels with little adversity as long as kidney function was maintained. However, current understanding is based on recent research findings indicating that extracellular fluid phosphate levels are tightly regulated within a narrow range and that even slight variations in these levels are associated with chronic disease development. Bergwitz and Juppner (2010), Berndt and Kumar (2009), Isakova et al. (2009), and Quarles (2008) presented valuable reviews of the newfound complexities of the endocrine regulation of phosphorus homeostasis, which is no longer limited to the classic hormones of the parathyroid glands and kidney (active metabolite of vitamin D) but also involves bone and the secretion of FGF23.

Regulation by Novel Intestinal Phosphate Sensor A simple overview of our present understanding of the hormonal factors involved in the regulation of phosphorus homeostasis is summarized in Figure 9.4. Phosphorus loading has been shown to immediately trigger an intestinal sensor to release an unidentified endocrine factor that has been shown to stimulate phosphaturia prior to the detection of phosphorus changes in plasma (Kumar, 2009; Berndt et al., 2007). The existence of the proposed phosphate-sensing mechanism within the intestine and the as yet unidentified endocrine factor that signals the kidney to increase phosphate excretion was discovered by administrating phosphate solutions directly into the duodenum of rats (Berndt et al., 2007). Immediate changes in the fractional excretion of phosphate were observed in the phosphate gavaged rats, but not in those rats gavaged with an equivalent amount of sodium chloride or infused with phosphate directly thus bypassing the intestine. Intestinal phosphate sensors offer a rapid response mechanism to maintain phosphorus balance without involving the classic endocrine hormones, PTH and calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] (Berndt and Kumar, 2007).

Classical Endocrine Regulation The postulated intestinal phosphaturic factor provides a rapid response mechanism to adapt to changes in dietary phosphorus in contrast to the classical endocrine phosphorus regulating hormones, PTH and the vitamin D endocrine system shown in Figure 9.4 (Kumar, 2009). Classical endocrine feedback loops that function in the long-term adaptation to changes in dietary phosphate are illustrated in Figure 9.5. These classical endocrine changes occur over a longer period of time with chronic changes in the intake of phosphate (Calvo et al., 1988, 1990; Kemi et al., 2009). Oral loads of phosphate salts have been shown to depress ionized calcium and stimulate PTH release, an effect that appears to be dependent on the dose administered (Calvo and Heath, 1988; Kemi et al., 2009). PTH secretion has been shown to remain elevated and plasma calcitriol concentrations unstimulated with chronic consumption of high phosphorus, moderately low calcium diets (Calvoet al., 1990). Portale et al. (1989) demonstrated in humans that the normal stimulation of calcitriol synthesis by PTH is


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health


Dietary Inorganic Phosphate Load


1,25-(OH)2D Intestinal phosphaturic factor PO4 Excretion

FIGURE 9.4  Factors regulating phosphorus homeostasis in response to dietary loading with inorganic phosphorus. The intestinal phosphaturic factor is thought to be secreted within minutes of ingesting a phosphorus load and acts immediately to increase phosphate excretion. Direct stimulation of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) release from bone and parathyroid hormone (PTH) from the parathyroid glands requires only a slight elevation of phosphorus in the extracellular fluid which can occur postprandially within less than half an hour. Inhibition of calcitriol [1,25(OH)2D] occurs after persistent high phosphate loading over several days and results in lower phosphate absorption from the intestine and continued phosphaturia.

attenuated with chronic high dietary phosphorus intake. A decrease in plasma ionized calcium is the major stimulus for PTH release, but direct stimulation of PTH secretion by dietary phosphate loading was recently demonstrated in a rat model (Martin et al., 2005). Phosphate suppression of calcitriol was first observed with the chronic administration of therapeutic treatment (2 g phosphorus per day as inorganic phosphate salts) of patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria. When administered chronically, phosphorus only slightly elevated plasma parathyroid concentrations but significantly reduced plasma calcitriol (Van den Berg et al., 1980). Calcitriol functions to increase intestinal calcium absorption and to a lesser extent to increase phosphorus absorption. Significant reductions in calcitriol concentrations in the face of elevated parathyroid concentrations during chronic oral phosphate loading are puzzling because, until recently, PTH was considered the most potent stimulator of calcitriol synthesis (Calvo and Park, 1996). New factors, the phosphatonins, have recently been determined to also play a major role in the regulation of phosphorus homeostasis (Berndt et al., 2005).

Phosphatonin Regulation Emerging evidence suggests that specific factors secreted by osteocytes in bone also participate in maintaining phosphorus homeostasis, notably FGF23, shown in Figures 9.4 and 9.5. FGF23 is one of many factors, loosely termed the “phosphatonins,” which were discovered through studies of phosphate-wasting disorders (Schiavi and Kumar, 2004). Through classical endocrine feedback loops, dietary phosphate loading and calcitriol stimulate FGF23 secretion from osteocytes (Nishida et al., 2006; Saito et al., 2005). In turn, elevated FGF23 secretion inhibits renal synthesis of calcitriol


Inorganic Phosphorus

Dietary PO4

Parathyroid glands ds > Intakee Int

Dietary Ca Blood

+ +





+ Intestine

PTH _ + 1,25 (OH)2D



+ FGF23

Urine Ca Urine PO4 Urine PO4



FIGURE 9.5  Schematic representation of the mechanisms regulating phosphorus homeostasis when dietary phosphorus intake exceeds dietary calcium intake. More rapid and more efficient absorption of phosphorus creates an imbalance in the blood, resulting in lower ionized calcium and higher serum phosphate levels, both of which stimulate parathyroid hormone release. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts immediately to stimulate renal reabsorption of mineral from bone. The less immediate action of PTH concerns the stimulation of renal alpha-1hydroxylase increasing the circulating level of calcitriol [1,25(OH)2D] which stimulates the intestinal absorption of both calcium and phosphorus. Slight elevation in blood phosphate concentration will directly stimulate osteocytes in bone to release fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) and other phosphatonins, which inhibit PTH resorptive action in bone and renal synthesis of calcitriol but maintain phosphaturia. These actions can restore the balance between calcium and phosphorus in blood as long as there is sufficient renal function to excrete phosphorus.

from 25-hydroxy vitamin D (Shimada et al., 2004). Short-term phosphate loading in humans stimulates FGF23 secretion, phosphaturia, and suppression of renal calcitriol synthesis (Ferrari et al., 2005; Antoniucci et al., 2006; Burnett et al., 2006; Ito et al., 2007) through apparent parathyroidindependent mechanisms. Ben-Dov et al. (2007) demonstrated that FGF23 inhibits PTH secretion with chronic phosphate loading in rats. These investigators also showed that dietary phosphorus restriction exerts an opposite effect decreasing FGF23, increasing renal phosphate reabsorption, and indirectly increasing renal calcitriol synthesis purportedly by ceasing to inhibit parathyroid secretion. The importance of FGF23 to phosphorus homeostasis is specific to regulation of the wide fluctuations in dietary intake due to the extensive use of phosphate additives. High phosphorus intake is considered the main stimuli of FGF23 secretion as evidenced by the failure of FGF23 levels to increase when serum phosphate levels were raised by nondietary methods (Ito et al., 2007).

PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF HIGH INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS DIET Effects on Bone Health As world populations increasingly adopt Western culture and diet, such as highly processed convenience foods, we will see growing evidence of a disproportionate increase in phosphorus intake


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

relative to calcium (Calvo and Carpenter, 2003). Few cross-sectional studies in adults relate high phosphorus intake to effects on bone mineral content or bone density, despite a well-established relationship between chronic dietary phosphate loading and adverse skeletal effects in animal models. Experimental studies examining low calcium, high phosphorus consumption have produced hormonal changes that are not conducive to the development or maintenance of peak bone mass, a situation that predisposes women to osteoporosis later in life (Calvo et al., 1990). Both acute and longer exposures to oral phosphorus loading in the presence or absence of adequate calcium intake produce a rise in PTH (Calvo and Carpenter, 2003). Bell et al. (1977) were the first to examine the physiologic effects of diets high in phosphorus containing food additives. Their findings are shown in Table 9.4 that demonstrate a clear effect of phosphorus intake on bone turnover (increased hydroxyproline excretion) and evidence of increased parathyroid activity (increased cyclic adenosine mono phosphate [AMP] excretion). Later, we also examined the effects of chronic high phosphate additive consumption using a more complex study design and direct measures of PTH and calcitriol (Calvo et al., 1988, 1990). In contrast to short-term feeding studies with phosphate salts, our chronic high phosphate additive consumption studies showed a significant reduction or no change in calcitriol levels, despite slight elevations in PTH. We speculate that in these earlier studies, persistent elevation in FGF23 may have inhibited PTH secretion and stimulatory action on calcitriol synthesis. Under conditions of low calcium intake, the dietary phosphate stimulation of FGF23 would impair the body’s main adaptive mechanism for adequate calcium absorption and optimal bone accretion, the increased synthesis of calcitriol. The effects of high phosphate additive intake on FGF23 secretion and function in phosphorus homeostasis merit further study. No prospective dietary studies have been long enough to accurately determine the effect of low calcium, high phosphorus intake on bone mass accretion in young adults. Some more recent crosssectional studies have shed light on our understanding of the potential adverse effects of some phosphate food additives. Tucker et al. (2006) measured bone mineral density of the spine and hip in older men and women in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. They regressed bone density data on the frequency of soft drink consumption after multiple adjustment for confounding variables. They found that the intake of cola beverages that contain phosphoric acid but not other carbonated soft drinks, which do not contain phosphoric acid, is significantly associated with low bone mineral density in women but not men. In this study, total calcium intake was lower in women with the highest cola intakes and lowest bone mineral density. Again, we can only speculate that regular consumption of cola beverages with a dose of phosphoric acid may promote lower bone mass by evoking a strong FGF23 response impeding efficiency of calcium absorption by inhibiting calcitriol synthesis, a situation that would exacerbate bone loss if calcium intake was low. More recently, Pinheiro etal.

TABLE 9.4 Physiologic Effects of a Diet High in Foods Containing Phosphate Additives Biological Measures Calcium intake Phosphorus intake Urinary calcium Urinary phosphorus Urinary hydroxyproline Serum calcium Serum phosphorus Urinary cAMP

Control Diet

High PO4 Diet

677 mg/day 979 mg/day 179 mg/day 427 mg/day 27.9 mg/day 10.66 mg/100 ml 3.76 mg/100 ml 2.81 nmol/mg creatinine

745 2125 113 p < .01 1013 p < .01 33.4 p < .01 10.31 p < .01 4.43 3.44 p < .01

Source: Bell, R.R., et al. J Nutr, 107, 42–50, 1977.

Inorganic Phosphorus


(2009) evaluated the association between nutrient intake and osteoporotic fractures in a representative sample of older Brazilian men and women. They demonstrated a relationship between increasing phosphorus intake and bone fractures, showing a 9% increase in risk of fractures for every 100-mg increase in phosphorus intake. Given the rapid rate and high efficiency of absorption and frequency of consumption, specific phosphate additives such as phosphoric acid used in cola beverages merit further study of their influence on bone accretion. These current findings suggest that certain phosphate additives may significantly disrupt phosphorus homeostasis.

Effects on Cardiovascular Health Public health concern is growing over the association between subtle increases in serum phosphate levels within the normal range and increased risk of death and cardiovascular disease (Isakova et al., 2009). Hyperphosphatemia is a significant risk factor for kidney disease progression, vascular calcification, left ventricular hypertrophy, and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) (Block et al., 1998; Giachelli et al., 2001; Jono et al., 2000). Moreover, Shuto et al. (2009) have demonstrated that dietary phosphorus can impair endothelial function. Key strategies to slowing the progression to cardiovascular disease in CKD focus on preventing vascular calcification and damage to the vascular endothelium. These strategies involve restricting phosphorus intake which is difficult given the hidden sources in our foods in the form of phosphorus food additives (Uribarri and Calvo, 2003). Vascular calcification is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease, and a growing body of evidence links small elevations in serum phosphate (high normal range, 3.5–4.5 mg/dl) in young adults with normal renal function with increased coronary artery calcium and increased risk of atherosclerosis (Foley et al., 2009; Giachelli, 2009). Other prospective studies in community-living adults with normal renal function (Dhingra et al., 2007) or patients with previous myocardial infarctions but normal kidney function (Tonelli et al., 2005) showed higher serum phosphorus levels (within normal range) associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk. A recent prospective study of 13,444 participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis cohorts reported higher phosphorus intakes associated with lower blood pressure levels when the dietary phosphorus was obtained through the intake of dairy products, but not phosphorus from other dietary sources (Alonso et al., 2010). These findings reinforce the need for better nutrient content data of foods to help distinguish effects of organic phosphorus from those of inorganic phosphorus on critical health measures. Many experts believe that we now have sufficient evidence that higher serum phosphorus within the established normal range promotes cardiovascular calcification, impaired endothelial function, and progression to cardiovascular disease in both normal and CKD patients to justify development of effective strategies to reduce serum phosphorus in the overall population (Tuttle and Short, 2009). Consideration should be given to the development of dietary strategies to reduce phosphorus intake in the overall population by adjusting the use of inorganic phosphorus additives and thus facilitate maintenance of phosphorus homeostasis.

SUMMARY New knowledge of the role of bone in the endocrine regulation of phosphorus homeostasis has brought new understanding of the mechanisms that could potentially lead to adverse health outcomes resulting from the continued increase in use of inorganic phosphorus in food processing. The phosphorus content of the U.S. diet continues to increase as a result of the growing consumption of highly processed foods such as fast foods and convenience foods. Greater use of phosphate additives in these foods is fueled by our fast-paced culture’s need for specific additive functions that allow us to speed the preparation, improve the texture, or restructure food. A growing number of studies are finding that consumption of specific foods or diets rich in phosphorus additives may significantly disrupt phosphorus homeostasis contributing to bone loss, impaired kidney function, and cardiovascular disease. Hyperphosphatemia occurring in chronic renal failure has long been


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

recognized to be a serious risk factor for progression of kidney disease, vascular calcification, left ventricular hypertension, disruption of endothelial function, and mortality, with dietary phosphorus restriction considered to be the best corrective strategy. In both chronic renal failure patients and the general population, vascular calcification is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease. However, growing evidence now links small increases in serum phosphate in individuals with normal renal function to measures of increased coronary artery calcium and increased risk of atherosclerosis. Considering these findings associated with small changes in serum phosphorus, the development of strategies to reduce inorganic phosphorus intake in the general population merits consideration. Adjusting the use of inorganic phosphorus additives in food processing may be a simple approach to reducing phosphorus intake and optimizing the maintenance of phosphorus homeostasis.

REFERENCES Alonso, A., Nettleton, J.A., Ix, J.H., et al. 2010. Dietary phosphorus, blood pressure, and incidence of hypertension in Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Hypertension 55: 776–784. Antoniucci, D.M., Yamash*ta, T., and Portale, A.A. 2006. Dietary phosphorus regulates serum fibroblast growth factor-23 concentrations in healthy men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91: 3144–3149. Bell, R.R., Draper, H.H., Tzeng, D.M., et al. 1977. Physiological responses of human adults to foods containing phosphate additives. J Nutr 107: 42–50. Ben-Dov, I.Z., Gailtzer H., Lavi-Moshayoff, Y., et al. 2007. The parathyroid is a target organ for FG23 in rats. J Clin Invest 117: 403–4008. Bergwitz, C., and Juppner, H. 2010. Regulation of phosphate homeostasis by PTH, vitamin D and FGF-23. Annu Rev Med 61: 91–104. Berndt, T.J., and Kumar, R. 2007. Phosphatonins and the regulation of phosphate homeostasis. Annu Rev Physiol 69: 341–359. Berndt, T.J., and Kumar, R. 2009. Novel mechanisms in the regulation of phosphorus homeostasis. Physiology (Bethesda) 24: 17–25. Berndt, T.J., Schiavi, S., and Kumar, R. 2005. Phosphatonins and the regulation of phosphorus homeostasis. Am J Physiol (Renal Physiol) 289: F1170–F1182. Berndt, T.J., Thomas, L.F., Craig, T.A., et al. 2007. Evidence for a signaling axis by which intestinal phosphate rapidly modulates renal phosphate reabsorption. PNAS 104: 11085–11090. Block, G.A., Hulbert-Shearon, T.E., Levin, N.W., et al. 1998. Association of serum phosphorus and calcium X phosphate product with mortality risk in chronic hemodialysis patients: A national study. Am J Kidney Dis 31: 607–617. Burnett, S.M., Gunawardene, S.C., Bringhurst, F.R., et al. 2006. Regulation of C-terminal and intact FGF-23 by dietary phosphate in men and women. J Bone Miner Res 21: 1187–1196. Calvo, M.S. 1994. The effects of high phosphorus intake on calcium metabolism. In: Advances in Nutritional Research, ed. H.H. Draper, 183–207. Plenum Press, New York, NY. Calvo, M.S., and Carpenter, T.O. 2003. Influence of phosphorus on the skeleton. In: Nutritional Aspects of Bone Health, ed. S.I. New and J.-P. Bonjour, 229–265. Royal Chemistry Society, Cambridge, UK. Calvo, M.S., and Heath, H., III. 1988. Acute effects of oral phosphate–salt ingestion on serum phosphorus, serum ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone in young adults. Am J Clin Nutr 47: 1025–1029. Calvo, M.S., Kumar, R., and Heath, H., III. 1988. Elevated secretion and action of serum parathyroid hormone in young adults consuming high phosphorus, low calcium diets assembled from common foods. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 66: 823–829. Calvo, M.S., Kumar, R., and Heath, H., III. 1990. Persistently elevated parathyroid hormone secretion and action in young women after four weeks of ingesting high phosphorus, low calcium diets. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 70: 1334–1340. Calvo, M.S., and Park, Y.K. 1996. Changing phosphorus content of the U.S. diet: Potential for adverse effects on bone. J Nutr 126: 1168s–1180s. Dhingra, R., Sullivan, L.M., and Fox, C.S. 2007. Relations of serum phosphorus and calcium levels to the incidence of cardiovascular disease in the community. Arch Intern Med 167: 879–885. Endres, D.B., and Rude, R. 2006. Mineral and bone metabolism. In: Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, ed. C.A. Burtis, E B. Ashwood, and D.E. Burns, 1891–1965. Elsevier Saunders, St. Louis, MO.

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Ferrari, S.L., Bonjour, J.P., and Rizzoli, R. 2005. Fibroblast growth factor-23 relationship to dietary phosphate and renal phosphate handling in healthy young men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90: 1519–1524. Foley, R.N., Collins, A.J., Herzog, C.A., et al. 2009. Serum phosphorus levels associate with coronary atherosclerosis in young adults. J Am Soc Nephrol 20: 397–404. Giachelli, C.M. 2009. The emerging role of phosphate in vascular calcification. Kidney Int 75: 890–897. Giachelli, C.M., Jono, S., Shioi, A., et al. 2001. Vascular calcification and inorganic phosphate. Am J Kidney Dis 38: S34–S37. Institute of Medicine. 1997. Dietary reference intakes for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, and fluoride. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. International Food Additive Council. 2008. Phosphates Use in Foods. phosphate_used_in_food.html (last accessed January 2, 2010). Isakova, T., Gutierrez, O.M., and Wolf, M. 2009. A blueprint for randomized trials targeting phosphorus metabolism in chronic disease. Kidney Int 76: 705–716. Ito, N., f*ckumoto, S., Takeuchi, Y., et al. 2007. Effect of acute changes of serum phosphate on fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-23 levels in humans. J Bone Miner Metab 25: 419–422. Jono, S., McKee, M.D., Murry, C.E., et al. 2000. Phosphate regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell calcification. Circul Res 87: E10–E17. Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Gutekunst, L., Mehrota, R., et al. 2010. Understanding sources of dietary phosphorus in the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 519–530. Karp, H.J., Vaihia, K.P., Kärkkäinen, M.J., et al. 2007. Acute effects of different phosphorus sources on calcium and bone metabolism in young women: A whole-foods approach. Calcif Tissue Int 80: 251–258. Kemi, V., Rita, H.J., Kärkkäinen, M.U.M., et al. 2009. Habitual high phosphorus intakes and foods with phosphate additives negatively affect serum parathyroid concentration: A cross-sectional study on healthy premenopausal women. Public Health Nutr 12: 1885–1892. Kumar, R. 2009. Phosphate sensing. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 18: 281–284. Lemann, J. 1993. Intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. In: Primer on Metabolic Bone Disease and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism, ed. M.J. Favus, 46–50. Raven Press, New York, NY. Martin, D.R., Ritter, C.S., Slatopolsky, E., et al. 2005. Acute regulation of parathyroid hormone by dietary phosphate. Am J Physiol (Endocrinol Metab) 289: E729–E734. Moshegh, A., Goldman, J., Ahuja, J, et al. 2009. What we eat in America. NHANES 2005–2006. In: Usual Nutrient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes for vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service. Nishida, Y., Taketani, Y., Yammanaka-Okumura, H., et al. 2006. Acute effects of oral phosphate loading on serum fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in healthy men. Kidney Int 20: 214–2147. Oenning, L.J., Vogel, J., and Calvo, M.S. 1988. Accuracy of methods estimating calcium and phosphorus intake in daily diets. J Am Diet Assoc 88: 1076–1078. Pinheiro, M.M., Schuch, N.J., Genaro, P.S., et al. 2009. Nutrient intakes related to osteoporotic fractures in men and women—The Brazilian Osteoporosis Study (Brazos). Nutr J 8(6): 1–8. Portale, A.A., Halloran, B.P., and Morris, R.C., Jr. 1989. Physiologic regulation of the serum concentration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by phosphorus in normal man. J Clin Invest 83: 1494–1499. Quarles, L.D. 2008. Endocrine functions of bone mineral metabolism regulation. J Clin Invest 118: 3820–3828. Sabbagh,Y., O’Brien, S.P., Song, W., et al. 2009. Intestinal Npt2b plays a major role in phosphate absorption and homeostasis. J Am Soc Nephrol 20: 2348–2358. Saito, H., Maeda, A., Ohtomo, S., et al. 2005. Circulating FGF-23 is regulated by 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and phosphorus in vivo. J Biol Chem 280: 2543–2549. Sarathy, S., Sullivan, C., Leon, J.B., et al. 2008. Fast food phosphorus-containing additives, and the renal diet. J Renal Nutr 18: 466–470. Schiavi, S.C., and Kumar, R. 2004. The phosphatonin pathway: New insights in phosphate homeostasis. Kidney Int 65: 1–14. Shimada, T., Hasegawa, H., Yamazaki, Y., et al. 2004. FGF-a3 is a potent regulator of vitamin D metabolism and phosphate homeostasis. J Bone Miner Res 19: 429–435. Shuto, E., Taketani, Y., Tanaka, R., et al. 2009. Dietary phosphorus acutely impairs endothelial function. J Am Soc Nephrol 20: 1504–1512. Sullivan, C.M., Leon, J.B., and Sehgal, A.R. 2007. Phosphorus-containing food additives and the accuracy of nutrient databases: Implications for renal patients. J Renal Nutr 17: 350–354. Takeda, E., Yamamoto, H. Nashiki, K., et al. 2004. Inorganic phosphate homeostasis and the role of dietary phosphorus. J Cell Mol Med 8: 191–200.


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Vitamin D and Bone Michael F. Holick

CONTENTS Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 157 Vitamin D, Calcium, and Phosphorus Metabolism......................................................................... 157 Vitamin D’s Effect on Bone Metabolism........................................................................................ 159 Causes and Consequences of Rickets/Osteomalacia...................................................................... 161 Historical Perspective................................................................................................................. 161 Vitamin D Deficiency................................................................................................................. 162 Inherited Disorders of Vitamin D Metabolism and Recognition.................................................... 163 Vitamin D–25-Hydroxylase Deficiency..................................................................................... 163 Vitamin-D–Dependent Rickets Type I: Pseudovitamin-D–Deficiency Rickets......................... 163 Vitamin-D–Dependent Rickets Type II: Hereditary Vitamin-D–Resistant Rickets................... 163 Vitamin-D–Dependent Rickets Type III.................................................................................... 165 Strategies for Treatment and Prevention of Rickets/Osteomalacia................................................. 165 Responsiveness to Calcium and Vitamin D................................................................................ 165 Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency........................................................................................... 167 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 167 Acknowledgment............................................................................................................................ 168 References....................................................................................................................................... 168

INTRODUCTION Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. It also can precipitate and exacerbate osteoporosis including risk of fracture (Holick, 2007). Rickets/osteomalacia by definition means that osteoblasts have laid down a collagen matrix, but a defect exists in its ability to be mineralized. In children, a defect in the mineralization of the osteoid in the long bones and the failure or delay in the mineralization of endochrondal bone formation at the growth plate leads to the classic skeletal deformities of rickets (Holick, 2006) (Figure 10.1). However, in adults, the mineralization defect takes on a different character because of the failure of mineralization of newly formed osteoid at sites of bone turnover of periosteal or endosteal apposition. Several possible causes of poor or absent skeletal mineralization may lead to both rickets and osteomalacia. Although the major cause of rickets/osteomalacia is a deficiency of vitamin D, rare causes include a defect in vitamin D metabolism or in its recognition by calcium-regulating tissues.

VITAMIN D, CALCIUM, AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM The major components of skeletal mineral are calcium and phosphate ions. Thus, any alteration in the calcium–phosphate product in the circulation can result in a mineralization defect of the skeleton. Vitamin D plays a critical role in maintaining both serum calcium and phosphate concentrations (Holick, 2006, 2007; Holick and Garabedian, 2006) (Figure 10.2). Vitamin D is obtained by exposure of the skin to UVB from sunlight, resulting in the biochemical conversion 157


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

FIGURE 10.1  Child with rickets demonstrating the bowed leg deformity and rachitic rosary. The child is being held up due to severe muscle weakness. (Reproduced from Holick, M.F., New Engl J Med, 357, 266–281, 2004. With permission.)

of 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3 (Figure 10.2). Previtamin D3, being thermodynamically unstable, is rapidly converted to vitamin D3. Once formed, vitamin D is ejected by the epidermal cell into the extracellular space and, by diffusion, enters the circulation bound to the vitamin-Dbinding protein (DBP) (Holick, 2006, 2007; Holick and Garabedian, 2006). Vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 (D represents D2 or D3) in the diet are ingested, and the fat-soluble vitamins are incorporated into chylomicrons and absorbed into the lymphatics. The lymphatic drainage into the thoracic venous system permits the entrance of vitamin D into the circulation where it is bound to the DBP and lipoproteins (Haddad et al., 1993). Vitamin D is converted in the liver by a vitamin D-25-hydroxylase (25-OHase) to form the major circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]. At least four different 25-OHases have been identified in both mitochrondia and in microsomes (Holick, 2006, 2007). 25(OH)D is, however, biologically inert and requires hydroxylation on carbon 1 in the kidneys by the mitrochrondial enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1α-hydroxylase (1-OHase), also known as cyp27B1. This hydroxylation step results in the formation of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D], which is the biologically active form, that is, hormone, of vitamin D responsible for regulating calcium and phosphorus homeostasis (Holick, 2006, 2007; Holick and Garabedian, 2006). 1,25(OH)2D enters the circulation and is bound to the DBP and travels to its target tissues. In the small intestine, 1,25(OH)2D interacts with its vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR) that results in the expression of several gene products including the epithelial calcium channel, calbindin9k, and a calcium-dependent ATPase (Christakos et al., 2003; Holick, 2006, 2007; Holick and Garabedian, 2006) (Figure 10.2). 1,25(OH)2D increases the efficiency of intestinal calcium absorption. In a vitamin-D-deficient state, the small intestine is able to passively absorb about 10%–15% of dietary calcium. Vitamin D sufficiency enhances the absorption of calcium in the small intestine to about 30%–40% (Holick, 2007). 1,25(OH)2D enhances the efficiency of intestinal calcium absorption principally in the duodenum and to a lesser degree in the jejunum and ileum. 1,25(OH)2D stimulates phosphate absorption


Vitamin D and Bone

Solar UVB radiation

Skin 7-DHC

PreD3 Heat Vitamin D2

Vitamin D

D Fat cell



Vitamin D3 Fish Milk OJ

Inactive photoproducts



Pi, Ca, FGF23 & other factors

25(OH)D 1-OHase


Preosteoclast 1,25(OH)2D RANKL RANK




Ha se


PTH Parathy oid glands

tion cifica Cal


Calcitroic acid

PTH Osteoclast


Ca2+ HPO42– Blood calcium phosphorus



Ca2+ HPO42– Absorption


FIGURE 10.2  Schematic representation of the synthesis and metabolism of vitamin D for regulating calcium, phosphorus, and bone metabolism. (Reproduced from Holick, M.F., New Engl J Med, AQ9 357, 266– 281, 2007. With permission.)

in the jejunum and ileum. The small intestine passively absorbs about 60% of dietary phosphate. 1,25(OH)2D enhances the efficiency of phosphate absorption by an additional 20% to about 80%. When adequate calcium and phosphate are consumed in the diet and vitamin D sufficiency exists, the healthy serum calcium normal range is ~8.6–10.2 mg/dL, and the healthy serum phosphate range is ~2.5–4.5 mg/dL. The calcium–phosphate product (Ca × P) in the circulation and in the extravascular space plays a major role in the normal mineralization of osteoid laid down by osteoblasts.

VITAMIN D’S EFFECT ON BONE METABOLISM In rodents and humans, vitamin D is not necessary for the mineralization of the osteoid matrix (Balsan et al., 1986; Holick, 2006). This lack of a direct skeletal effect was demonstrated when


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

vitamin-D-deficient rats were either infused with calcium or phosphorus to maintain a normal calcium–phosphate product in the circulation or when they received high-calcium lactose, highphosphorus diet that maintained a normal serum calcium–phosphate product (Holick, 2006). In both circ*mstances, bone histology revealed that the mineralization occurred normally without any significant unmineralized osteoid. Vitamin-D-resistant rickets patients have a mutation of their VDR and have severe rickets and osteomalacia. When these patients were infused with calcium and phosphorus to maintain a normal calcium–phosphate product, the unmineralized osteoid became mineralized (Balsan et al., 1986). 1,25(OH)2D interacts with its VDR in osteoblasts to increase the expression of alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and receptor activator of NFκB ligand (RANKL) (Khosla, 2001). Alkaline phosphatase produced by osteoblasts is important in bone mineralization because patients with a decrease in the bone-specific alkaline phosphatase known as hypophosphatasia suffer from a mineralization defect of the osteoid (Parfitt, 1998). Osteocalcin is the major noncollagenous protein in the skeleton. Although its function is not well understood, it appears to have a role in osteoclastic activity (Aubin et al., 2006). RANKL, once expressed on the surface of an osteoblast, interacts with its receptor RANK on osteoclast precursors. This intimate interaction leads to signal transduction that results in the formation of multinucleated mature osteoclasts (Khosla, 2001; Holick, 2006, 2007; Holick and Garabedian, 2006) (Figure 10.2). The osteoclasts, under the direction of a variety of cytokines (Khosla, 2001; Aubin et al., 2006), increase the destruction of the skeleton by releasing hydrochloric acid to degrade and dissolve the mineral matrix and collagenases and cathepsin K to dissolve the matrix. During exposure to sunlight, 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is converted to previtamin D3. PreD3 immediately converts by a heat dependent process to vitamin D3. Excessive exposure to sunlight degrades previtamin D3 and vitamin D3 into inactive photoproducts. Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 from dietary sources are incorporated into chylomicrons, transported by the lymphatic system into the venus circulation. Vitamin D (D represents D2 or D3) made in the skin or ingested in the diet can be stored in and then released from fat cells. Vitamin D in the circulation is bound to the vitamin-D-binding protein which transports it to the liver where vitamin D is converted by the vitamin D-25-hydroxylase to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]. This is the major circulating form of vitamin D that is used by clinicians to measure vitamin D status (although most reference laboratories report the normal range to be 20–100 ng/mL, the preferred healthful range is 30–60 ng/mL). It is biologically inactive and must be converted in the kidneys by the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1α-hydroxylase (1-OHase) to its biologically active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D]. Serum phosphorus, calcium fibroblast growth factors (FGF-23), and other factors can either increase (+) or decrease (−) the renal production of 1,25(OH)2D. 1,25(OH)2D feedback regulates its own synthesis and decreases the synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the parathyroid glands. 1,25(OH)2D increases the expression of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-24-hydroxylase (24-OHase) to catabolize, 1,25(OH)2D to the water-soluble biologically inactive calcitroic acid which is excreted in the bile. 1,25(OH)2D enhances intestinal calcium absorption in the small intestine by stimulating the expression of the epithelial calcium channel (ECaC) and the calbindin 9K (calcium-binding protein; CaBP). 1,25(OH)2D is recognized by its receptor in osteoblasts, causing an increase in the expression of receptor activator of NFκB ligand (RANKL). Its receptor RANK on the preosteoclast binds RANKL, which induces the preosteoclast to become a mature osteoclast. The mature osteoclast removes calcium and phosphorus from the bone to maintain blood calcium and phosphorus levels. Adequate calcium and phosphorus levels promote the mineralization of the skeleton. Thus, the effect of vitamin D on bone metabolism is to maintain normal serum calcium and phosphate ion concentrations. Vitamin D accomplishes this by increasing intestinal calcium and phosphate absorption and by mobilizing calcium and phosphorus from the skeleton (Holick, 2006, 2007; Holick and Garabedian, 2006).

Vitamin D and Bone


CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF RICKETS/OSTEOMALACIA Historical Perspective Historians have reported bone deformities similar to rickets as early as the second century, but the disease was not considered a significant health problem until the industrialization of northern Europe. Whistler, Glissen, and DeBoot recognized in the mid-1600s that many children who lived in the crowded and polluted cities of northern Europe developed a severe bone-deforming disease (rickety bones) that was characterized by growth retardation, enlargement of the epiphyses of the long bones, deformities of the legs, bending of the spine, knobby projections of the ribcage, and weak and toneless muscles (Rajakumar, 2003; Holick, 2006, 2007) (see Figure 10.1). The incidence of the debilitating bone disease increased dramatically in northern Europe and North America during the industrial revolution, and by the latter part of the 19th century, autopsy studies done in Boston and Leyden, the Netherlands, showed that 80%–90% of children had rickets. In addition, the pelvic bone structure was flattened, and this resulted in a high incidence of infant and maternal morbidity and mortality that led to the widespread use of cesarian sectioning for infant delivery (Rajakumar, 2003; Holick, 2006). In 1822, Sniadecki (1939) was the first to recognize the importance of sun exposure for the prevention and cure of rickets. Cod liver oil had been intermittently used as a home remedy for rickets, but it often was ineffective. Because of its high prevalence and devastating consequences, many scientists and physicians became interested in finding the cause and cure for rickets. In 1919, Huldschinsky (1919, 1928) found that exposing children to radiation from a sun quartz lamp (mercury arc lamp) or carbon arc lamp was effective in treating rickets as demonstrated by improvement in the children’s x-rays (Figure 10.3). He concluded that exposure to ultraviolet radiation was an “infallible remedy” against all forms of rickets in children. Two years later, Hess and Unger (1921) exposed seven rachitic children in New York City to varying periods of sunshine and reported that x-ray examination showed marked improvement in the rickets of each child, as evidenced by calcification of the epiphyses. Great confusion was expressed as to how either exposure to ultraviolet radiation and sunlight or a dietary factor could prevent and cure rickets. Powers et al. (1921) treated rachitic rats with ultraviolet radiation or cod liver oil and observed the same effect. Hess and Weinstock (1924) and Steenbock and Black (1924) reported that ultraviolet irradiation of various foods and oils imparted antirachitic activity. This discovery led to enhancing the antirachitic activity of milk by exposing milk to ultraviolet radiation or feeding cows ultraviolet-irradiated yeast. This simple fortification practice eradicated rickets (Rajakumar, 2003; Holick, 2006).

FIGURE 10.3  Florid rickets of the hand and wrist (left panel) and the same wrist and hand radiograph taken after treatment with 1-hour UVR two times a week for 8 weeks. Note the mineralization of the carpel bones and epiphyseal plates (right panel). (Reproduced from Holick, M.F., New Engl J Med, 357, 266–281, 2006. With permission.)


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

Many physicians have assumed that rickets no longer remains a health problem for children in the United States. However, rickets is becoming much more common due to the misconception that breast feeding provides infants with all of their nutritional requirements (Hollis and Wagner, 2004; Holick, 2006). Human breast milk is now known to contain little, if any, vitamin D and, thus, in neonates, especially those of color, are at high risk for vitamin-D-deficiency rickets (Kreiter et al., 2000; Rajakumar, 2003; Holick, 2006). Recently, this high risk of vitamin D deficiency has been recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which now recommends that all infants from the time they are born receive 400 IU of vitamin D a day (Wagner and Greer, 2008).

Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D deficiency, the most common cause of rickets, prevents the efficient absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus. In a vitamin-D-deficient state, only 10%–15% of dietary calcium and 50%–60% of dietary phosphorus are absorbed (Holick, 2007). The poor absorption of calcium causes a decrease in serum-ionized calcium. This decline is immediately recognized by the calcium sensor in the parathyroid glands, resulting in an increase in the expression, synthesis, and secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (Brown et al., 1993; Holick, 2006, 2007). PTH conserves calcium by increasing tubular reabsorption of calcium in both the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. PTH, like 1,25(OH)2D, enhances the expression of RANKL by osteoblasts to increase the production of mature osteoclasts that mobilize calcium stores from the skeleton. PTH also decreases phosphate reabsorption in the kidney, causing loss of phosphorus into the urine. The serum calcium is usually normal in a vitamin-D-deficient infant or child. However, the serum phosphate is low, and thus, there is an inadequate calcium × phosphate product that is necessary to mineralize the osteoid laid down by osteoblasts (Figure 10.4). Thus, typically, infants with vitamin-D-deficiency rickets have a normal serum calcium, low normal or low fasting serum phosphorus, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and low 25(OH)D ( 30 ng/mL (Holick et al., 2008) (Figure 10.5). Most children and adults have a circulating blood level of 25(OH)D of between 15 and 25 ng/mL (Holick, 2006, 2007). Thus, to achieve a blood level of 25(OH)D > 30 ng/mL, it has been recommended that both children and adults take 1000 IU of vitamin D/day along with a multivitamin containing 400 IU of vitamin D. For obese children and adults, the amount of vitamin D ingested should be increased by two- to three-fold because body fat will sequester vitamin D, and obese children and adults need at least two to three times more vitamin D to sustain their blood level of 25(OH)D > 30 ng/mL (Holick, 2006, 2007).


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health (a) 65 60


25(OH)D (ng/mL)

55 50


45 40 35 30


n=4 n=7

n=58 n=55






20 0



Deficient 0












Time (Months) (b) 65


60 25(OH)D (ng/mL)

55 n=20 n=17

45 40 35 30








20 0

n=4 n=2






Deficient 24 30 36





Time (Months) 10.4 10.2 n=6 10 n=13 n=54 n=9 n=7 9.8 n=53n=39 n=2 n=74 n=57 n=29 9.6 n=5 9.4 9.2 8 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72

Calcium (mg/dL)


Time (Months)

FIGURE 10.6  (a) Mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels in all patients. (b) Mean serum

25(OH)D levels in patients receiving maintenance therapy only. (c) Serum calcium levels: Results for all 86 patients who were treated with 50,000 IU of vitamin D2. (Adapted from Pietras, S.M., et al., Arch Intern Med, 169, 1806–1808, 2009 and reproduced from Holick, M.F., New Engl J Med, 357, 266–281, 2007. With permission.)

Vitamin D and Bone


Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency To treat vitamin D deficiency, 50,000 IU of vitamin D2, which is the only pharmaceutical form of vitamin D available in the United States, once a week for 8 weeks will often fill the empty vitamin D tank and raise the blood level above 30 ng/mL (Malabanan et al., 1998). Patients who are severely vitamin D deficient with a 25(OH)D < 10 ng/mL or patients who are on medications that would enhance vitamin D destruction and obese patients may require an additional 8 weeks of therapy with 50,000 IU of vitamin D2 (Holick, 2007). Once the blood level of 25(OH)D is above 30 ng/mL, vitamin D sufficiency can be maintained by giving patients 50,000 IU of vitamin D once every 2 weeks. In our clinic, we have found over a 6-year period that the blood levels are sustained between 40 and 50 ng/mL on this regime (Pietras et al., 2009) (Figure 10.6). Alternatively, to treat vitamin D deficiency with vitamin D supplement, 5000 IU of vitamin D/day for 2 months followed by 2000 IU of vitamin D/day will treat vitamin D deficiency and maintain vitamin D sufficiency in most adults. The graph depicted in Figure 10.6a includes all patients treated with 50,000 IU vitamin D2 every 2 weeks (maintenance therapy, N = 86). Forty one of the patients were vitamin D insufficient or deficient and first received 50,000 IU vitamin D2 weekly for 8 weeks before being placed on maintenance therapy of 50,000 IU vitamin D2 every 2 weeks. Error bars represent the mean ± SEM. Time 0 is the initiation of treatment. Results are shown as mean values averaged for intervals of 6 months. The mean 25(OH)D of each 6-month interval was compared with initial mean 25(OH)D and showed a significant difference of p < .001 for all time points. In patients receiving maintenance therapy, as shown in Figure 10.6b, thirty-eight patients were vitamin D insufficient [25(OH)D levels 75y 27 ♀ with osteoporosis, 24 ♀ without osteoporosis, 48–83y 78 ♂, 21–25y at baseline

11,068 ♀, 50–79y

2016 ♀, median 50y

891 ♀, 45–55y

58 ♀, 45–75y

♀ ≥ 60y 75 with osteoporosis, 75 controls 470 ♂, 474 ♀, 67–79y

Childhood cod liver oil intake

Serum retinol

DXA × 2 (2y apart) SXA



Vitamin A, retinol, betacarotene Serum retinol, RE, betacarotene Vitamin A

Retinol, beta-carotene

Vitamin A/Retinol


DXA × 2 (5–7y apart) DXA × 2 (5y apart)

Vitamin A, beta-carotene

DXA × 2 (2–5y apart) DXA Retinol

Plasma retinol


Hogstrom et al., 2008 Forsmo et al., 2008

Barker et al., 2005 Penniston et al., 2006

+ 0

Wolf et al., 2005

Kaptoge et al., 2003 Suzuki et al., 2003 Macdonald et al., 2004 Rejnmark et al., 2004

Maggio et al., 2003

0 (−)

0 (−)


Notes: SPA = singe-photon absorptiometry, FFQ = Food Frequency Questionnaire, DXA = dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. 0 = no significant association, + = positive association, − = negative association, (+) = weak positive or partly positive association (e.g., in subgroups), (−) = weak negative or partly negative association, DXA = dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, SXA = single energy X-ray absorptiometry, FFQ = Food Frequency Questionnaire, RE = retinyl esters, y = years.




Vitamin A and Bone 179


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

entirely satisfactory (Henriquez-Sanchez et al., 2009). Because retinol is found in very high concentrations in a limited number of foods (liver, liver products, fortified foods, and supplements), some of which may be consumed infrequently, it is difficult to obtain reliable estimates of average consumption (especially with the 24-hour recall method) and to identify consumers of high levels of retinol (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2005). The intraindividual variation can cause random error when classifying persons by intake of retinol and produce a bias that systematically underestimates the strength of associations to bone health. It has been estimated that three to nine independent measurements may be required to distinguish reliably even large differences (Tangney et al., 1987). Osteoporosis develops over many years, and repeated measurements are also required to identify changes in diet over time. It is important to recognize that the majority of published studies are based on one single dietary assessment and find no association with bone health. In fact, there are only four studies with three or more independent measurements of retinol intake (Tables 11.5 and 11.6). One study used multiple 24-hour records; one study, three 4-day records; one study, four 7-day records; and the best designed study performed five independent measurements of retinol intake by FFQs over 18 years. In this latter study with five FFQs, the association with hip fracture was not significant when only the baseline measurement was used for analyses (Feskanich et al., 2002), emphasizing the importance of repeated measurements. Another problem in correctly assessing the vitamin A intake is the bioconversion of carotenoids. For more than 30 years, it was generally accepted that 6 µg of beta-carotene and 12 µg of other provitamin A carotenoids had the same vitamin activity as 1 µg of retinol (FAO/WHO, 1967). However, several studies published in the 1990s showed that the bioefficacy of beta-carotene in plant foods was considerably less. Therefore, the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board, IOM (2001) introduced the term retinol activity equivalent (RAE), where 1 µg RAE = 1 µg retinol = 12 µg beta-carotene = 24 µg other provitamin A carotenoids. The development of techniques using isotope-labeled betacarotene and retinol has advanced our knowledge further and shown that this bioconversion is quite variable; 1 mol beta-carotene can provide anything between 0 and 0.27 mol retinol (Lin et al., 2000; van Lieshout et al., 2001; Hickenbottom et al., 2002). The activity of the enzyme responsible for the conversion of beta-carotene to retinal in the intestine, the β,β-carotene 15,15′-monooxygenase (βCMOOX), is upregulated in vitamin A deficiency and downregulated by an increased intake of retinyl esters or beta-carotene (van Vliet et al., 1996). It has been shown that retinoic acid reduces, and a retinoic acid receptor alpha antagonist significantly increases the intestinal enzyme activity. Moreover, a retinoic-acid-responsive element has been identified in the promoter of the µCMOOX gene. These results are consistent with a transcriptional feedback regulation of the enzyme by RA via the specific nuclear receptors (Bachmann et al., 2002; Takitani et al., 2006). Thus, the bioconversion of beta-carotene seems to be determined by the body’s needs for the vitamin. This inefficiency of bioconversion explains why provitamin A carotenoids do not cause hypervitaminosis A even when ingested in large amounts.

Assessment of Vitamin A Status Serum Retinol Serum retinol levels reflect the liver stores of vitamin A, but not in a linear fashion. The levels are homeostatically controlled (usually around 2 µmol/L) over the physiologic range of liver vitamin A concentrations and are therefore generally unaffected by normal retinol intakes (Willett et al., 1983; Krasinski et al., 1989). When liver stores are exhausted (300 µg/g liver) or the rate of intake is greater than the rate it can be removed by the liver, serum values tend to increase. Thus, except in cases of deficiency or excess, retinol levels in the serum are not good indicators of vitamin A status (Olson, 1984). This may, in part, explain why serum retinol does not correlate with normal dietary

Vitamin A and Bone


intakes (Garry et al., 1987; Roidt et al., 1988; Booth et al., 1997), but it does with supplement use (Garry et al., 1987; Roidt et al., 1988; Sowers and Wallace, 1990; Opotowsky and Bilezikian, 2004; Barker et al., 2005). An advantage of serum retinol as a measure of retinol exposure is that it tends to be stable for many months. In one study, serum retinol measurements taken 4 months apart correlated highly (r= 0.79), while estimates of vitamin A intake among the same group correlated less well (r = 0.47) (Kardinaal et al., 1995). A number of other factors may also influence the levels. Serum retinol has, for example, been positively associated with age, weight, serum lipids, socioeconomic status, and renal failure and negatively associated with smoking, alcohol consumption, infections, and chronic liver diseases. With the exception of serum lipids and infections, all the other confounding factors also influence the risk of fracture (Michaelsson et al., 2003) and need to be considered in the statistical analysis. Serum Retinyl Esters Retinyl esters from animal food sources are transported from the intestine via the lymph to the liver, where they are stored. In contrast to retinol, which is homeostatically controlled, the serum levels of retinyl esters will increase markedly after each vitamin-A-rich meal. In fasting serum, most of the circulating vitamin A is found in the form of retinol, and only a small proportion is retinyl esters. This may explain why total intake of vitamin has not been found to correlate with serum retinyl esters (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2005). By contrast, in some cases of vitamin A intoxication, the retinyl ester to retinol ratio was found to exceed 10% (Smith and Goodman, 1976), and long-term use of retinol supplements has been associated with higher serum retinyl esters in elderly subjects (Krasinski et al., 1989). Serum retinyl esters have therefore been used as a marker of retinol toxicity in two studies on BMD (Table 11.5) and two on fractures (Table 11.6). However, serum retinyl esters may more reflect a temporary excess in vitamin A intake rather than long-term vitamin A intake and storage. In patients with vitamin A toxicity, serum retinyl esters decrease faster than serum retinol after discontinuation of vitamin A supplements (Smith and Goodman, 1976). Studies of plasma kinetics have shown that the clearance of serum retinyl esters varies substantially from one person to another (Bitzen et al., 1994; Reinersdorff et al., 1996; Johansson and Melhus, 2001), with an average increase in clearance of more than 50% over a 12-hour period after an intake of vitamin A of 1.0 to 1.5 mg (Krasinski et al., 1990).

Assessment of Bone Health In studies of factors influencing bone health, the most clearly defined outcome of interest is bone fracture following minimal trauma. Most studies, however, use the intermediate outcome measure of BMD (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2005). Techniques to measure BMD, such as single-photon absorptiometry (SPA) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), determine the amount of mineral per unit area and not volume. This means that BMD measurements are influenced by the size, shape, and orientation of the bone and therefore are more useful in prospective studies, where changes can be assessed over time. There are six such prospective studies (Table 11.5). If retinol reduces the size rather than the BMD in humans in the same way as in animals, peripheral quantitative computer tomography and other methods that can provide a measure of volumetric density may be necessary to more accurately assess the adverse skeletal effects of retinol. The most serious and important consequence of osteoporosis is hip fractures. In studies that use fracture as outcome, hip fractures are therefore of special relevance. They have generally been identified via hospital discharge records or are self-reported. Some studies have confirmed medical record data with radiographic records or home visits. A problem with self-reported fractures is selection bias. Fracture patients have a substantially increased risk of death that persists several years post fracture (Bliuc et al., 2009). This risk of death is most pronounced for hip fractures,


United States



United States


United States








Prospective, 9.5y follow-up (IWHS)

Prospective, 30y follow-up (ULSAM)

Prospective, 2.4y follow-up (MDCS) Prospective, 18y follow-up (NHS)

Nested case– control, 2–64 months follow-up (SMC)


Study Design

34,703 ♂ + ♀, 6502 any fx, 525 hip, 55–69y

FFQ 127 items + suppl question

FFQs every 4y, mean intake determined from 5 FFQs Serum retinol, serum beta-carotene, 7-day food record in 1138 men 20y after entry

72,337 ♀, 603 hip fx, 34–77y

Cohort 2322 ♂, 266 any fx, 84 hip fx, 49–51y

Seven-day menu book, + FFQ

Serum retinol, 24-h food recall, interview for suppl FFQ of usual intake of 60 foods during previous 6 months

246 ♀, 56 cases (31 fx in the last 10y) 55–80y 66,651 ♀, 247 hip fx cases, 873 controls, 40–76y

6576♂, 160 any fx cases, 51 fragility fx, 46–68y

Vitamin A Assessment

Study Sample

TABLE 11.6 Studies Examining the Association between Vitamin A and Fracture Risk

Hospital discharge, orthopedic + radiographic records Self-reported

Local hospital registry + X-ray examinations Self-reported by questionnaire

Hospital discharge records

Self-reported by interview

Identification of Fractures

Tot vit A 4.33 mg RE, retinol food + suppl 1.16 mg

Total vit A food + suppl 0.9 mg RE Retinol from food: cases 0.96 mg, controls 0.8 mg RE Cases, 1.96 mg; controls, 1.82mg Retinol from food + suppl, 1.2 mg Retinol from food 1.1 mg

Mean Intake/ Level


Rate ratio =2.5 for hip fx; >2.64 µM (5th) vs. 2.17–2.36 µM (3rd quintile) No association (RR hip fx for suppl users 1.18 (0.99–1.41)

RR = 1.89, ≥2 mg vs. 1.5 mg/day were compared with those with intakes 1.5 mg/day compared with intakes 3 times the recommended intake in men) had less bone loss than that of men in the lowest group of vitamin C intake (106 mg). A similar finding in women was not significant, and it was shown that vitamin C may interact with estrogen use, calcium, and vitamin E (Sahni et al., 2008). Because it is not possible to separate the effects of vitamin C supplements from vitamin C in fruits and vegetables in some studies (Macdonald et al., 2004; Sahni et al., 2008), the recommendation is to obtain the needed amounts of vitamin C only from fruits and vegetables for s`keletal health rather than from supplements. In fact, higher fruit and vegetable intakes may have positive effects on bone mineral status in both younger and older age groups so that this recommendation should cover the lifespan (Prynne et al., 2006). Recommended intakes of five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day should supply enough vitamin C for bone health. Future studies of vitamin C and bone health need to take into account gender, estrogen use, and intake of other nutrients to assess any potential interactions.

MAGNESIUM Magnesium, when complexed with adenosine-5′-triphosphate, takes part in many intracellular enzyme reactions, including the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acid. Magnesium is an electrolyte mineral that contributes to alkalinity and is important in acid base balance. The current intakes recommended for healthy adult males are 420 mg and those for women are 320 mg/day. Because magnesium is present in most foods, particularly legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, grains, fish, and dairy, severe magnesium deficiency is, therefore, rarely seen in healthy people. However, many intakes in the United States fall below the recommended intake levels, as the mean magnesium intakes for males and females are 323 and 228 mg/day, respectively. Magnesium deficiency can also occur if concomitant disorders exist and/or medications place individuals at further risk for magnesium depletion (Rude and Gruber, 2004; Rude et al., 2004). Magnesium deficiency can be detected with biochemical measurements, that is, low serum magnesium, low serum calcium, and resistance to vitamin D, or via clinical symptoms, that is, muscle twitching, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat. A small metabolic study showed that consuming a diet


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

d­ eficient in magnesium, which resulted in negative magnesium balance, may affect calcium, potassium, and cholesterol metabolism (Nielsen, 2004). In preadolescent girls, a positive relationship between ultrasound determination of bone mass of the calcaneus and dietary magnesium intake was found (Wang et al., 1999), suggesting that this mineral was important in skeletal growth and development. Magnesium in serum and hair was associated with greater BMD in premenopausal women, and the ratio of serum calcium to magnesium was a significant indicator of BMD (Song et al., 2007). The intake of fruits and vegetables, containing vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, may protect against premenopausal bone loss, but magnesium alone may not be protective against declines in BMC and BMD (Macdonald et al., 2004). In other studies of premenopausal women, magnesium intake was related to lumbar spine BMD in a cross-sectional evaluation (New et al., 2000), and a significant relationship was found over a 1-year period between dietary magnesium intake and rate of change of BMD of the lumbar spine and total body calcium (Houtkooper et al., 1995). A study of postmenopausal women showed a positive correlation between BMD of the forearm and magnesium intake (Tranquilli et al., 1994). Several small epidemiological studies have found that higher magnesium intakes are associated with higher BMD in elderly men and women, although rates of bone loss over 4 years were only related to magnesium intake in men (Tucker et al., 1999). In 2038 older black and white men and women (aged 70 to 79years) enrolled in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study, a greater magnesium intake was significantly related to higher BMD in white women and men, but not in black women and men, which may have been related to differences in dietary assessment (Ryder et al., 2005). Only a few small controlled clinical trials of magnesium supplementation on bone have been conducted (Nielsen, 1990; Stendig-Lindberg et al., 1993), and they were primarily effective in ­magnesium-depleted subjects. Overall, observational and clinical trial data concerning magnesium and BMD or fractures are inconclusive, and in fact, one recent study from the Women’s Health Initiative surprisingly reported that higher intakes of magnesium were associated with a higher risk of wrist fracture (Durlach et al., 1998; Jackson et al., 2003; Nielsen, 1990; Rude and Olerich, 1996; Stendig-Lindberg et al., 1993; Tucker et al., 1999). Little evidence has been reported that magnesium is needed to prevent osteoporosis in the general population. Results relating magnesium to BMD are often confounded by coexisting limited intakes of other nutrients that are important for skeletal health. Clearly, a magnesium supplement may be required in frail elderly with poor diets (Durlach et al., 1998) and in persons with intestinal disease, alcoholics, or persons on treatment with diuretics or chemotherapy that depletes magnesium. In addition, as calcium supplements sometimes result in constipation, a supplement with magnesium might be useful in helping to keep bowel habits regular.

FLUORIDE Fluoride is an essential trace element that is required for skeletal and dental development. The adequate daily adult intake is 4 mg for males and 3 mg for females. The concentration of fluoride in the soil, water, and many foods varies by geographic region. Major dietary sources include drinking water, tea, coffee, rice, soybeans, spinach, onions, and lettuce. Fluoride interacts with mineralized tissues in a number of ways. At low doses, the fluoride may be passively incorporated into the mineral, stabilizing mineral surfaces against dissolution. At higher doses, such as those used previously for treatment of osteoporosis, the fluoride may alter the amount and structure of tissue present, including altering the interface between the collagen and mineral and causing a painful condition associated with extraosseous calcification and brittle bones. At very high doses, skeletal fluorosis may occur, characterized by debilitating changes in the skeleton; this can even occur in communities where the local drinking water has naturally high fluoride levels, much greater than 1 ppm in fluoridated waters (Chachra et al., 2008). High doses of fluoride can stimulate osteoblasts; however, the quality of bone that is formed may be abnormal and the effect on fracture rates is unclear (Riggs, 1993).

Micronutrients and Bone


The impact of more typical intakes of fluoride on the skeleton was evaluated in the Iowa Fluoride Study/Iowa Bone Development Study. Longitudinal fluoride intake at levels of intake typical in the United States (mean 0.68 mg per day) is only weakly associated with BMC or BMD in boys and girls at age 11 years. Additional research is warranted to better understand possible gender- and agespecific effects of fluoride intake on bone development (Levy et al., 2009). No benefit of adding fluoride supplements to an adult diet exists for skeletal health. The lower doses of fluoride typically found in drinking water have no effect on bone density or on reducing fractures (Cauley et al., 1995; Kurttio et al., 1999; Suarez-Almazor et al., 1993).

B VITAMINS The role of B vitamins in skeletal health has been the subject of many recent research studies. Elevated serum hom*ocysteine levels may be caused by deficiencies of folate (folic acid), vitamin B12, or vitamin B6. hom*ocysteine has recently been linked to fragility fractures, including hip fractures in older men and women (Gjesdal et al., 2006; van Meurs et al., 2004). Incident osteoporosis-related fractures were assessed in 702 Italian participants aged 65–94 years, with a mean follow-up of 4 years, and it was found that low serum folate was responsible for the association between hom*ocysteine and risk of osteoporosis-related fractures in elderly persons (Ravaglia etal., 2005). In two recent studies, poor vitamin B12 status was associated with low BMD in men and women and osteoporosis in elderly women but not men (Dhonukshe-Rutten et al., 2003; Tucker et al., 2005). It is unclear whether associations such as this are only a result of B12 deficiency or an indication of overall poor nutrition and frailty. Based on data collected on older men and women, that is, aged >55 years, who underwent dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans of the hip as participants in phase 2 of the third U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (n = 1550), the prevalence of osteoporosis in those with serum B12 in the lowest quartile was two times greater than that in individuals with serum B12 in the highest quartile (Morris etal., 2005). hom*ocysteine and vitamin B12 status indicators were negatively associated with BMD in older Americans (Stone et al., 2004). Whether this association reflects a causal relation remains unclear. In 1002 men and women (mean age 75 years) in the Framingham Osteoporosis study, low serum B vitamin concentrations were noted to be a risk factor for decreased bone health, although these low concentrations did not fully explain the relationship between elevated hom*ocysteine and hip fracture (McLean et al., 2008). In fact, controlled trials are clearly needed to determine whether treatment with B vitamins would reduce fracture rates among community-dwelling cohorts (McLean and Hannan, 2007). The Hordaland hom*ocysteine Study is a population-based study of more than 18,000 men and women in Western Norway, and among women in this study, raised hom*ocysteine levels were associated with decreased BMD and increased risk of osteoporosis (Refsum et al., 2006). Low folate concentrations were related to more than a two-fold elevation in hip fracture risk versus higher folate concentrations (McLean et al., 2008). In some studies, folate is more strongly related to BMD than any other B vitamin (Baines et al., 2007; Cagnacci et al., 2003, 2008; Rejnmark et al., 2008). However, in a 2-month study of folic acid supplementation in 61 healthy individuals, short-term folic acid supplementation did not affect biochemical bone markers in subjects without osteoporosis but who had a low folate status (Herrmann et al., 2006), and combined administration of folic acid, B6, and B12 over 1 year had no effect on bone turnover (Herrmann et al., 2007). However, in older Japanese, folic acid and [me]cobalamin reduced hip fracture as compared with placebo (Sato et al., 2005). In the Rotterdam study, those with the highest quartile of B6 intake had a lower risk of fracture than that of individuals with low B6 intakes (Yazdanpanah et al., 2007). Clearly, a need exists for long-term clinical trial data to determine the role of each B vitamin in skeletal health.


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

OTHER NUTRIENTS Boron Boron is not an essential nutrient, so no recommended intakes have been published. Boron is present in several foods, such as fruits, vegetable, nuts, eggs, wine, and dried foods (Nielsen, 2008). A significant number of people, however, do not consistently consume more than 1 mg a day of boron (Nielsen, 1998), and whether such a low intake is of clinical concern is unknown. A small study noted that urinary boron excretion changes rapidly with changes in boron intake, indicating that the kidney is the site of homeostatic regulation (Sutherland et al., 1998). Although a few studies have found that 3 mg daily of boron may have a positive effect on bone (Nielsen, 1990; Nielsen etal., 1987), controlled trials are lacking.

Copper Copper is an essential element required by many enzymes including lysyl oxidase, which is required for cross-linking of collagen. Severe deficiency does have profound effects on bone (see also Chapter 13). A small study of 25 females with low bone mass found a correlation between the plasma copper concentrations and BMD of the lumbar spine as measured using DXA and quantitative computerized tomography (Chaudhri et al., 2009). Clearly, further study is needed regarding the role of copper in bone health.

Zinc A few intervention trials using zinc supplements have generated variable results on bone turnover and BMD (Gur et al., 2002; Strause et al., 1994); in one study, a mixture of trace elements on bone was investigated (Strause et al., 1994). Profound zinc deficiency leads to reduced bone growth and maturation, but little evidence has been reported showing that dietary zinc levels have an effect on bone mass or fractures related to osteoporosis. In a metabolic study of 21 women, low dietary zinc (3 mg/day) resulted in undesirable changes in circulating calcitonin and osteocalcin. However, ahigh intake of zinc may be a health concern for individuals consuming less than the recommended amounts of magnesium because of a zinc–magnesium interaction (Nielsen and Milne, 2004).

Silicon Cereals provide the greatest amount of silicon in the U.S. diet (about 30%), followed by fruit, beverages (hot, cold, and alcoholic beverages combined), and vegetables; together, these foods provided over 75% of the silicon intake. Silicon intakes may be suboptimal (McNaughton et al., 2005); a reported decrease of silicon concentrations occurs with age, especially in women (Bisse et al., 2005). Dietary silicon may be beneficial to bone and connective tissue health on the basis of recently reported strong positive associations between dietary silicon intake and BMD in U.S. and U.K. cohorts (Jugdaohsingh, 2007). The biological role of silicon in bone health remains unclear, although a number of possible mechanisms, including effects on the synthesis of collagen and/or its stabilization and on matrix mineralization, have been suggested. In a cross-sectional study of a sample of 2847 participants in the Framingham Offspring cohort (aged 30–87 years), dietary silicon correlated positively and significantly with BMD at all hip sites in men and premenopausal women, but not in postmenopausal women (Jugdaohsingh et al., 2004). Silicon appears to mediate the positive association between beer and BMD, but not of wine or liquor, in the Framingham Offspring cohort (aged 29–86 years) (Tucker et al., 2009). Results associating silicon to skeletal health require further follow-up.

Micronutrients and Bone


COMBINATIONS OF TRACE MINERALS Subclinical zinc and/or copper deficiency, resulting from a reduced dietary intake of micronutrients and reduced absorption (Thomson and Keelan, 1986), may result in bone loss. Both zinc and copper are essential cofactors for enzymes involved in the synthesis of various bone matrix constituents. Calcium supplementation may accentuate the problem of reduced serum zinc and copper levels by impairing the absorption and retention of these nutrients (Snedeker et al., 1982). The relationships among BMD and zinc, copper, and calcium in the meal and hair of 470 urban and rural elderly people were studied, and the amount of zinc, copper, and calcium in the meal was positively correlated with BMD (Li et al., 2005). Although significant correlations were found between serum elements, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium, no significant differences in the concentrations of these elements were found in 290 women assigned to groups with osteoporosis, low bone mass, or normal bone mass (Liu et al., 2009). Two studies have shown that a combination of several minerals (zinc, manganese, and copper) with calcium was able to reduce spinal bone loss in postmenopausal women (Gur et al., 2002; Strause et al., 1994). These data indicate that individual or combinations of trace elements do not have a clear impact on skeletal health; hence, the effects of trace minerals on bone remain unknown. Therefore, the best advice is for individuals to consume a varied diet with adequate intakes of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and proteins to obtain enough of all the trace elements.

CONCLUSIONS The known benefits of calcium and vitamin D on bone cannot be considered in isolation from the other components of the diet, especially vitamins and the trace minerals. However, the needs of the other micronutrients for optimizing bone health can be easily met by a healthy varied diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, and adequate amounts of animal protein. In elderly individuals, greater attention should be placed on B vitamin status and hom*ocysteine levels.

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Dietary Protein’s Impact on Skeletal Health Anna K. Surdykowski, Anne M. Kenney, KarlL. Insogna, and Jane E. Kerstetter

CONTENTS Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 223 Protein Requirements and Intakes.................................................................................................. 223 Protein-Induced Metabolic Acidosis and Bone Loss......................................................................224 Epidemiological Studies................................................................................................................. 225 Isotopic Studies............................................................................................................................... 226 Potential Protein-Induced MechanismsOperating to Improve Calcium Balance.......................... 227 Summary......................................................................................................................................... 229 References....................................................................................................................................... 230

INTRODUCTION Both dietary calcium and vitamin D are undoubtedly beneficial to skeletal health. In contrast, despite intense investigation, the impact of dietary protein on calcium metabolism and bone balance remains controversial. Further complicating this debate is the potential difference that animal and vegetable protein sources may have on skeletal health. One previously held view is that diets high in protein were considered to be detrimental to bone, because the inorganic acids generated from the metabolism of amino acids increase urinary calcium excretion. According to this hypothesis, continued loss of calcium in the urine eventually results in negative calcium balance and loss of calcium from skeletal stores, including osteopenia if systemic acidosis is chronic. An alternative hypothesis is that a higher intake of protein increases circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), increases intestinal calcium absorption and improves muscle strength and mass, all of which may potentially benefit skeletal health. This review provides the scientific evidence supporting the latter hypothesis that dietary protein works synergistically to support both calcium retention and bone metabolism.

PROTEIN REQUIREMENTS AND INTAKES The Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, the National Academies and Health Canada set dietary reference intakes (DRIs) for all of the macronutrients and micronutrients in our diet (Institute of Medicine, Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, 2002). The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is defined as the intake that is sufficient to meet the needs of nearly all of the population (97.5%) and is perhaps the most commonly used reference value for protein. The RDA for protein in individuals aged 14 years and higher is 0.8 g/kg body weight. The acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) is defined as “a range of intakes that is associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases 223


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

TABLE 15.1 Dietary Protein Intake (g/kg) in the United States from the NHANES 2003–2004 Database (Usual Intakes from Food Compared to Estimated Average Requirement [EAR])a Percentiles

Males   19–30 (n = 470)   31–50 (n = 624)   51–70 (n = 555)   71 + (n = 391) Females   19–30 (n = 393)   31–50 (n = 612)   51–70 (n = 606)   71 + (n = 406)

Mean ± SD









Percentage less than EAR

1.5 ± 0.4 1.4 ± 0.3 1.2 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.3

0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7

1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7

1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9

1.4 1.4 1.1 1.0

1.7 1.6 1.3 1.2

2.0 1.8 1.5 1.4

2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5

0.7 0.7 1.7 0.7

45 Years, with BMD result, n = 6692) 64 ± 12 27 ± 5 −1.1 ± 1.2 50.9% 74.9% 9.1% 0.45% 20.7% 2.2% 1.7% 6.5% 4.8%

Age BMI T score (femoral neck) Female White Parental history of hip fracture Prior fracture after the age of 50 years Current smoking Alcohol intake >2 drinks daily Ever use of systemic corticosteroids Rheumatoid arthritis Low BMI (2 drinks daily (Kanis et al., 2005b) Ever use of systemic corticosteroids (Kanis et al., 2004b) Rheumatoid arthritis (Kanis et al., 2005a) Lower BMI (45 Years, with BMD result, n = 6692) Percentile (%)

Difference in Log of 10-Year Probability

T Score Equivalentsa

−0.29 to −0.23 −0.01 to 0.97 >1.01

−0.28 to −0.22 −0.01 to 0.96 >1.00

0–62 63–99 >99

Notes: NHANES III = Third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey; BMD = bone mineral density; DXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. a T score equivalent is defined as the amount of hip fracture risk change that can be produced by the amount of changes of T score assessed at the femoral neck by DXA.


10-year probability (%)








T–Score SD

2.7 1.6 1.0 0.6









Age in years

FIGURE 34.2  Ten-year probability of hip fracture according to age and T score assessed at the femoral neck by DXA. Comparison of full model (dotted lines) and baseline model (solid lines) among 62% of NHANES III subsample (aged >45 years who do not have any identifiable clinical risk factors).


Clinical Risk Factors and Hip Fracture Risk Assessment and Treatment

TABLE 34.5 Examples on 10-Year Hip Fracture Risk Prediction Difference between Full Model and Baseline (BMD and Age Only) 10-Year Probability of Hip Fracture Patient

BMD and Age-Only Model

Full Model





Patient 1: female, aged 65 years, BMD T score of −2.5 had family history of osteoporosis, had a fall at age 60 years, current smoking, not drinking alcohol, never use corticosteroids, had rheumatoid arthritis, BMI = 26 Patient 2: female, aged 65 years, BMD T score of −2.5, no family history of osteoporosis, no fall history, never smoke, not drinking alcohol, never use corticosteroids, no rheumatoid arthritis, BMI = 26 Notes: BMD = bone mineral density; BMI = bone mass index.

and age-only model (dotted lines vs. the solid lines). For the next approximately 37% of the population which had little clinical risk, the predicted risk from the full model differed with the BMD and age-only model by −0.01 to 0.96 T score equivalents. The remaining 1% of the population had many clinical risk factors; their predicted fracture risk from the full model was more than 1 unit higher than that of the BMD and age-only model. In other word, when not considering clinical risk factors for those patients, their estimated fracture risk was underestimated by an amount which was equivalent to more than 1 unit of T score change, a very significant clinical difference. Examples of the model difference are shown in Table 34.5. If the treatment threshold was set at the probability level corresponding to a T score of −2.5 without any clinical risk factors, which is the middle dotted line in Figure 34.2, then 1299 patients out of the 6629 total population had a predicted risk higher than the threshold. Among them, 882 patients had BMD T scores below −2.5, which generates a sensitivity of 882/1299 or 67% (Table 34.6, top panel). The false negative rate would then be 100% minus 67% or 33%. If the treatment threshold was set at the probability level according to Table 34.3 and Figure34.3, then 1478 patients had a predicted risk higher than the threshold. The sensitivity and specificity were 849/1478 (57%) and 5172/5205 (99%). (Table 34.5, bottom panel) The false negative rate was 43%. Also, among the 882 patients with a BMD T score below −2.5, 33 (4%) of patients had a fracture risk that was below the treatment threshold, which is a false positive, or no need to be treated.

DISCUSSION The present study has identified about 1% of the general population who have many clinical risk factors, and the clinical risk factors could contribute to an increased fracture risk by the equivalent of a decrease of more than 1 T score unit of BMD. For example, a given 65-year-old female patient has a BMD T score of −2.0. A 1% chance exists that this patient could have many clinical risk factors that could put her at the same risk of another 65-year-old woman who has a T score below −3.0 with the absence of major clinical risk factors. Simply using a T score of −2.5 as the treatment cutoff point without considering clinical risk factors would have a sensitivity in the range of 57% to 67%, depending on the treatment threshold assumptions as a case-finding strategy. The clinical significance is that 33% to 43% of cases would


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TABLE 34.6 Potential Misclassification of Using −2.5 T Score Assessed at Femoral Neck by DXA as Treatment Cutoff Point with Two Treatment Thresholds Assumption in NHANES III Subsample (Aged >45 Years, with BMD result, n = 6692) Treatment Threshold: Risk Corresponding to T Score of −2.5 without Clinical Risk Factors (Middle Dotted Line in Figure 34.2) Risk ≥ Threshold

Risk < threshold


882 417 1299

0 5393 5393

882 5810 6692

T score ≤−2.5 T score >−2.5 Total

Treatment Threshold: Risk Value Derived from Cost-Effective Study (Triangles in Figure 34.3) Risk ≥ Threshold

Risk < Threshold


849 638 1487

33 5172 5205

882 5810 6692

T score ≤−2.5 T score >−2.5 Total

Notes: NHANES III = Third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey; BMD = bone mineral density; DXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.

10-year probability (%)

–3.0 –2.5 –2.0 T–Score SD

2.7 1.6 1.0









Age in years

FIGURE 34.3  Ten-year probability of hip fracture according to age and T score assessed at the femoral neck by DXA. The triangles denote the probabilities above which interventions are cost-effective, as reported by Kanis (2002). (Reprinted from The Lancet, 359, 1929–36, Kanis, J.A., Diagnosis of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk, 2002, with permission from Elsevier.)

Clinical Risk Factors and Hip Fracture Risk Assessment and Treatment


be false negatives and therefore miss the opportunity to be treated although they have a fracture probability higher than the treatment threshold based on known clinical risk factors. Also, up to an estimated 4% of patients who would receive the treatment actually would not need it. A T score of less than or equal to −2.5 may seem to be too strict a criterion, as only 882 out of 6692, or 13% of the population, qualified for treatment (Table 34.6). However, 19% to 22% of the population had a risk above the treatment threshold in terms of fracture probability based on the full model (Table 34.6). Relaxing the T score cutoff point, say to −2.0, would increase the sensitivity even without considering clinical risk factors, but the specificity would inevitably decrease with an increase of the percentage of false positives at the same time. The cost-effectiveness study indicated that the osteoporosis intervention threshold should be set according to the probability of fracture risk (Kanis and Glüer, 2000; Kanis et al., 2002). For example, absolute estimates of cardiovascular disease risk have been used to develop cholesterol treatment guidelines (Expert Panel on Detection Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, 2001). Treatment guidelines for osteoporosis, however, are primarily based on BMD alone, although evidence clearly shows that many clinical risk factors have an independent contribution to hip fracture risk. Understanding the magnitude of the effect of these clinical risk factors on the overall hip fracture risk assessment and how these factors influence the treatment decision are very important. The present study includes both males and females based on the assumptions that, at a given BMD level, the risk of having a hip fracture is the same and also that the effects of clinical risk factors on the hip fracture risk are the same regardless of gender (Kanis et al., 2001). These assumptions are made although, in general, women after menopause have significantly lower BMD than do men. The full model in this study includes seven major clinical risk factors that were reported in a series of meta-analyses. A few other clinical factors were reported to be predictive of hip fracture risk but were not included in this study, either because they would be difficult to measure, such as distance depth perception or contrast sensitivity, or because they are not likely to be independent of BMD, such as dietary calcium intake, exercise level, or diabetes (Janghorbani et al., 2007; Kanis etal., 2005a). Should the full model include additional independent clinical risk factors, the magnitude of the impact on the risk assessment and osteoporosis treatment decision would be even more significant. As shown on the Figure 34.1, hip fracture risk increases with age at any given BMD T score level. An economic study on the cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment showed that the hip fracture risk treatment threshold above which the treatment is cost-effective also increases with age, as indicated in Table 34.3 and Figure 34.3. The slopes of the above two age-related increases appear to be parallel (Figure 34.3). Therefore, if we put clinical risk factors aside, age does not need to be considered in treatment decisions. In other word, the same BMD T score cutoff point can be used for the treatment decision regardless of age. For this reason, age should not be treated as another “clinical” risk factor. The comparisons made in the present study are between the full model and BMD and age-only model, not between the full model and BMD-only model, as suggested in another reported study (Leslie et al., 2003). Limitations of the present study include that it only examined a U.S. population and the considered clinical risk factors were limited to those that were available in the NHANES III data set. In addition, only hip fracture risk, which is only part of the risk of osteoporosis, was investigated. Further study on the contribution of clinical risk factors to fracture risk assessment of other skeletal sites remains.

SUMMARY Several major clinical risk factors have been shown to have significant impacts on osteoporosis risk assessment and the treatment decision making. Integration of such clinical risk factors with bone


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density and age in the clinical decision making process is, thus, very important. The relatively simple mathematical model used in this study could be used by clinicians to improve greatly the sensitivity and specificity in case-finding strategies.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project was entirely funded by BioSignia, Inc.

REFERENCES Black, D.M., Steinbuch, M., Palermo, L., et al. 2001. An assessment tool for predicting fracture risk in postmenopausal women. Osteoporos Int 12:519–528. Burge, R., Dawson-Hughes, B., and Solomon, D.H. 2007. Incidence and economic burden of osteoporosisrelated fractures in the United States, 2005–2025. J Bone Miner Res 22. Center, J.R., Nguyen, T.V., Schneider, D., et al. 1999. Mortality after all major types of osteoporotic fracture in men and women: An observational study. Lancet 353:878–882. Cummings, S., and Melton, L.J. 2002. Epidemiology and outcomes of osteoporotic fractures. Lancet 359:1761–1767. Cummings, S.R., Nevitt, M.C., Browner, W.S., et al. 1995. Risk factors for hip fracture in white women. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group. N Engl J Med 332:767–773. De Laet, C., Kanis, J.A., Odén, A., et al. 2005. Body mass index as a predictor of fracture risk: A meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int 16:1330–1338. Expert Panel on Detection Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. 2001. Executive summary of the third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adults Treatment Panel III). JAMA 285:2486–2497. Goeree, R., O’Brien, B., and Pettitt, D. 1996. An assessment of the burden of illness due to osteoporosis in Canada. J Soc Obstet Gynaecol Can 18S:15–24. Hu, G. and Root, M. 2005. Building prediction models for coronary heart disease by synthesizing multiple longitudinal research findings. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 12:459–464. Hui, S.L., Slemenda, C.W., and Johnston, C.C., Jr. 1988. Age and bone mass as predictors of fracture in a prospective study. J Clin Invest 81:1804–1809. Hui, S.L., Slemenda, C.W., and Johnston, C.C., Jr. 1989. Baseline measurement of bone mass predicts fracture in white women. Ann Intern Med 111:355–361. Janghorbani, M., Van Dam, R.M., Willett, W.C., et al. 2007. Systematic review of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and risk of fracture. Am J Epidemiol 166:495–505. Kanis, J.A. 2002. Diagnosis of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk. Lancet 359:1929–1936. Kanis, J.A., Black, D., Cooper, C., et al. 2002. A new approach to the development of assessment guidelines for osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int 13:527–536. Kanis, J.A., Borgstrom, F., De Laet, C., et al. 2005a. Assessment of fracture risk. Osteoporos Int 16:581–589. Kanis, J.A., and Glüer, C.C. 2000. An update on the diagnosis and assessment of osteoporosis with densitometry. Committee of Scientific Advisors, International Osteoporosis Foundation. Osteoporos Int 11:192–202. Kanis, J.A., Johansson, H., Johnell, O., et al. 2005b. Alcohol intake as a risk factor for fracture. Osteoporos Int 16:737–742. Kanis, J.A., Johansson, H., Odén, A., et al. 2004a. A family history of fracture and fracture risk: A metaanalysis. Bone 35:1029–1037. Kanis, J.A., Johansson, H., Odén, A., et al. 2004b. A meta-analysis of prior corticosteroid use and fracture risk. J Bone Miner Res 19:893–899. Kanis, J.A., Johnell, O., Odén, A., et al. 2001. Ten year probabilities of osteoporotic fractures according to BMD and diagnostic thresholds. Osteoporos Int 12:989–995. Kanis, J.A., Johnell, O., Odén, A., et al. 2005c. Smoking and fracture risk: A meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int 16:155–162. Leslie, W.D., Metge, C., Salamon, E.A., et al. 2002. Bone mineral density testing in healthy postmenopausal women. The role of clinical risk factor assessment in determining fracture risk. J Clin Densitom 5:117–130.

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Part VI Conclusion

35 Promotion of Bone Gain

Nutrition and Bone Health and Prevention of Bone Loss across the Life Cycle John J.B. Anderson, Philip J. Klemmer, and Sanford C. Garner

CONTENTS Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 531 Effects of Dietary Calcium, Phosphate, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K on Skeletal Development and Maintenance.................................................................................................................... 532 Effects of Acid–Base Balance and Protein on Bone Development and Maintenance.................... 534 Effects of Other Micronutrients, Including Antioxidants, on Bone Development and Maintenance........................................................................................................................... 535 Physical Activity and Bone Development and Maintenance.......................................................... 536 Vascular Calcification in Late Life................................................................................................. 537 Conclusions..................................................................................................................................... 538 References....................................................................................................................................... 538

INTRODUCTION Healthy bone development and maintenance result primarily from good dietary intakes and regular physical activities throughout life. Overwhelmingly, the strict approach of dietary prevention of osteoporosis has involved supplementation with calcium and/or vitamin D, or a combination of the two micronutrients, as well as other nutrients or plant chemicals. A broad spectrum of supplements, including multiple micronutrients, has not been studied in prospective clinical trials for the prevention of osteoporosis. More recently, several reports have supported skeletal benefits of these supplements in older adults, primarily postmenopausal women, who were supplemented with one or another micronutrient, with soy isoflavones, and with small combinations of nutrients. Yet, a consensus of the skeletal benefits of both nutrients and non-nutrient plant molecules has not yet been established. Therefore, this chapter attempts to review a few of the nutritional issues that raise concerns about skeletal health, and it points to areas where further clinical investigation is needed. Environmental factors have been estimated to explain only about 15% to 50% of the variation of bone measurements (Ralston and Uitterlinden, 2010). Diet and physical activity, two major lifestyle factors, each make respective contributions of 7% to 25%, and of this percentage, diet may represent slightly less of a contribution than does physical activity, based on one meta-analysis (Welten et al., 1994). Therefore, the contribution of diet to bone health needs also to be considered along with physical activity and possibly other factors that impact positively or negatively on bone. 531


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TABLE 35.1 Optimal Nutrient Intakes for Bone Health across the Life Cycle • Optimal calcium intakes (from diet and any supplements) are recommended. A calcium intake, up to a total of 2500 mg/day, appears to be safe in most individuals; 2500 is the tolerable upper limit of safety for calcium. • Adequate vitamin D is essential for optimal calcium absorption, especially when calcium intake is below recommended levels. • Adequate intakes of vitamin K are recommended. • Phosphorus intakes in minimal amounts, that is, avoidance of foods processed with phosphate-containing salts, and limited intakes of phosphate-containing soft drinks. • Adequate intakes of other micronutrients, for example, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and others, are recommended. • Adequate intakes of macronutrients, including protein and omega-3 fatty acids from fish and plant oils. • Sufficient intakes of phytochemicals via foods (plants) rather than from supplements.

TABLE 35.2 Optimal Physical Activities for Bone Health across the Life Cycle • Aerobic activities, especially walking for older adults • Strength and weight-bearing activities • Isometric exercises

Only in recent decades has physical activity been recognized as a significant factor impacting favorably on bone development and growth in early life and helping to maintain bone during the later years of life. In fact, the quantitative benefit of activities that favorably affect bone health may be equal or even exceed the positive effects of a healthy diet. Bone health depends heavily on both regular physical activities and wholesome dietary intakes. This brief closing chapter highlights the effects of calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients on bone measurements, especially of older adults, and it also focuses on the prevention of osteoporotic fractures, especially those involving the proximal femur or hip, through healthy eating practices and regular physical activities and exercise early as well as in later life (Tables 35.1 and 35.2). The major issues of this review of the current state of bone research cover the topics calcium, phosphate, and vitamins D and K; acid–base balance, protein, and potassium; other micronutrients, including antioxidants; physical activity, and bone development and maintenance; and vascular calcification in late life.

EFFECTS OF DIETARY CALCIUM, PHOSPHATE, VITAMIN D, AND VITAMIN K ON SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE Peak bone mass in white females and males results from healthy diets that contain adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients. Paradoxically, peak bone mass in African American children may be achieved at calcium intake levels substantially lower than those of their white counterparts (see also Chapters 24 and 25). Limited understanding of the mechanism for black–white differences in skeletal accrual exists, but one likely hypothesis relates to a reduction in parathyroid hormone (PTH) action on bone. In this scenario, fewer remodeling cycles occur, and the bone tissue is able to incorporate more mineral in association with the matrix, and bone mass increases and becomes more dense (see Chapter 29).

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Supplement studies have shown that the gains of bone mass, that is, bone mineral content, of children are not maintained after the supplements are stopped and that bone losses may quickly offset the earlier gains (Slemenda et al., 1992; Lloyd et al., 1994) (see also Chapter 25). Supplementation alone may not be as effective in promoting gain in bone mass if the individual is already consuming an adequate amount of calcium, that is, near or above the recommended intake. The mechanism of increased bone mass by intake of calcium may partly result from suppression of PTH and the resulting decrease in the rate of bone remodeling that accompanies PTH suppression. Whites do not, however, obtain the same gains in bone mass and density as do blacks (see Chapter 29). Elevated phosphate intake has been proposed to have a negative effect on the maintenance of bone mass in adults, and it may also impact on skeletal growth and development. Absorbed phosphate ions have been shown to increase serum PTH concentrations in adults (see Chapters 9 and 26). Further long-term studies are needed to establish whether high consumption of phosphate contributes to chronic bone loss. With the new knowledge about the actions of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF 23) in reducing both renal tubular reabsorption and intestinal phosphate absorption of phosphate ions impacting on the actions of PTH, the role of phosphatonins in regulating renal phosphate reabsorption need to be considered alongside of calcium homeostasis and the maintenance of bone mineral density (BMD) in human subjects (Quarles, 2008). FGF 23 also reduces renal production of 1,25(OH)2vitamin D. If an elevated FGF 23 is indeed associated with cardiovascular diseases, especially in elderly subjects, then concentrations of this hormone may prove to be useful in the assessment of risks of cardiovascular disease as well as osteoporosis. The gains of BMD in postmenopausal women receiving a calcium supplement alone over a period of 2 years or more compared with those on placebo is small in those with good dietary calcium intakes (Riis et al., 1987). Skeletal benefits, including reduction of hip fractures, have been observed when calcium supplements have been administered with vitamin D (Chapuy et al., 1992; Dawson-Hughes et al., 1997). Whether vitamin K given along with vitamin D and calcium will provide any additional improvement of bone mass of older adults remains to be determined. Although men have been investigated less than women, older men may also require modest increments in the same three nutrients as do women for the maintenance of bone health late in life. In older individuals, calcium supplements are widely recommended by physicians for improving BMD. Concern has been raised that higher amounts of calcium from supplements may also increase the risk of arterial calcification among the elderly and those with reduced renal function. See below for further insight into this issue of arterial calcification and its increasing concern with prevalence in older adults. Vitamin D alone has little or no benefit for skeletal improvement in bone mineral measurements and reduction of fractures; calcium must be given along with vitamin D. Why supplements of vitamin D are administered along with calcium to achieve skeletal benefits, as long as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) is adequate, remains unclear. In one large population study in Australia, annual oral intakes of vitamin D (50,000 IU) actually increased falls and fractures in older women (Sanders et al., 2010). Calcium intakes of both the treatment group and the placebo group in this study were comparable. The vitamin D status, as indicated by serum 25OHD measurement, remains a physiological enigma. The 25OHD metabolite is not hormonally active, and it requires renal activation to form 1,25(OH)2D, the active hormonal form that facilitates intestinal calcium absorption by the small intestine at low calcium intakes and organic matrix formation in bone via osteoblasts. The serum 25OHD concentrations are an order of magnitude greater than serum 1,25(OH)2D. Furthermore, serum concentrations of 25OHD are never rate limiting in the enzymatic activation of renal 1-alpha-hydroxylase that generates 1,25(OH)2D. An increase in serum 25OHD, whether derived from skin biosynthesis or dietary sources, does not per se increase the synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D (see Chapter 10). The well-established definitions of true deficiency, insufficiency, and normal status of vitamin D by 25OHD cut points seem to be less meaningful unless dietary calcium intake is considered in conjunction with vitamin D status. Clearly, vitamin D is needed for skeletal health, but its beneficial effects on bone are derived from the combined intake of both calcium and


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vitamin D, whether from diet alone or from a combination of diet and supplements. Extraskeletal benefits of vitamin D, such as effects on muscle strength, are quite well established. Vitamin K supplementation to improve bone health is increasingly being recommended by investigators (see Chapter 12). In fact, vitamin K, vitamin D, and calcium as a supplemental package make considerable sense for older adults if dosages per day are not excessive. Besides vitamin K effects on the coagulation system, it also has other actions that favorably affect the health of the elderly. Several forms of vitamin K exist, but they all seem to act similarly, when taken in appropriate amounts, on bone and arteries. The protein formed by vitamin K–enzyme activation is matrix gla protein (MGP), also known as bone gla protein, and its function in bone matrix is thought to be the enhancement of calcification, that is, modification of soft bone tissue to hard bone. In arterial walls, the active form of MGP acts to block or slow calcification when the intake of vitamin K is adequate; if inadequate, high serum concentrations of the inactive form of MGP permit calcification in arterial walls. This view may be overly simplistic, but vitamin K deficiency seems to be at least one culprit in the arterial calcification process. Vitamin K and vitamin D, that is, the active form, may operate synergistically in cells to synthesize MGP, which improves bone health and inhibits, at least in part, calcification in arterial walls. Adequate dietary consumption of vitamin K supports the protective action of MGP in the arteries while promoting bone calcification, a process enhanced by sufficient intakes of both vitamin D and calcium. In summary, a healthy diet needs to supply these with all the nutrients in amounts required for bone growth and retention. If the typical diet does not meet these needs, nutrient supplements in appropriate doses—even possibly individualized in the future—become with may be required to fill in the gaps of inadequate intakes of specific nutrients, if bone health is to be optimally supported.

EFFECTS OF ACID–BASE BALANCE AND PROTEIN ON BONE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE The pH of extracellular fluids and blood is rigorously defended by the combined actions of the kidneys and lungs, as well as by interconnected buffer systems, which include the skeletal system. Each day, a 70-kg person generates approximately 70 mmol of hydrogen ions (H+) from food and metabolic pathways. In the face of this acid load, extracellular pH is maintained at the physiological level of 7.40 by means of extracellular bicarbonate and intracellular buffer systems, which are in equilibrium with each other and with the buffer system established within the bone envelope. The carbon dioxide generated by the union of protons (H+) and bicarbonate buffers is promptly discharged by the lungs by an immediate increase in the compensatory mechanism of the brain that responds by increasing the minute ventilatory volume. The brainstem regulates this ventilatory response by sensing small increases in H+ in the cerebrospinal fluid. Serum bicarbonate stores would rapidly be depleted if only this immediate short-term buffer system were operative. Fortunately, the distal tubule maintains bicarbonate homeostasis. The kidneys provide long-term acid–base homeostasis by actively secreting H+ and providing the regeneration of bicarbonate ions that were lost in the extracellular fluids in the formation of carbon dioxide and water. The distal renal tubule actively secretes H+ against an electrochemical gradient into the lumen where it combines with filtered buffers, chiefly HPO4=, to form titratable acid, that is, H2PO4−. Approximately 50% of the proton load each day, ~35 mmol, is excreted as titratable acidity. The remaining 35 mmol of H+ is excreted as urinary ammonium ions (NH4+). In contrast to this fixed titratable acid excretion (at maximum capacity), an extra acid load from dietary sources, that is, animal proteins, challenges the kidneys; the response is up to a 10-fold increase in NH4+ urinary excretion by the healthy kidneys above baseline. This enhanced capacity to excrete acid is diminished or lost in the presence of chronic kidney disease. Combined titratable acidity plus ammonium

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excretion (net acid excretion) not only facilitates H+ excretion (and balances pH in blood and other extracellular fluids), but it also enables the regeneration of sufficient quantities of bicarbonate ions that have been lost in the initial buffering of H+ in the extracellular compartments. The ability of the kidneys to adapt to variable H+ loads explains the tight regulation of arterial pH at 7.40 across lowacid vegetarian diets as well as higher acid diets containing meats, eggs, and dairy proteins. The urinary excretion of SO4=, derived from the oxidation of sulfur-containing amino acids, provides the majority of the acid load following consumption of animal proteins. The distal renal tubule responds to organic acid loads by increasing urinary calcium excretion or hypercalciuria. Because no compensatory increase in intestinal calcium absorption follows, large organic loads from diets rich in animal proteins have the potential for causing negative calcium balance. In growing children, the theoretical potential exists for poor skeletal growth because of hypercalciuria. In practice, growing children who consume adequate amounts of protein typically accrue bone in a healthy pattern and do not suffer from hypercalciuria. This issue, however, is of greater concern for postmenopausal women who ingest diets high in animal proteins but low in calcium. Generally, urinary calcium excretion increases exponentially with an increase in urine net acid excretion (Lemann et al., 2003). Very few studies have examined high-protein, low-calcium diets in osteoporotic patients. In contrast, patients with chronic kidney disease, an estimated 29 million Americans, have major defects in H+ excretion, which leads to excessive acid buffering in the skeleton and rarefaction of bone, that is, osteopenia or osteoporosis. Patients with impaired distal tubular H+ excretion may result in kidney stones in adults and growth retardation in children. The administration of alkali therapy, that is, bicarbonate, alleviates both maladies.

EFFECTS OF OTHER MICRONUTRIENTS, INCLUDING ANTIOXIDANTS, ON BONE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE Adequate nutrition plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis; the nutrients of greatest importance are calcium and vitamin D, but a number of micronutrients, both minerals and vitamins, also may impact bone health either positively or negatively. These include vitamin A (Chapter 11), vitamin C (Chapter 14), iron (Chapter 13), copper (Chapters 13 and 14), and omega-3 fatty acids (Chapter 16). Vitamin A and its associated forms (retinol, retinyl esters, retinal, and retinoic acids) are a family of essential, fat-soluble, diet-derived compounds that support vision, reproduction, cell differentiation, immune system regulation, and bone growth (see Chapter 11). In general prospective studies in humans indicated that excessive intake of vitamin A is associated with increased risk of fracture, but the level of intake at which the fracture risk increases has not yet been determined. Although vitamin A intakes slightly above the Dietary Reference Intake have been shown to be associated with reduced bone density and increased risk of hip fractures, the provitamin A precursor betacarotene has not been shown to cause bone toxicity in either humans or laboratory animals. Vitamin A (retinol acting through retinoic acid) has been demonstrated in many animal studies to cause adverse effects on the skeleton through increased bone resorption and decreased bone formation. Vitamin A has little or no effect, however, on mineralization in either humans or animals. High vitamin A intakes in humans were shown to increase the size of osteocyte lacunae and the area of resorptive surfaces. Vitamin C and the trace elements iron and copper are required for collagen formation and maturation. Vitamin C (Chapter 14) is an essential cofactor for collagen formation and synthesis of the modified amino acids, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. Some evidence supports an association between vitamin C and bone mass, with low vitamin C intakes being associated with a faster rate of bone loss. The underlying mechanisms by which iron and copper deficiency could affect bone strength are not known but most likely relate the role of these elements in collagen synthesis and cross-linking. Copper has a role in collagen formation as part of the enzyme lysyl oxidase (a


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cuproenzyme), which is the rate-limiting enzyme in collagen strengthening. Iron (ferrous) ions also play an essential role in hydroxylation reactions essential to collagen maturation and cross-linking together with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), molecular oxygen, and α-ketoglutarate. Prolyl hydroxylase catalyzes formation of hydroxyproline from proline, and lysyl hydroxylase catalyzes hydroxylation of lysine. A lack of lysine–hydroxylysine cross-linking weakens collagen. BMD and content measured by DXA have been reported to decrease in both humans and animals with iron deficiency. One study of female military recruits reported an increase in the incidence of stress fractures in iron-deficient recruit compared with those who were iron replete (Moran et al., 2008). In addition, some, but not all, animal studies of iron deficiency have demonstrated decreased femoral breaking strength, smaller cortical areas, and larger medullary areas. Other micronutrients with impacts on bone quality include the B vitamins; sodium, magnesium, and fluoride; and the trace elements boron, zinc, and silicon (Chapter 14). These micronutrients affect bone health in different ways. Sodium increases calcium excretion by the kidney; and higher salt intake has been shown to be related to increased circulating PTH and greater rates of bone resorption in postmenopausal women. Some evidence supports a positive relationship between BMD and magnesium intake, but little evidence suggests that magnesium is needed to prevent osteoporosis. Fluoride ions interact with mineralized tissue in a number of ways, including incorporation into the chemical structure of hydroxyapatite bone mineral, mainly at the crystal surfaces, but fluoride dietary supplements at 1 ppm do not appear to benefit skeletal health in adults. Three B vitamin (folate, B12, or B6) deficiencies can increase serum hom*ocysteine, which has been linked to hip fracture in older men and women. However, the association of low BMD or osteoporosis with low intakes of vitamin B12 might simply reflect overall poor nutrition (DhonuksheRutten et al., 2003; Tucker et al., 2005), which could contribute to the risk of fracture. Although boron and zinc have been suggested to affect bone health, little evidence exists that links intake of these elements with osteoporosis. A role for silicon in bone health has been proposed, but the biological mechanism is not known. An effect of silicon on collagen has been proposed, but little supporting data exist. Evidence is now accumulating to support a role for omega-3 fatty acids in modulating interactions between muscle and bone in the development and maintenance of bone health (Chapter 16). Muscle and bone interact in ways that determine the development and maintenance, that is, modeling and remodeling, of the skeleton. The strain produced by muscles on long bones to which they are attached controls the shape and density of the bones. Muscle loss is followed by osteopenia at all ages. Evidence from a number of studies supports a role for lipids in development and maintenance of bone mass. Although omega-6 fatty polyunsaturated acids (PFAs) have a potential negative effect on bone, the omega-3 fatty acids (e.g., DHA and EPA) increase bone formation in growing rodents, perhaps by lowering levels of PGE2. In addition, the omega-3 PFA DHA attenuates loss of bone and muscle mass associated with skeletal unloading in rodent models. Omega-3 PFAs have been shown to reduce the loss of muscle in cancer patients (cachexia) and in advanced aging, and they support bone growth directly. The endocannabinoid system, which consists of endogenous arachidonic-acid-derived ligands for the G-protein-coupled receptors, is also involved in bone cell differentiation and mature functioning of the skeletal system.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND BONE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE Physical activities, including different types of programmed exercises, have been experimentally found to be positively associated with increases in bone density and improvements of bone structure and microarchitectural quality. What has not been so clear from the reported studies is the long-term sustainability of exercise-induced gains in bone mass and structure into late life. Several chapters in this book (Chapters 5, 21, 22, 23, and 32) provide careful and detailed reviews relating exercise or exercise and diet to bone health.

Nutrition and Bone Health


Another recent review supports the long-term benefits of moderate exercise during growth early in life on the adult skeleton (Karlsson et al., 2008). The retention of these gains from exercises during adulthood, however, is only partial during late life when elders are no longer engaged in their physical activities. So, the take-home message is that moderate activities of some type must be continued throughout life to maintain bone mass and quality as optimally as possible, even if some loss of bone mass does occur in late life, and such physical activity should greatly help prevent fractures (Table 35.2). Cessation of such usual activities definitely leads to bone loss and increased risk of fracture. Diet–exercise interactions also influence bone development and maintenance. Optimal intakes of the bone-building nutrients, energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins support growth, but modestly lower intakes than optimal intakes coupled with regular physical activity may also contribute sufficiently to bone development and maintenance. Although research has focused in any depth on only a few of the essential nutrients, results suggest that calcium is more efficiently utilized by the skeleton by active children during the growth years and also during adulthood. Protein also needs to be consumed, along with energy, in reasonable amounts for the development of the bone matrix. Exercise intervention studies that target two of the following, that is, strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance, have resulted in reductions in both the risk of falls and the annual rate of falls that lead to fractures (Gillespie et al., 2009). In summary, exercise programs, including sports activities and dance, have robust effects on the gains of bone mass starting early in childhood through adolescence, the consolidation of bone during the early adult decades, and the maintenance of bone during the later adult years. Also, regular activities are considered to improve bone strength and microarchitectural structure of bone. The net effect of such activities in the elderly is reductions in falls and fractures. Additional prospective randomized controlled trials are needed to determine which types of activities provide the biggest benefits during late adulthood and delay or reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

VASCULAR CALCIFICATION IN LATE LIFE In 1863 at Charitie Hospital in Berlin, Virchow first reported the presence of calcium salts and, less often, fully formed bone within arteries and heart valves in autopsy cases. The physiological basis for this pathological observation remained an enigma for almost the next 130 years until Demer and colleagues (Bostrom et al., 1993) identified in these lesions the presence of osteogenic transcription factors and components of bone osteoid (organic matrix) in the subintimal calcifications of patients with atherosclerosis. Prior to this seminal study, vascular calcification was regarded as a passive response to injury rather than an actively regulated process resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis. Arterial stiffening was associated with the calcification (see also Chapters 33 and 8). In recent years, investigations have been undertaken to identify the factors which may promote or inhibit arterial calcification. For example, in the population suffering from advanced kidney disease (CKD Stages 4 and 5), hyperphosphatemia has been linked to quantitative measurements of arterial calcification (Blacher et al., 1999). In addition, Giachelli and colleagues (2001) have identified a cellular mechanism by which hyperphosphatemia may promote the phenotypic transformation of arterial smooth muscle cells into bone-forming osteoblastic cells. Several controlled experimental studies (Chertow et al., 2002; Block et al., 2005) in dialysis patients have suggested that calcium loading may also contribute to vascular calcification and cardiovascular events in CKD patients. In the general elderly population, many individuals have CKD without being aware that either hyperphosphatemia or calcium loading may be contributing to their decline in cardiovascular health. The traditional Framingham risk factors for CVDs, that is, smoking, diabetes mellitus type2, lipid abnormalities, hypertension, and physical inactivity, may also be contributing to the promotion of arterial calcification. Because of cost and concerns about radiation exposure, quantitative measurement of coronary artery calcification (CAC) by means of computerized tomography is unlikely to become a commonly


Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health

available clinical tool for further identifying CVD risk or for monitoring the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. As a research tool, however, quantitative measurement of the CAC score provides a rich database for population-based studies of late-life calcification. In elderly populations, many unanswered questions remain regarding the physiological basis for the inverse relationship between BMD and measures of arterial calcification. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol has been proposed as a possible mediator of both osteopenia and vascular calcification in patients not suffering from renal disease (Demer, 2002). Further research using randomized controlled trials or prospective designs is needed to establish the optimal range of total calcium intakes that have the least effect on the arterial calcification process but will support healthy bone remodeling in late life. This important public health question deserves greater attention in the future as many populations across much of the world are aging out.

CONCLUSIONS The best prevention against osteoporotic fractures is to build an optimal skeletal mass, containing strong microarchitectural components in both trabecular and compact bone tissues, during the preadolescent and adolescent years, that is, peak bone mass during the growth years, and then maintain the amassed bone tissue through good dietary and health practices during the remainder of life. Finally, excessive supplemental intakes of calcium and perhaps vitamin D by elderly individuals may not improve bone mass or density, unless individuals have clinically established insufficient or deficient intakes of one or more of the major bone-supportive nutrients. On the other hand, excessive intakes of calcium and perhaps vitamin D, especially when coupled with reduced renal function, may contribute to increases in arterial calcification throughout the body, a relatively newly recognized adverse effect of excessive calcium from foods and supplements and from unhealthy dietary practices that contribute to atherosclerosis. Many questions and uncertainties remain about the specific dietary and exercise effects on skeletal development and maintenance. The impacts of modern genetics, especially of epigenetics, should help further understandings of this complex array of factors that influence the skeleton at all stages of life. Overall bone health typically accompanies skeletal muscle mass so that the linkages of the skeletal and muscle systems hold hidden keys to preventing or delaying bone loss late in life and forestalling fractures.

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Nutrition and Bone Health


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HEALTH Edited by

John J.B. Anderson, Sanford C. Garner, and Philip J. Klemmer Squarely in the sights of health professionals as well as the general public, information linking diet to bone health—and our understanding of this information—has rapidly evolved. Diet, Nutrients, and Bone Health details the latest advances relating diet, dietary patterns, and specific nutrients to overall bone health throughout the life cycle. With contributions from experts in the areas of nutrition, bone function, and medicine, chapters include research on a variety of bone-related topics including • Effects of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants • The importance of calcium and vitamin D • Dietary requirements, physical exercise, and bioactive hormones • Lifestyle and effects throughout the life cycle • The role of nutrients in skeletal development and maintenance • Race and ethnicity as factors in bone health • Prevention of bone diseases including osteopenia and osteoporosis This comprehensive reference presents recent advances in research findings and examines the resulting new schools of thought on the physiology of human bone and the diet–bone linkage. It provides a one-stop information source on other nutrients and bioactive food components that function in metabolic roles supporting bone accretion and affecting bone loss under physiological and pathological conditions. K11029

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What drink is good for bone repair? ›

Green juice is also packed with vitamin C, which helps form collagen to assist in strengthening bones. You can even juice romaine lettuce, kale, collard greens, and cilantro.

What is the best protein to restore bone density? ›

The best choices include plant proteins, such as beans and nuts, as well as fish, skinless poultry and lean cuts of meat. Plant proteins are rich in vitamins, minerals and estrogenlike plant compounds that help preserve bone. Low-fat dairy products, including milk and plain yogurt, are another good source of protein.

What is the best drink for bone density? ›

To help prevent osteoporosis, instead sip these drinks:
  • 8 ounces of orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
  • A mixture of fortified orange juice and seltzer or club soda that's free of phosphoric acid.
Aug 31, 2023

What are 6 foods that strengthen your bones? ›

Good-for-Your-Bones Foods

Some dairy products are fortified with Vitamin D. Collard greens, turnip greens, kale, okra, Chinese cabbage, dandelion greens, mustard greens and broccoli. Spinach, beet greens, okra, tomato products, artichokes, plantains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, collard greens, prunes and raisins.

What heals bones the fastest? ›

Take Dietary Supplements

Calcium supplements can help repair damaged bones while strengthening them. In addition, vitamin supplements containing vitamin C, D and K can help bones heal faster.

What is the best breakfast for people with osteoporosis? ›

For a bone-healthy breakfast, use steel-cut oats as the base of your breakfast bowl, add a layer of Greek yogurt for some creamy goodness, and pair oats with fresh fruits. Making overnight oats is another great way to enjoy oats. You can prepare breakfast the night before or even days in advance.

What should you not drink if you have osteoporosis? ›

But you should limit foods and drinks that can impact your bone density, like high-sodium foods, caffeine, soda, and alcohol.

What foods block calcium absorption? ›

Certain fibers, such as wheat bran, and foods with oxalic acid (spinach and rhubarb) can bind with calcium and prevent it from being absorbed. This is why leafy greens are not considered an adequate source of calcium by themselves, because your body is unable to utilize much of the calcium they contain.

Are scrambled eggs good for osteoporosis? ›

New research has found a link between eating eggs and improved bone density, which indicates a lower risk of osteoporosis. Egg consumption could improve the body's production of a specific enzyme that leads to stronger bones, experts said.

Does apple cider vinegar increase bone density? ›

ACV is high acidic. Straight ACV could damage tooth enamel or the tissues of the mouth and throat. Long term ingestion of excessive amounts (>1-2 tablespoons in an 8-ounce glass of water) of even diluted ACV can cause low potassium levels and lower bone density.

How can I get 1200 mg of calcium a day from food? ›

It is possible to get this amount purely through what you eat and drink. Food products that are particularly high in calcium include cow's milk, yogurt, cheeses like Gouda and Emmental cheese, green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, as well as calcium-rich mineral water (with more than 150 mg calcium per liter).

What is the super food for bones? ›

One great choice: dark leafy greens such as bok choy, Chinese cabbage, kale, collard greens, and turnip greens. One cup of cooked turnip greens has about 200 milligrams of calcium (20% of your daily goal). On top of that, dark greens also have vitamin K, which can reduce your risk for osteoporosis.

Is banana good for bones? ›

In fact, bananas, rich in potassium, may benefit bone health by helping to conserve calcium, crucial for strong bones. Other banana nutrients like magnesium and vitamin C play significant roles in bone mineralization and collagen synthesis, respectively, further supporting bone health.

Can you build bone density after 60? ›

However, making lifestyle changes can help increase bone density after age 60. Exercise regularly, focusing on strength training and weight-bearing exercises. Maintain a healthy weight, and make sure your diet has plenty of calcium, vitamin D, and protein.

How can I make my bones strong again? ›

10 Ways to Keep Your Bones Healthy
  1. Eat Your Veggies. ...
  2. Do Strength Training and Weight-Bearing Exercises. ...
  3. Consume Enough Protein. ...
  4. Eat High-Calcium Foods. ...
  5. Get Plenty of Vitamins D and K. ...
  6. Avoid Very Low-Calorie Diets. ...
  7. Consider Collagen. ...
  8. Maintain a Stable, Healthy Weight.
Dec 26, 2021

Which juice is best for bone fracture? ›

Vitamin C. A key player in the production of collagen is essential to bone healing. Good sources of Vitamin C include Lemon, Oranges, Mausami, Papaya, Tomato, Guava, and Raw amla juice to name a few.

What stimulates bone repair? ›

Electronic and Ultrasonic Bone Stimulation

Your doctor may recommend a technique called bone stimulation, which uses either a low-level electric current or low-intensity pulsed ultrasound to help speed the rate of bone healing. It is administered at the doctor's office or at NYU Langone's Bone Healing Center.

Which juice is best for bones and joints? ›

7 healthy drinks for strong bones
  • 2/9. ​Daily requirements of calcium and vitamin D. ...
  • 3/9. ​Milk. ...
  • 4/9. ​Soy Milk. ...
  • 5/9. Green Smoothie. ...
  • 6/9. ​Broccoli Juice. ...
  • 7/9. ​Orange Juice. ...
  • 8/9. ​Green Tea. ...
  • 9/9. ​Bone Broth. Bone broth is full of vital minerals, including calcium and magnesium.
Dec 12, 2023


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